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Many warriors sitting together will inevitably compliment each other, chatting and chatting, and the content of their conversation is nothing more than Ye Chen, who will come to the door today.

Although no one dared to discuss loudly despite the influence of the Xiao family, whispering was still possible. Soon, everyone on the wine table chatted in twos and threes:

"Hey, you said that Ye Chen, in the end, where is the sacred, before killing Ito Musashi, don't say, dare to challenge the Xiao family?"

"Huh, he took advantage of Mr. Xiao's retreat, and he didn't dare to come to wanton, and not to mention that after the sword was out of the customs, he must be beheaded. It depends on how many martial arts colleagues are here today. You got a junior wanton?"

"I don't know if he has advanced to the legendary **** realm."

"Oh, the divine state is difficult, and it is difficult to go to the blue sky. I don't believe that a 23-year-old ghost can become a Wushen. Doesn't it seem that we have practiced over the past few decades and all ran to the dog?"

"Not necessarily, I heard that the star evil sword spectrum in Lu Xinghe's hand was given by Ye Chen. If he had not set foot in the **** realm, where would he be so generous?"

"Fart, you also believe that the bragging surnamed Lu, who got the Xingxie sword spectrum, not to mention the **** realm, even if Xuanxian is not impossible, if I get it, it must be seen as more precious than the wife and children. Will you give it away?"


A group of people kept arguing, but at this time, someone suddenly whispered: "You said, if that Ye Chen really came to the door today, what shall we do?"

Suddenly, the lobby was quiet...

For a while, there was the passionate young man who couldn't help shouting, "That's to say? Of course, it is to help Xiao Fu fight back the villains and promote righteousness!"

This person's words have caused countless people to sneer at the corners of their mouths and promote righteousness? Not to mention that Xiao Shao grabbed his fiancee ahead, even if it was really Ye Chen's domineering, how many people are willing to help for the so-called "justice"?

The crowd shook their heads, did not speak, but did not see, the masters of the three schools and four schools, with strange lights flashing in their eyes...

After a full two hours, the various ceremonies were almost carried out, Ye Chen did not appear, and everyone could not help but discuss again:

"Hey, why did you say that Ye's family name hasn't come out yet?"

"Cut, seeing so many masters here, I'm scared."

"Oh, this person is so arrogant, he has already made a lot of anger. If he dares to show up today, he will not use the people of one house, two cabinets, three gates and four schools. We will drown him in one mouthful."


Those warriors, who are not masters, talked and laughed, and they already felt that Ye Chen did not dare to appear, but they could not see those real strong men, still looking cold, like a big enemy.

And Qin Shuhuan, who was sitting in the courtyard, was also unable to hold back, whispering, "Does that Ye Chen really see the scene too big to dare to come? Lao Li, what do you think?"

The confession hearsay beside him, thought for a moment, and said: "Indeed, there are so many martial saints present today, even if Ito Musashi is here, it won't please. If the surnamed Ye didn't reach the **** realm, just Not to mention the defeat of Ito Takeshi by vile methods such as sneak attacks, not to mention."

"He may be able to face two or three Wusheng at the same time, but he is definitely not an opponent of ten or eight Wusheng!"

Hearing this, Qin Shuhuan's brow furrowed. Could it be that his elaborate plan was due to the timid child of the surnamed Ye and he could not implement it?

If it were the turn of the day, no one would be able to compare it with Liu Bingyao, who was covered in hijab.

After her dedication was rejected by Ye Chen that day, she washed her face with tears all day long. She was so cruel in her heart that she didn't care about the guy any more, so she married to Xiao House honestly and lived her entire life.

But when this day really came, Liu Bingyao regretted it again. She recalled her life and found that except for Ye Chen, she had not had a happy day.

"Ye Chen, although it is very capricious to think like this, but if you are willing to come to grab a kiss today, me, I will definitely follow you..."

Liu Bingyao thought secretly in his heart, but then shook his head again: "No, you still don't come, Xiao Fu has prepared a variety of means here, I don't want you to be in danger..."

She was in conflict, thinking back and forth, and unconsciously, another half an hour passed.

Everyone in Xiaofu looked at each other, and they also felt that the surnamed Ye was probably afraid of such power and dared not come to the door. Xiao Fu and Miao Zhongren glanced at each other and nodded. The latter stepped forward and said, "Auspicious time has come, worship heaven and earth!"

Hearing this, everyone laughed together. Apparently they felt that Ye Chen thunder and thunder had little rain, and they dared not to dare to do it. It was a useless waste.

Liu Bingyao sank in her heart and knew that it was still here. She sighed and closed her eyes. She said secretly, "Ye Chen, I don't blame you. I hope you can live happily in the days without me... …If I can occasionally remember that there was a girl with the surname Liu who liked you, then I am also satisfied.”

Even with her eyelids closed, she couldn't help but shed a tear from the corner of her eye, only to feel that she could not escape the palm of fate after all.

Xiao Yao looked at her bride, and walked towards her bride step by step, her mouth slightly raised, her heart proud: "Ye Chen, Ye Chen, you waste, the woman she likes in the end, is not going to be me Xiao Xiao Marry away? When I'm bored with her, I'll kill it one step at a time, making you desperate, and get the virginity of the virgin, you will be able to advance to the **** realm, then...I will throw you into the Pacific , Drowning!"

"Worship the world!"

Hearing this voice, Liu Bingyao's entire voice stiffened, and it was at this moment that she finally saw her heart. No matter how comforting and persuading herself, she still doesn't want to marry Xiao Yao. She...very expects Ye Chen to save herself.

"Thank you Gaotang!"

Because Xiao Yi never left the border, Xiao Fu served as the elder. He also had some contempt in his heart. He knew that Ye Chen was like this. He should try to fight that day, maybe he was just foolish. Why suffer the young master?

Liu Bingyao's tears rolled down, and his heart kept praying: "Ye Chen, where are you..."

"Couple worships!"

At this last ceremony, Liu Bingyao's body stiffened, and he refused to bow down anyway. The maid on the side met and hurriedly pressed down hard, but he couldn't press it at all.


Seeing this, Xiao Fu snorted coldly, pressed his finger lightly, exerted his inner strength, and pressed Liu Bingyao down...

However, at this moment, there was a loud bang outside the Xiaofu door: "In Xiaye Chen, come and ask for a glass of wedding wine!"

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