The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 285: Battle of the Divine Realm

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The muffled sound of two heavy objects falling to the ground sounded, the ghost wolf and his great white wolf had already returned to the heavens, only the body was still instinctively twitching.


Everyone took a breath of air. The ghost-wolf was one of them and was enemies with him. It was equivalent to being besieged by two martial arts. In the face of such a strong enemy, Ye Chen actually killed him with one finger. ?

Ito Musashi also narrowed his eyes and looked at Ye Chen carefully, as if he wanted to see him again.

Ye Chen looked at her and looked at it. If she didn’t know what he wanted to say, she directly interrupted and said, “If you want to persuade me to surrender, please don’t open your mouth. I haven’t paid attention to your kind of things.”

Hearing this, Ito Musashi's original well-known eyes suddenly flashed a hint of anger, and said lightly: "Good arrogant young man, I hope your skills can be as great as your own tone!"

With his words, a huge power suddenly rose into the sky and echoed throughout the Lingxiang Mountain. What a terrible thing is that the gods are strong enough to release their might. All the pressing things bowed their heads, and even the giant snake under Igujar shivered.

"not good!"

Many Wu Sheng's faces changed wildly, and their figures retreated.

"We are also retreating, and once the strong man of the realm starts, I wait in it, just like the ants, and it will be torn away by the aftermath in an instant."

Lu Xinghe also looked dignified and hurriedly greeted Tang Shiyu and others to leave. Xu Shouyi and other martial artists only felt like a mountain was pushed down from the sky, and their legs and feet were soft, and they wanted to kneel to the ground.

Tang Shiyu's heart was full of Ito Musashi's conspiracy. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and whispered: "Mr. Lu, we are now taking the opportunity to escape, how likely is it?"

Lu Xinghe glanced around and smiled bitterly: "There may not be anything at all. The dozen martial saints are there. On the surface, they are watching the battle. In fact, they have been paying attention to us and wanting to escape from them. "

Speaking of which, he looked at Ye Chen with reverent eyes: "Now we can only rely on Master Ye Xian. If he can defeat Ito Musashi, everyone will survive, otherwise... Go to death together."

Hearing this, Tang Shiyu could only smile bitterly. She looked at Ye Chen worriedly and asked, "Mr. Lu, how do you feel about the victory between Ye Chen and Ito Musashi?"

Lu Xinghe thought for a while and shook his head slightly: "Although Ye Xianshi is extremely powerful, but the power of the Divine Realm is unmatched, that is, Xiao Yi is absolutely here, and there is a danger of falling."

Lu Xinghe obviously didn't know that Xiao Yi had already set foot in the divine realm, so he made this judgment. Although he didn't say it clearly, he obviously didn't like Ye Chen.

Tang Shiyu suddenly shivered. Although she didn't like each other, she could only secretly pray in her heart: "Ye Chen, come on!"

Ye Chen lightly commanded: "Sayuri, you will follow them, wait for me to cut Ito Musashi, and then take you to stroll in the cave house of the old Xingxie."

Qingchuan Sayuri is also full of ups and downs. Although she trusts her master very much, she has heard of the prestige of Ito Musashi since she was a child, and her heart is full of worry.

But she was a clever girl, knowing that even if she stayed, she could only add confusion to Ye Chen, and she bowed slightly: "Yes, master."

Seeing this scene, Ito Musashi also said lightly: "Sakura."

Qingchuan Ying also ordered to retreat, but her eyes were still staring at Sayuri Qingchuan full of resentment, only to interfere with Master's orders, and did not start.

At this time, all the troublesome people have left, and Ito Musashi no longer keeps his hands, the momentum is rising one by one, like the ocean and the sea, sweeping towards Ye Chen.

In the air, a hurricane suddenly formed like a tornado. With him as the center, a huge storm eye was formed. This is not just an invisible momentum, but a real heaven and earth Aura storm. There are fallen leaves and rubble falling in the center of the storm, and it is torn into pieces by the hurricane in an instant.

Ye Chen stood there with ease and under the full pressure of God Realm, without moving, even the expression on his face did not change much. The huge aura vortex reached within three feet of him, and disappeared without a trace, even his hair could not be blown.

"Ye Chen, the old man hasn't tried his best since he entered the realm of the gods. You should feel honored to go all out with you today."

Ito Musashi was confident and spoke slowly.

Ye Chen raised her eyebrows lightly and said: "Really? Xiao Yi never killed you. Let me take care of it for him today."

After he finished, he took a step forward leisurely.

"not good!"

Ye Chen took this step, but Ito Musashi's face changed greatly. Shrouded in the breath of his own god, normal people don't say to walk, but they don't even dare to move their little fingers, fearing that they might attract Jianhao's thunder. But Ye Chen ignored his might and walked slowly.

Ito Musashi only felt that Ye Chen, who had been firmly locked by the breath, stepped on the whirlpool's weakest point. Just as the eyes of the large array were suppressed, the hurricane between heaven and earth suddenly stopped.

"Damn it!"

In these few light steps, Ito Musashi was forced to vomit blood. He could only look dire and take the lead.

"Desperate sword flow, mysterious mystery • Sword Dragon Flash!"

I saw a lightning sword light, slashing away from his sword. At first it was only a few inches in length, but in mid-air, the strength of heaven and earth was condensed, and it became larger and larger. Finally, it became three feet long, enough to break the stone and open the mountain. Even if the peak Wusheng was here, it would be cut off.

This is the biggest difference between the Divine Realm and the Holy Realm. The Divine Realm can provoke the spirit of the heavens and the earth between the hands and throws, and only needs to consume very little energy to explode the power of destroying the heavens and the earth!

The surrounding Wu Sheng could not help but take a breath of air. Such a fierce and powerful sword was enough to smooth the hilltop of Lingxiang Mountain, so that people could not bear the idea of ​​resistance.

Ye Chen's expression was indifferent, and with a stroke of his hand, the original water sword appeared in his palm, and at once, he easily blocked the terrifying sword gas.

But after the knife gas was blocked, it didn't disappear, but it suddenly flew away, turned into countless translucent blades, and struck Ye Chen again!

These sharp blades were shrouded in all directions, without any hint of mercy, and I did not intend to give Ye Chen a little retreat. Such prestige is enough to shake the earth. Many martial saints hiding in the woods in the distance and watching the war all changed their colors.

Tang Shiyu and others were even dumbfounded. There were also Wusheng-level strongmen among the dragons. The power they displayed was already shocking enough, but Ito Musashi raised his hand to the ground, inspiring the power of the world, and hitting it with one blow. Enough to bring those Wusheng to pieces!

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