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Hearing this, Bai Zhanqi burst into a wailing sound, the sound sounded full of despair and helplessness. The name of the blood devil may not be known to a few people, but it can make this man who once worked in Longteng, like steel, collapse .

He once brought a terrifying dark history to the western world of Europe. Nearly a thousand years ago, he even ruled the entire European underground world. From the Middle Ages to the present, terrorist events such as the Black Death Plague and Jack the Ripper are all caused by Caused by his "blood alliance".

The eight black cardinals in the blood alliance are extremely arrogant. Every hand is covered with blood and does not lose their gods. Several have destroyed small countries and even once suppressed the Holy See.

There are even rumors that the European Union is a European country. It was established to fight against the blood alliance. Although it is not known how true this statement is, it is enough to prove how arrogant the blood alliance is.

How desperate is it that your own daughter has been targeted by the leader of this terrorist force?

"Why..." Bai Zhanqi stared at the bloodshot eyes with a hoarse voice, "Why did my Bai Zhanqi devoted his life to the country, but my daughter ended so much!"

The fair-haired young man smiled slightly and said gracefully: "I don’t have any personal grievances for your Excellency, but your daughter, but the rare pure dark physique, this is the gift that Lord Blood Demon personally lowers. In the future, she even has You may become a disciple of Blood Demon Master, and you should feel honored to be in this regard."

Bai Zhanqi roared from his throat and said angrily: "I would rather give her a rest in my own hands than let my daughter become a monster like you!"

The face of the blond young man dulled down and said coldly: "Pay attention to your wording, mortal, our dark master, is the leader of the future world, and the power is far from what you can imagine."

Speaking of which, there was a sense of murderous murder in his pupils: "If you use the term "monster" to describe it, I will tear you to pieces."

Hearing this, Bai Zhanqi's eyes almost burned, standing upright, screaming: "Come on, monster! I will never hand over my daughter to your group of guys!"

The expression of the blond young man was completely cold. He had golden pupils, suddenly turned blood red, and his voice was a lot rude: "I wanted to see that you are the father of the ninth cardinal, forgive you Life, but since you are stubborn...go to death!"

In this way, the fascinating red light in his pupils suddenly flourished, and his long blond hair was windless automatically. On his forehead and cheeks, black thin lines began to spread, forming a mantra.

The fair-haired youth bowed gracefully and said lightly: "Introduce yourself, the scumbag is the eighth black cardinal of the "Blood League", Arthur the hermit."

"The eighth cardinal in black..." A word of terror flashed in Tang Shiyu's eyes. The bishops in the blood alliance were all code-named Tarot cards, such as priests, fools, and hangers. The self-proclaimed hermit is obviously a genuine black bishop.

"The Cardinal infiltrated into Yanjing, why did I not know at all?" Her thoughts quickly flashed through her thoughts, and she immediately gritted her teeth:

"It's the Liu family, damn, it's they who cover the black cardinal from entering Yanjing. Otherwise, even if the blood alliance is huge, we won't have no news!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked at Liu Ruochen's eyes, and suddenly he was a little bit bad. His behavior was like tantamount to betraying the entire Chinese martial arts world!

At this time, Arthur showed his true body, and suddenly the wind was blowing, and the clouds were covered with the sun that covered the sky. He grinned and said: "In the blood alliance, humans are the lowest creatures, and only the dark master is the real nobleman."

But at this moment, a disdainful voice rang out: "What dark master, is just a group of several dark creatures to keep warm."


Hearing this, Arthur suddenly became furious and looked at Ye Chen coldly: "Boy, I have heard of you too. Don't think that you have killed Wu Tiangou's incompetent goods, you can see my blood alliance! "

"Oh? I don't know Ito Musashi, but I know Wu Tian Gou." Ye Chen raised her brow and chuckled, "I probably know what you are."

"You guy is a night monster, and according to your description, what kind of **** blood monster is probably a vampire, and what else can be in it? Let me think about it, witch, werewolf, monster, ogre?"

Hearing this, Arthur's face suddenly changed wildly, and he took two steps back and said in surprise: "You, who are you? Why do you know the secret of our blood alliance?"

Ye Chen chuckled lightly: "This thing is also called a secret?" Dark creatures are nothing more than that. Although the starting point is higher than that of human beings, they may also bring some magical powers, but they limit the development route of death and lose the infiniteness of human beings. The possibility... in this expert's eyes, it is not worth mentioning. "

"Of course, the expert in my mouth must be a true fairy level. Under the true fairy, dark creatures are still very strong, but they are pure blood dark creatures."

Speaking of which, Ye Chen glanced at Arthur, and a scornful, sarcastic, malicious full arc was raised in the corner of his mouth: "But that kind of dark creature of pure blood will not appear on the earth, you group of goods , It’s half-breed when you say it’s good, and it’s not good... hybrid."

Hearing this, let alone Tang Shiyu, Liu Ruochen and others, even Qingchuan Sayuri was stunned. In their minds, although Ye Chen was cold and arrogant and impersonal, he was very personable and rarely rude, but did not expect to use such fierce language today.

In fact, the reason is very simple, because Ye Chen... a little angry.

Silly girl, oh no, now he knows that the girl's name is Bai Yuhan. Although all of her previous actions made people cry and laugh, it was sincere, a kind of good intentions that was not bad for any misunderstandings.

For Ye Chen, who is accustomed to intrigue and swindle, this feeling is what makes him most moved.

Ye Chen raised a finger, and Arthur shrank his neck subconsciously. He thought that this unpredictable man was going to shoot, but the other side gently shook his finger and said: "If you can hold it for a minute In a minute, I will let you go."

"One minute?" Hearing this, the fascinating red light in Arthur's eyes rose again, and said coldly, "Your Excellency looks down upon people too!"

He also said that he is a black cardinal. He is admired in Europe and the United States. He is admired by thousands of believers. Under various strange secret blessings, he can fight God Realm, but this guy actually said that he can’t hold it for a minute?

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