The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 342: Zhaowen said, Xi died.

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"The power of mystery?"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, but Xiao Yijue didn't expect that it was hiding such terrifying power.

No matter how long Xiao Yijue's life can burn, it is undoubtedly that now he is equivalent to the strength of half a fairy. Between raising your hand and throwing your feet, you can condense the huge force of heaven and earth, and actually make the entire Huashan tremble violently.

At this time, Xiao Yijue actually started to turn to defend and attacked Ye Chen.

Qin Hongshuang and others also changed their colors, showing anxiety on their faces.

"Life geometry?!"

In an instant, Xiao Yijue drew a sword, even splitting the entire rain curtain in half. The mighty sword gas, which traverses a hundred feet and is one or two hundred meters long, is actually a vacuum zone formed, which is infinitely powerful.

In the face of Xiao Yi's third-style swordsmanship with the power of Xuanxian, Ye Chen's expression was calm, and he said lightly: "Life is not a snap, it must be between the moments."

Answering this, his true element was surging like raging waves, his robe agitated, and he punched in the air. A fierce impact on this sword across the world. Xiao Yi never moved, and Ye Chen was beaten backwards by this finger.

The eyes of everyone suddenly lighted up, and this was the first time the two sides met, Ye Chen fell into the downwind for the first time!

Although he answered Xiao Yijue's question, he was still in a pure power confrontation and fell into the inferior position, which means that defeating this incomparable guy is definitely not just talking.

"Good, good, good!"

Although Ye Chen fell into the downwind, he was not surprised but rejoiced. He laughed: "A good Xiao Yijue, asking swordsmanship this day, even if it comes from the Star Evil Sword Spectrum, it won't be too much!"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked. Ye Chen had obtained the secret treasure of the old Xingxie. It was no longer a secret. It was only after he said this that he was more persuasive.

Even Xiao Yijie's face showed a rare smile. Obviously Ye Chen's praise was more useful than the praise of thousands of people.

"Come again!"

Although saying so, Ye Chen was not afraid, and his figure soared and continued to rush up.

Xiao Yi has no expression on his face. He dances Haotian sword in his right hand, but shoots fierce sword gas in his left hand, while his left and right hands dance at the same time. There are countless fierce sword gas burst out suddenly, trapping Ye Chen in it.

"How happy is life? Why is it hard to die?"

"The elder Xingxie thousands of years ago, I am afraid it is only so elegant."

Seeing Xiao Yi's absolute white clothes like snow and wielding sword like wind, many gods could not help but praise.

Many warriors were also dazzled and stunned. If Ye Chen is the limit of humanity, Xiao Yi is like a real fairy. The power of man is poor, and the power of heaven and earth is infinite. No matter how strong Ye Chen is, how can he stop Xiao Yi?

But trusting Ye Chen to the almost blind Sayuri Aokawa, could not help worrying.

However, Ye Chen was still indifferent, calmly speaking: "Life, joy and joy; death, hate and suffering."

He said this, with one move, the original water **** sword was already formed, and the sword gas prison was split open in an instant, but at this time, Xiao Yijie had already pinched the sword.

In the middle of the air, countless rain curtains turned into thousands of swords.

This time, the sword had 90,000 handles. Like the guns and rain, Ye Chen was overwhelmed. The power of this blow is more than several times stronger than before. But Ye Chen stood in the void, shining and unavoidable. With his powerful body protector Zhenyuan, he even carried countless water swords.

"Swoosh swoosh--!"

A series of water swords impacted on the real body of the body, bursting into the water mist.

Ye Chen didn't care, sneered at Xiao Yi, who said: "The power of heaven and earth, how can you control your ordinary body. With such a squandering power, how long can you support at most? One hour, half an hour? You were originally The peak of the **** realm, there are hundreds of years of life, but if you are so profligate, I am afraid that you will not survive today."

Ye Chen certainly knows such things as life burning, but it is something he disdains to use at all. If he wants to explode power in a short time, there are countless magical powers. This so-called life burning is the least efficient and costly. The biggest one.

However, the power that Xiao Yijie exploded at this time was actually real. In Ye Chen's eyes, Xiao Yijie's power should have reached the outing stage long ago, but the realm could not be raised.

The doorway that Xiao Yi touched for a long time has already achieved Xuan Xian's state of mind. However, the cultivation environment of the earth is too exhausted to support Xiao Yijue's cultivation into Xuan Xian, not to mention Jin Dan.

So let him retreat hard for nearly a hundred years, but the true flesh and soul can't be transformed into the body of Jindan. There is no body of Jindan, Jindan Zhenyuan, Jindan magical power. What kind of Jindan is it, let alone a trick above it? Xiao Yi absolutely used the power of heaven and earth to control the power of Xuanxian with the power of divine realm. Even though the state of mind can bear it, the flesh cannot bear it at all.

Originally, it still has a life span of hundreds of years, but under the double squeeze of life burning and overload, it takes less than an hour to collapse into flesh.

"Chaowen said, Xi is dead." Xiao Yijue said calmly, his two temples had gradually become pale, his original crystal clear skin began to loose, and the whole person began to show the old man's appearance.

But his eyes became sharper, the power of mobilization was even greater, and the vitality of the world within a few square meters began to boil.

"Okay, a good one, but for the sake of swords, grace and decency, and only people like you who are in the same state of mind, are worthy of the sword god.

Ye Chen said this, the light in his eyes shone more and more, and shouted: "Since that is the case, let me go all out to respond to your determination!"


In this way, Ye Chen's body suddenly began to change drastically. The roar of the Yangtze River and the big rivers came from his body, and all the internal organs began to emit blue light. The skin was crystal clear, like a sapphire, and the whole person was like the sound of moonlight.

And the surging real element is separated from the outside body, and all the rain curtains within a ten feet radius are completely discharged. The mighty thoughts came out through the body and began to compete with Xiao Yi for control of the world.

Sea Emperor's glass body, now!

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the people watching the battle were also condensed. They knew that the real victory and defeat will begin...


Although there was a feverish look on his face, Ye Chen's eyes flashed deep vigilance. Although Xiao Yijue’s life span is less than an hour, he can unscrupulously exert the destructive power of Xuan Xian Realm.

In spite of this Xuan Xian, there is no magical magic weapon for those who are out of the Qiao period, no strong cross bodies, and no Xuan Xian's mighty spirit.

But after all, he was Xuan Xian, accounting for the word "Xian".

Many martial arts, no matter how powerful they are, how high the title is, but they are ultimately in the category of "human", and Xuan Xian... in essence, is no longer human.

It's... a true god!

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