The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 233: The boring stuff of fate

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Hearing this, Liu Bingyao’s only anticipation light was completely dissipated, and he sat down on the ground in a lost soul, muttering: "I know, I know... I know you never have me in your heart, I’m at Liu’s and I’m a dispensable person!”

Hearing this, Liu Ruochen said coldly, "Of course, do you think you will have a status as a side girl? You can devote yourself to your family, and you can only be repaired by the same kind of life. Blessed!"

Liu Bingyao looked pale, took a deep breath, and looked straight at Liu Ruochen, saying, "I, no, marry!"

Liu Ruochen's eyes glared and shouted angrily: "What are you talking about?"

"I said, I! No! Marry!" Liu Bingyao shouted out loud, this call may have exhausted the courage of her life.

Liu Ruochen's face was gloomy, and his eyes were murderous. He hummed: "You really don't want to marry? Don't you want to think about your parents and your family?"

Liu Bingyao grinned: "Why did you ever care about my feelings, when you need me, call me back, kick when you don't need me, what is Liu's family when I am?"

Liu Ruochen snorted coldly, said lightly: "Of course it is a dog, do you still think how precious you are?"

In this way, he took a step forward, grabbed Liu Bingyao's wrist, and said coldly: "Who gave you the courage to dare to say no to me? Who gave you the courage to dare to resist the Liu family's decision?"

While drinking and scolding, he slowly exerted his strength, causing Liu Bingyao's pretty face to whitish, struggling desperately, but where to break free.

Suddenly, Liu Ruochen slammed her and dropped her heavily on the ground. Shen said, "Who gave you the courage to ignore the marriage contract of the Yanjing Xiao family?"

He yelled and raised his hand to beat him, fanning the other person's face. Seeing this scene, Liu Bingyao shrank his neck timidly and closed his eyes, but the expected pain did not come.

Then she heard a familiar voice: "Is it all right?"

"Ye Chen!"

Liu Bingyao didn't even open her eyes, so she hugged to the person who was in front of her. The familiar sense of security and warmth made her burst into tears.

Liu Ruochen's face sank like water, looking at the man in front of him coldly: "You are Ye Chen?"

Ye Chen calmly said: "Yes."

Liu Ruochen struggled twice and found that he could not return his hand, so he grumbled: "Let go."

Ye Chen's mouth twitched lightly and said lightly: "If I don't let it go?"

With strength in his hands, Liu Ruochen suddenly looked white, and said with a fierce look: "You dare to fight me, that is, declare war on the Liu family of Yanjing. Do you think that the joint chamber of commerce that you created is very powerful?"

"In East China, you may be regarded as an emperor, but looking at the whole of China is not enough to look at. In front of my Liu family, it is not worth mentioning!"

Hearing this, Ye Chen really slowly let go of his hand and muttered to himself: "Such."

Liu Ruochen withdrew his hand, his heart settled, and sneered: "It seems that you are still reasonable, and obediently rolled aside, hand over my cousin, you can continue to nest in this sea city for prosperity. If You dare to say nothing, hum, when the Liu family's anger is over, you can't afford it!"

Hearing this, Liu Bingyao also looked pale, and the power of the Liu family, she knew nothing but, as one of the four major families of Yanjing, if she wanted to target Ye Chen, it was really not too simple.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help pulling Ye Chen's clothing corner and said: "Ye Chen, you should let it go, my cousin is right, the Liu family is too powerful, even if you are, I am afraid..."

Speaking of which, Liu Bingyao couldn't help but shed tears, his voice choked, and whispered: "Let me go, this is the fate I can't escape, don't ruin your life because of me."

Hearing this, Liu Ruochen laughed and said, "Yes, yeah, Ye Chen, you can also be regarded as a winged man, able to command the three provinces in his twenties. This kind of skill is really rare."

"If you are acquaintance, hand over your cousin, and let me be yours. By the time, you will help me dominate the entire China. What woman do you want?"

Hearing these cousins' self-talk, Ye Chen snorted coldly and said lightly, "The two of you seem to have made a mistake."

With that said, he stepped forward sharply, flicking his fingers, and...


Only two muffled sounds, Liu Ruochen, who was still high above, suddenly screamed and rolled on the ground. Deep blood holes had appeared on his two knees.

"Ah--! How dare you hurt me! I'm going back to tell Grandpa that you and your forces are completely broken!"

Liu Ruochen screamed loudly, his body trembling violently. Where did he suffer from this kind of injury since he was a child? I only felt the pain, and shouted, "Amin! Amin! Kill him!"

With his words, a man slowly came out of the trees beside him. He looked up and down in his thirties, covered in muscles, with a neat and clean moustache, and he looked calm and reliable.

When seeing this person coming out, Liu Bingyao shuddered and whispered, "Ye Chen, you have to be careful, he is a worship of the Liu family, and his martial arts are very powerful. He once broke the serial array of the Iron Palm Gang with one enemy, ten Yanjing is very famous."

Seeing her nervous look, Ye Chen smiled and patted Liu Bingyao's head and said: "A master martial arts master, I haven't put it in your eyes yet, just look at it, what a fateful thing, Let me crush it for you!"

Upon hearing these words, Liu Bingyao felt very emotional, tearful, and nodded heavily: "Well!"

On the other side, Liu Ruochen still shouted insanely: "You are dead, Aming is a master of our Liu family who spends a lot of money, you are absolutely dead!"

"Do it!"

After Liu Ruochen shouted these words, A Ming was standing still. He looked at Ye Chen up and down, left and right with a bizarre expression, his eyes flashing, and he couldn't see what he was thinking.

Seeing this situation, Liu Ruochen was even more furious and shouted: "Amin, do it! I want to see you beat him into meat sauce!"

But at the same time, A Ming stepped forward, kneeling on one knee and respectfully saying: "Younger Guo Ziming, see Ye Wusheng!"

As soon as he made this move, the two cousins ​​and sisters of the Liu family were stunned. Liu Ruochen's eyes were wide open, almost vomiting and bleeding, and he shouted: "Guo Ziming! You are my Liu family's offering, how can you not listen to me?" The command!"

Guo Ziming snorted and retorted: "Liu Dashao, I am a good devotion to the Liu family, but before that, I was even a warrior! The martial arts world is respected, Ye Wusheng is young, but he has been cut Killed the veteran Wu Shengqiu Ling Yun, a rare rival in the Chinese martial arts world, how can I match it?"

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