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Everyone around was silent, looking at He Cheng, the richest man on Ao Island, who was actually alive and dead, and all felt a sense of sadness.

At the same time, they also made up their minds that Ye Chen must not provoke.

Not to mention his incomparable strength, such a fierce means and heart is already enough to be afraid!

After being angry with He Cheng, Ye Chen walked away with the young lily, but the butterfly effect caused at this time was just beginning.

For most Australians, only one well-known upper-class person is dead. Lin Biluo is a very famous master. After all, he has been in seclusion for a long time, and he is too far away from ordinary people, but for the upper class society and the magical world of Aoshima, the shock caused by Lin Biluo's death is comparable to a 13th-level hurricane!

Lin Biluo has been sitting on Ao Island for decades. His connections have involved all aspects, and his disciples have spread all over the family. In addition to the He family, all the giants have unclear links with him. Fortunately, he has children. Come inherit the industry, this will not cause chaos in the world.

The people in the magic world are all like the test.

People who can watch the battle at Platinum Beach are basically master figures. Most ordinary warlocks heard the shocking news before they arrived.

"Master Lin Tian is dead? How is this possible?"

"The monk did not swear, our abbot of Cihang Temple was at the scene and witnessed everything with my own eyes!"

"Even Lin Biluo is not Ye Chen's opponent? Isn't Martial World going to be on my pulse after that?"

I don't know how many warlocks thumped their chests, and their hearts were ashamed.

Lin Biluo is the first person recognized in Southeast Asia, Megatron China. His death was an inestimable loss for the magic world, especially when he died under a warrior, it was almost a slapped slaughter by the martial arts world!

At the beginning, there were young and magnificent warlocks who were eager to try and wanted to challenge Ye Chen to become famous. But when everyone heard that Lin Biluo and Wu Tiangou joined forces to call out the huge waves that swallowed the heaven and earth, and were easily conquered by Ye Chen, everyone was honest.

Unlike the warriors who believe in the victory of heaven, the warlocks pay attention to the nature of Taoism, the more they can use the power of heaven and earth, the stronger your spells.

That Lin Biluo evoked the power of the sea, attracting hundreds of meters high, covering the sky and the huge waves, but was conquered by Ye Chen's bullets, how can his power be opposed by ordinary warlocks?

At this time, Ye Chen was taking over the property of He Family.

As soon as He Cheng died, he didn't know how many giants there were. He stared at the He's Group, ready to pounce on it at any time.

Although Ye Chen’s limelight was flourishing at this time, no one dared to be the first bird, but the so-called profit of 500% was enough to let the capital risk the risk of going to the guillotine, and swallowed the He family. The profit is more than 500%?

At this time, the giants are waiting for an opportunity. As soon as the time comes, everyone will swarm up and instantly divide up the family. When you are strong, then you can wipe out all the families on the island.

And this opportunity is precisely the press conference of the He family...

"Yo, Dong Zhang, it's been a long time since I disappeared. Why, your old man is going out of the mountain?"

"Oh, such a wonderful scene, how can I miss it, Boss Li, aren't you also rushed back from abroad, even the honeymoon?"

The young man, known as boss Li, sneered and said, "Honeymoons can be spent at any time, and even my wife can find more than one, but the opportunity to divide up your family is fleeting. If you miss it, I am afraid to regret my whole life!"

Zhang Dong laughed: "Boss Lee is so courageous, this speech, I heard my brother's blood boiling."

The giants who came to the reception all looked at the two people in conversation, Zhang Family and Li Family on the island of Aodao, with the look of expectation and awe in their eyes. They took the lead, could that surname Ye be turned upside down?

"Oh, the He family has no heads at this time, He Cheng is mad, and the most prestigious He Zhengye is also killed by the surname Ye. He Caiwei is a woman again. There is no one in the entire He family who can hold the position of head of the family."

Boss Li said with a smile: "As long as He can't push out a house owner today, we will start directly and buy their companies and stocks, making He family history from now on!"

Hearing this, everyone else agreed, as long as he could divide up his family, what would it be to offend Ye Chen? Besides, the anger is hard to commit. If this guy doesn't play according to the rules, would he want He Jia to continue to mix in the mall?

"He family is here!"

I don't know who yelled, and everyone looked up one after another, only to see everyone in the He family, and slowly walked into the meeting place.

When he saw that the first person was He Caiwei, many big brothers all smiled, and only felt that the winning ticket was in hand. Although Miss He was first-class in wrist and mind, she was still a woman after all!

"She can't be the owner of the He family, otherwise, after marrying, wouldn't she want the entire He's group to change its name?"

Boss Li sneered, and everyone else nodded, but then they couldn't laugh anymore.

I saw that He Caiwei picked up the microphone and said calmly like Miss Master: "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for taking the time during your busy schedule to participate in our press conference for our family. I invite you to come here today. Let you see the new head of our family..."

"Mr. He Yuanzhi!"

Hearing this, the crowd was suddenly upset, they had never heard of this person!

As He Yuanzhi walked slowly to the stage, people who knew him already exclaimed: "Just kidding, isn't this the boy next to He's family?"

Hearing this, Boss Li suddenly came to his spirits and jumped out loudly, "I object! You are all people of He Cheng's blood, are you willing to let a stubborn be the head of the house?"

He said this, everyone else agreed, but He Caiwei glanced coldly at everyone, and sneered: "This is the result of our internal elections in the He family. No one else has the right to interfere."

Boss Li shouted again: "I don't believe it! You called all of He Cheng's descendants and confronted us!"

A cold voice sounded faintly: "What kind of thing are you, and are you worthy of confronting the family?"

This boss Li is a young man, and he is very famous all over the island of Australia. No one has ever dared to make insults. Hearing this today, he turned his head and yelled, "Who is it? How dare I say this to someone like Li ?"

I saw a majestic middle-aged man who came in from the door and saw him. The boss Li, who had just returned to his majesty, was immediately limped.

Because of this, but the chairman of Qingchuan Enterprise, Qingchuan Gangxiong!

Even He Cheng would be inferior to Qingchuan Gangxiong, let alone a surnamed Li from another district.

Qingchuan Gangxiong snorted and said, "Master Ye Xian has long expected that your group of ants are going to make trouble, so I've already prepared it."

In this way, he snapped his fingers and He Cheng's direct bloodline came in from the outside and said at the same time: "We support Mr. He Yuanzhi as the head of any family!"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned. Boss Li fell on his chair, his face full of disbelief, muttering to himself: "How is it possible?"

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