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On March 29, the sky was clear and suitable for traveling.

Bai Xiaoxuan walked sullenly along the Canglan River. Compared with a few months ago, she lost a lot of weight. The whole person looked a little more beautiful and morbidly beautiful. Walking in this tourist attraction also frequently led passers-by to turn back.

Since she came out of the villa that day, she has lost her soul and can't do anything, and finally quit her job to relax.

"Xiao Xuan, you are thinking about that guilty man again."

There was a whine voice near her ears, Kong Wanling had come over, she squinted her small mouth, her face full of helplessness.

Bai Xiaoxuan hurriedly said: "Don't talk nonsense, be careful to be heard by my school girl."

Kong Wanling whispered, "Yes, yes, my elder lady. I don't know how good that surnamed Ye is. I'm fascinated by your baby school girl. Both are open and closed. Ye Xuelong, I have to listen."

Although she was talking behind the scenes, her voice was clearly lowered and she lacked confidence. After all, the sight of the big brothers from the three provinces of East China that day was too horrible, and it was deeply engraved in Kong Wanling's memory.

At this moment, a cheerful voice came in front: "Sister Bai Xue, Sister Kong, I have booked the boat!"

Bai Xiaoxuan and Kong Wanling, who came to travel in northern Jiangsu, happened to meet Sun Xiaoxiao who was internship here. This girl who simply likes to be a friend of the landlord takes them to play in the major scenic spots in northern Jiangsu.

Accompanying Sun Xiaoxiao, there is Ji Hualing, the eldest lady of the Ji family. The woman's scheming is very deep. After knowing the relationship between Bai Xiaoxuan and Ye Chen, she made a little relationship with her in case she needed it from time to time.

The four young and beautiful girls talked and laughed along the way, but they were also happy. However, the ship was not far away, but was stopped.

"Sorry, Henglan Mountain is not open to the public today, please come back."

There were also many tourists who were stopped. The top of Henglan Mountain overlooking the Canglan River is the most famous scenic spot in northern Jiangsu. The tourists who come here do not know how many, but now they have been stopped one after another. Of course they are very dissatisfied.

"Who are you, why seal the mountain?"

"That's right, I'm the secretary of Tongping County in Jiang Province. Do you dare to stop me?"

"Everyone rushed over together! See what they can do!"


Listening to the noise of people around, the strong men in black suits responsible for blocking Henglan Mountain also sink their faces and grumbled: "A group of shameless guys, who dare to mess up, don’t blame your brothers for being rude !"

With that, the headed strong man shouted and turned his palm towards a large rock on the riverside. Just listening to the sound of "Bang", the old bluestone covered with moss for a full dozen years was actually broken by a palm!


Everyone immediately took a breath of air, only to know that this group of black men in the mountains were not ordinary people, and they dared not speak again.

Although the Ji family is also a big household in northern Jiangsu, it is not a family of martial arts, so Ji Hualing did not know about the decisive battle. Seeing that the road was blocked, she frowned and went up coldly, "What's going on?"

"Miss Ji." Seeing that the person coming was Ji Hualing, the attitude of the man in black was slightly better, but still insisted, "Today we are also ordered to act, I am afraid that even you can't pass."

Ji Hualing was annoyed and pointed to the side: "Then why can they pass?"

The strong man in black looked over there and explained, "Because they have an invitation."

Ji Hualing said angrily: "What invitation letter, my Ji's forces in northern Jiangsu, need an invitation letter on the last Henglan Mountain?"

The strong man in black didn't speak, but there was obviously a trace of disdain in her eyes, and it made her like a fire, making her angry.

Ji Hualing took out his mobile phone, dialed several calls in a row, and finally put down his mobile phone in dismay.

Seeing this, Kong Wanling hurriedly asked, "Miss Ji, what happened?"

Ji Hualing said: "It is said that an order was issued from the top, saying that there are big people on the mountain to meet, and idlers are not allowed to enter."

Kong Wanling said with astonishment: "Is the power of the Yiji family considered to be idlers?"

"Wan Ling." Bai Xiaoxuan poked her a little, beckoning to stop talking, and Ji Hualing aside, her face embarrassed.

Miss Tang Beiji rarely eats deflated, but did not expect to be ugly in public today, Ji Hualing secretly hated. But when she looked up, she looked again, waved her hand quickly, and shouted sweetly, "Uncle Zhao!"

It turned out that it was Zhao Renqing who was about to pass the blockade line at this time. After hearing that his daughter got the martial arts given by Ye Xianshi, he woke up three times with a laugh last night.

Zhao Renqing, in a good mood, saw Ji Hualing beckoning and smiled: "Oh, this is not Hualing, do you want to come to watch the battle?"

"Watching the battle?" Ji Hualing curiously said, "Don't some big people meet on the mountain? What kind of battle?"

Zhao Renqing slapped his forehead and said: "Yes, because the Ji family has no martial arts, so you don't know yet. Today on this Henglan Mountain, there will be a world war!"

Ji Hualing was very discouraged. She was not interested in martial arts. She heard that the two warriors on the mountain had a decisive battle and had lost most of her interest. However, she politely asked: "Who is it."

Zhao Renqing chuckled and said: "It is the old man of the overseas youth gang, Wu Shengqiu Lingyun, and the pride of our East China District, Ye Chen Ye Xianshi!"


As soon as these words came out, the four girls suddenly exclaimed, they had no interest in this decisive battle, but at this moment they wished to insert wings and fly in!

Ji Hualing immediately showed a smiling face and coquettishly said: "Uncle Zhao, will you take us in?"

Zhao Renqing hesitated and frowned, "If it is not a warrior, it is not eligible to enter, even an old man..."

Seeing this, Ji Hualing hurriedly pointed at Sun Xiaoxiao: "This grandmother, but Ye Xianshi's school girl, the two are very close. She is very worried about her seniors. Do you have the heart to let her down?"

When Zhao Renqing heard the news, he really saw Sun Xiaoxiao's pretty face with unspeakable worries, and suddenly nodded and said, "Okay, okay, I will take you in here."

In his view, Master Ye Xian is the dragon of man. It is normal for three or five women, but no woman can offend herself!

Seeing Zhao Renqing who had just been hesitant, he was busy busy inviting himself to the four people on board, and Kong Wanling couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It turns out that Ye Chen's school girl's name is so useful."

Hearing this, Bai Xiaoxuan had another convulsion in his heart. If he was not greedy for power, he would now be Ye Chen's wife. How can such a name be comparable to a school girl!

"Unfortunately, I missed him after all."

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