The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 335: Legendary debut

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The Dragon Guard is the most elite special force in China. It is the sword that Dragon can rely on to suppress the world.

Through these spirited warriors, Qin Shuhuan saw many strange-shaped people sitting or standing in the jungle on both sides of the mountain road.

They have a thin, skinny yoga guru; there are men who are more than two meters tall and as strong as black bears; they have blonde hair and there is an invisible dark master who walks; there is walking like the wind, standing proudly like green pines The master of martial arts...

This group of people, with their eyes full of electricity and strict temperament, are all strong and well-known surnames.

These strong men are well-known in the martial arts world, the magic world, the underground world... Just take out one, it is enough to dominate the side, some people's strength is not inferior to the head of the three schools and four schools.

But at this time, they were all cleverly staying in the mountains and daring not to be arrogant.

"The power of these people represents half of the underground world. If added together, it is enough to destroy a country." Qin Slong said calmly.

Qin Zhiqiang, Qin Shuhuan and others were heavy in their hearts, and it was only then that they could experience Ye Chen’s monstrous power. A battle of others can attract the attention of half the world. These unruly, brave and invincible strongmen, and even the three other big families of Yanjing, are not necessarily in the eyes. At this time, they are cleverly standing, apparently they are afraid of the two who are about to fight.

Outside the summit of Huashan Mountain, there are several vice peaks.

Qin Silong and others set foot on a mountain farthest from the top of Huashan Mountain. It is not just him here. The wealthy people such as Liu Family and Xu Family also stood here.

This is not to say that they have the lowest status, so they can only watch it here, but because this group of people has nothing to do, they can only watch the battle on the farthest side peak, so as not to be affected.

Many of them have had little contact with the martial arts world in their lives, and some of them began to talk lavishly:

"What Xiao Yijue and Ye Chen, I think are deceptive. Now that the great powers are in the world, the technology is developed, how powerful are the military and thermal weapons? They are all 2019, and what other gods and mysteries are discussed, is it a joke?"

A frivolous man shook his head and looked awesome.

Qin Shuhuan knew that the man's name was Zhang Ziyi, and the Zhang family was in Yanjing. It was also a second-line family, with billions of dollars. However, the newcomers who belong to the circle do not have a deep background and do not know the horror of the warriors.

"It's not bad, Brother Zhang is right. Modern technology is so advanced, humans are all on the moon of Mars. They are all in a modern society, and what kind of gods and mysteries are pure feudal superstitions," another youth said. .

This guy is purely a third-line celebrity, he is now speaking, just to please Zhang Ziyi.

Listening to these second- and third-line family members, each of them talked and pointed at each other, and did not take the warring parties into consideration. Qin Shuhuan shook his head involuntarily.

"A group of **** that has never seen a real dragon is a big word here. There is no details, and I don't know the depth. These families can't become big weapons after all."

"Actually let me say that Xiao Yijue's reputation is also a reputation. What Yanjing Xiao's family, I haven't seen them shot in decades, also known as the sword god, just to put gold on his face..."

When Zhang Ziyi was spitting, he only listened and thundered.

From beyond the sky, a golden rush came. The golden light is like a sword, traversing the sky and shooting in the air, showing a whole body of gold, like a man smeared with gold powder, wearing a golden robe and holding a golden scepter in his hand.

The man stood in mid-air, the light on his body shone through the peaks, like a **** in the sky. Even the surrounding forests were bent slightly by the pressure of his body.


Not only Zhang Ziyi, but other members of the second- and third-tier families, their direct eyes are stupid, like ghosts and ghosts.

They are just a group of mortals. At most, they have seen a handful of warriors who smashed blue stone plates, or river and lake warlocks who knew some tricks. When can I see this golden man like a man, overriding the sky and imposing?

"Is this the power of God Realm?"

It is the top big families such as the Qin family and the Liu family, and their faces also changed wildly at this time.

No one has ever seen Divine Realm's shot and can never imagine the power of Divine Realm. It was looking down on all living beings, like a god's mansion that dwells for nine days. In the eyes of God Realm, human beings are just like ants.

"The God Realm is already so powerful. How can Ye Chen and Xiao Yijue, who surpassed the gods and even touched the threshold of the Xuanxian, swallow the world?"

Everyone dare not imagine.

Qin Shuhuan even had deep jealousy in his eyes. Why didn't he have the chance to practice martial arts?

Regardless of the ordinary people, there are no real people, the golden man appeared, and suddenly many powerful people changed their colors.

"It is the high priest of Eaton in Egypt. According to legend, he served the last pharaoh, Emhotip. It should be said that it should have been turned into dust, and I didn't expect it to appear today."

The high priest of Eaton was a great figure when the gods and demons were standing together. It was said that he once slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people in Egypt and blood pharaoh. Later, it was suppressed by the Holy See, but I did not expect it to appear again at this time. And it seems that the strength has advanced, I am afraid that it has reached the high level of the **** realm.

And his arrival is just the beginning.

Immediately afterwards, a bright Buddha light suddenly appeared. In the light, a monk with a calm expression and suitable palms appeared. He just sat on the lotus platform, which made people have an urge to worship.

It was the Living Sun Buddha at Shaolin Temple. Ye Chen killed his disciples, and should he come to get revenge?

Many people have speculated that the expression is somewhat gloating.

After the Living Buddha of Langri, black awns, blood and green rainbows gathered from all directions.

Many gods, eight immortals cross the sea, each showing their magical powers. There are old men with thin clouds and closed eyes riding on fog; some brave scared scared men with giant faces riding a giant wolf leap across thousands of meters of mountain peaks; and even pirates on a pirate ship traveling straight in the sea of ​​clouds and laughing haughtily ...Many **** realms, even unheard of, are old monsters hidden around the world. They were born in order to witness the battle of Xuanxian.

Those high-ranking people who were high on weekdays only deeply felt that they knew that they were small, and even the hearts of their owners raised deep fears.

"Xiao Yijue and Ye Chen, why haven't they come yet?" After about a dozen gods arrived, the fierce fighting wolf king couldn't help but frown.

A giant wolf, more than five meters high, seated in his throat, a lot of noise in his throat, and a green light flashed in his eyes, as if he were going to choose someone to eat it.

But at this moment, a figure wrapped in a black robe suddenly appeared in mid-air, suddenly attracting everyone to exclaim.

"Cardinal in Black!"

"How could the Blood Alliance come here?"

"Which one is coming?"


The black shadow ignored the opinions of everyone, and directly clenched his fists to the top of Huashan Mountain: "Blood Alliance, Joyce Taylor, met Mr. Xiao."


Everyone took a breath, the Archbishop in Black, Joyce Taylor! When the blood demon is asleep, he is almost equal to the blood affair!

For a time, the crowd could not help but have the urge to run, and the blood league's notoriety was really terrifying.

But at this moment, a cold hum rang out: "The defeated men, are you still here to die?"

With the clear voice coming out, the clouds on the top of Huashan Mountain were instantly blown away by a clear breeze, exposing the scenery above.

Everyone was horrified. I only saw a handsome white man in his thirties sitting on the top of Huashan, and beside him, there were countless swords...

It turned out that Xiao Yijue had been waiting at the top of Huashan Mountain?

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