The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 327: It's over

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How strong is Ye Chen?

Everyone frowned and thought hard, but couldn't get an answer at all, and if they let them know that Ye Chen hadn't exerted their full strength at this time, I'm afraid they would faint.

In fact, Ye Chen at this time, purely relying on the indomitable sea Emperor's glazed body to fight, did not use any trace of mana.


In the boiling ocean of inner strength, and the astronomical attack, Ye Chen's figure flickered, directly crashing into the void, and even smashed the Xiaofu's guard circle into a big hole. At this time, he already showed the blue-haired body of the glazed glass, absorbing infinite energy. Countless palm winds, sword qi, knife wheels... whistled, but it was not even three feet away from Ye Chen, and was ejected out of thin air.

In the terrified eyes of everyone, Ye Chen turned up against the trend, rammed into a long rainbow like a train, and crashed into the ocean of energy.


The colorful boiling internal force ocean was born into flesh by Ye Chen, and hit a long heavenly avenue, and he saw that he was like a god, and he was not afraid of any attack at all. He instantly broke through the tide of energy and came to the martial body. before.

"not good!"

At this time, even Xiao Fudu's pupils contracted. Other martial arts, their face turned to the extreme. No one expected that Ye Chen's flesh would be so strong.

"Boom Boom--!"

In an instant, Ye Chen collided with seven or eight martial saints. These even include the hidden Xiao Fu. But any Wu Sheng, in the face of Ye Chen's strong physical body and infinite strange power, suffered a lot.

Most of the people were hit by Ye Chen's volley backwards. One of them was weaker, and even was hit by Ye Chen's volley.

"A strong body, even if it was the Western Region demon slain by the master, his King Kong is not so bad. It is not so exaggerated."

Even Xiao Fu, retreated dozens of feet when the air storm, terrified. He Xiuwei has already entered a half-step divine state, otherwise how could he claim to be comparable to Qiu Lingyun. But at this moment, in the face of Ye Chen's tremendous strength, he felt like a tribute.

Xiaofu’s **** of the Qin Qin is famous for its majesty and grandeur, but Xiaofu is so inclined that he cannot even take Ye Chen’s blow.

"Come again!"

Ye Chen laughed and arrogantly frantic, he was like a **** in the world, like a tiger rushed into the flock and rushed in front of everyone. With one punch and one kick, a Wu Sheng who smashed his blood backwards.


Yi Tianjian, the ancestor of the love ancestor, was directly smashed by Ye Chen, spitting blood in his mouth, backing up more than 100 meters, and almost sitting down on the ground.

"You are too weak."

Ye Chen flicked his fingers and knocked the circle back. Then he collided with Xiao Fu three times in a row. Xiao Fu lost his opponent again, his whole body rolled unsteadily, retreated to the back of the battle, screaming while adjusting his breath:

"Set up, don't do it alone!"

As early as when it was negotiated to join hands against Ye Chen, this group of people had already jointly played a set of eight wilderness and six together. At this time, they each had a fixed side, and their breath was connected. Every time they shot, there were two or three people at the same time. The martial arts teamed up, the power surged, and each blow was comparable to the half-step **** realm.

"Even if the ants are hugged, they are nothing but ants."

Ye Chen shook his head and sneered. He punched and kicked like a wild beast. His strength was extremely strong. He saw the sound of rolling thunder in the void, like a sky dragon, and it was daunting.

In an instant, Ye Chen and the eight Wu Sheng successively fought each other. Even if the martial arts teamed up, they were all swayed by Ye Chenzhen's blood, and all of them were shaken. Even the bones in the body were shaken by it, and they felt like they were shaken apart.

"What kind of exercises does this guy practice, how can he feel a brute force, more exaggerated than God Realm?"

Everyone looked at each other horrifiedly. Although China has not been a strong man of the gods for hundreds of years, hundreds of years ago, the days of arrogance and arrogance of warriors, after all, still left a record of classic books.

It stands to reason that in addition to the peerless genius, the ordinary Wushen is undefeated in the face of three martial saints at the same time, and can slightly prevail in the face of four martial saints, while five have no chance of winning.

Today, there are eight martial priests here. Even if the eight pigs were put there to slaughter you, would you have to sweat them out? Why is this Ye Chen still so calm and calm, not even breathing at all?

In the end, the eight Wu Shengqi worked together, countless internal forces of light, united into one, and the power was terrifying. This is where the true divine realm has to retreat by three points.

But Ye Chen still just raised his fist and punched it!


I saw the void explode, the sun and the moon tumbling, and countless true energy internal forces, like a gigantic wave, spread out in all directions. One after another, the surrounding void was blocked, and the formation of the Xiaofu Hufu Formation on the battlefield was turbulent. Even the Six Swords of Canglong, who controlled the magic circle, were shaken with blood and blood.

As for the eight martial saints, they were directly repelled by volleys like cannonballs, and blood sputtered wildly.

Cultivated as the weakest celestial star, although it is a two-day rest of martial arts, but at this time it is not useful at all, it can’t bear the terrifying power at all, and even the meridians explode inch by inch, although two consecutive healing spirits are swallowed. Dan, but his breath is still in decline. He is obviously hit hard.


Everyone was terrified in their hearts. At this moment, it was Xiao Fu's heart that couldn't stop the waves of the sky, but I didn't expect Ye Chen to be so strong.

"It's over."

Ye Chen shook his head, his face showing disdain.

According to his cultivation practice now, these so-called sacred domain powerhouses simply cannot attract Ye Chen's attention. That is, Xiao Fu, barely able to pass both hands, but not much stronger than Qiu Lingyun, not to mention Qiu Lingyun's undefeated beliefs and thunder and thunder, and the fighting power is more than weak.

In this way, Ye Chen suddenly lost his interest in the expression with a lost interest, and disappeared into the air.

"Be careful!"

Xiao Fu's face changed, but he only had time to remind him that he saw a Wu Sheng's flesh, which was directly hit by air, just like being hit by a train, blood spewed out. Although he forcibly flashed the key point and escaped at a crucial moment, he still looked extremely extreme.


At this time, the sound rang, Ye Chen's figure appeared 100 meters away from the Wu Sheng. He just punched a punch and struck a Wu Sheng.

"Shoot together!"

Xiao Fu roared loudly, and this time he dared not keep his hand, his whole body of blood and energy was boiling like a flame. This old man, who has always been kind and kind, has never taken the lives of others, withdrew his sword for the first time.

He stepped into the sky one step at a time, the sword in his hand was like Bai Lian Heng Kong, slashed down, and he had already used the Xiao family's sword of heaven!

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