The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1698: Prodigal Sword Fairy

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"You can pick up the stars in your hand. This is indeed the legendary way of ancient robbery."

Zhou Dao Xuan Na Na Dao.

The other leaders, as well as the many powerful people around the family holy land, were all dazzled, and their hearts were shaken.

In front of this power that destroys the world, no matter how many people are, it is nonsense. Even the Garuda Fleet and the Scarlet Guard, together, couldn't stop the star throw. At this time, the two people fighting in the sky have already overridden the universe, and having one person will suppress the power of the entire universe.


Ye Chen fiercely raised his hand, and the Xuanchen Immortal Emperor behind him raised his palm. The white jade-like palm, like a heavenly sword, emits a dazzling golden goddess, and passes directly across, smashing the entire planet. . Ye Chen was in a state of indifference. After smashing the planet, he rushed towards the Immortal Sword Sovereign.


In the void, a long channel was drawn. The air was cut open before him. Ye Chen's speed at this time can hardly be described in words, even if a thought spans half the universe, it is not difficult.

What is this concept?

This second, Ye Chen was thousands of meters away, just raised his hand, the next moment, he had appeared in front of the Immortal Sword Sovereign. As if this thousand kilometers of space, there is no distance at all. Such a fast speed can almost cross the barriers of time and space and become a **** in one step.


In front of these speeds, the Immortal Sword Sovereign finally showed a trace of horror.

He hurriedly manipulated the vitality and turned the vast void into an iron plate, trying to seal Ye Chen. But the Xuanchen Immortal Emperor was already capable of crossing the robbery, but how could he care about the obstacles of the little Immortal Emperor?


Ye Chen's palm was chopped out like a heavenly sword, and the brilliance of the gods was bright, and a crisp sound of sword symphony was made.

Divine Sword Immortal Zun pinched his fingers, like a dragon sword gas. The double pupils even shot a sky sword, and the **** read the sky sword to reproduce! However, Ye Chen has already used nine or nine to become one, powerful enough to sweep everyone under the robbery.


Ye Chen's palm collided with Tianjian.

Ye Chen left account of the sky, in the void, pulled out a long golden awn, just like the magic sword of heaven! The Tianjian, which is full of length and length, although condensed to the extreme, is the top supernatural power of the universe, but after all, it can't bear the blow of the robbery and suddenly burst.

"Die to me!"

God Sword Fairy is furious and can't believe it.

Obviously, the power of Xiaoxian Emperor has been used, how can it be no match for Ye Chen? This result, the Immortal Sword God cannot accept.

He desperately squeezed his last true element, exhausted all his strength, and extracted all the power. The terrifying energy gathered in the palm of the **** sword immortal, condensed continuously, desperately compressed, and finally turned into a peerless sword!

The blazing fiery sword awns swept across the sky and could not bear even the void, leaving behind tiny cracks. A breath of destruction was brewing on the God Sword Immortal Venerable.

This is already a real blow!

If this blow is placed in the universe, it is enough to destroy the entire galaxy!

Ye Chen was not afraid, and turned her body directly into a golden rainbow that ran through the heavens and the earth, and crashed into the Sword Sword Sovereign.


A huge mushroom cloud is now on the top of Qianjian Mountain. The vastness of this mushroom cloud rises to a height of thousands of meters, terrifying strength, tearing the clouds of ten miles away, the storm and the smashing of the empty sky, and the countless airship warships shaking around.

In the face of this power that overrides the world, everyone is eclipsed and can only stand there and watch all this.

"Who's winning?"

After a long time, Zhou Daoxuan spoke.

Everyone looked nervously. The mushroom cloud gradually dissipated, exposing everything on the top of the mountain.

I saw Ye Chen carrying his hands on his back, standing on the top of the universe, with long hair flying and hunting in black. Thousands of thousand sword mountains seem to be as majestic as he is. At the foot of Ye Chen's feet, the Sword Immortal Sovereign was lying in a large pit, with black hair scattered and blood stained on his face.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

Thousand swords are majestic, as invincible as me!

Sword Immortal is defeated!

This first person who respected the universe for three million years and overlooked the heavens and earth was eventually defeated. The fastest update countless eyes gathered on Ye Chen. In the eyes of everyone, it seemed that under the big sunset, a brighter sun was rising.

Many Xianzong disciples, such as the funeral examination concubine.

Tan Qiongyu burst into tears. Although she absolutely believed in Ye Chen in her heart, the prestige of the Immortal Sword Sovereign was ultimately too strong. The girl's heart was always worried. Now that she sees her invincible, how can she not be happy?

In the Holy Heaven Palace, it was turned into a jubilant ocean on the spot, and countless disciples of Frost Yelou threw their hats in the air cheering, tears in their eyes excited.

"The landlord won, the landlord won!"

At this moment, countless people on earth cheered, knowing that no one would dare to provoke the earth from now on.

"Sword Master, are you okay."

Zhou Daoxuan flickered and rushed to the top of the mountain in an instant, lifting up the Sword Immortal Venerable.

Immortal Sword Sovereign got up while coughing. He is covered with black hair, and now he is almost white. Although he has not died in the explosion, his breath has declined sharply, especially when he lost the power of the Little Fairy Emperor, which is a heavy blow to the Sword Immortal Venerable. On behalf of his millions of years of hard work, this life is hopeless.

"I'm fine."

Divine Sword Sovereign answered softly, looking at Ye Chen with a complicated look.

"Boom Boom Boom--!"

The sound of war drums and thunder came from the void, and the remaining elders took the elder Taizong elders of this sect door to deceive them.

They all had cold eyes and looked at Ye Chen badly. For the Five Great Immortal Sects, Ye Chen slammed the universe, and they could not bear it. At this time, just after the Ye Chen battle, the strength was no longer recovered, just to get rid of.

Even the ancestors of spirit beasts who had a good impression of Ye Chen before had cold eyes. The person in front of him was less than a hundred years old, and he became a state of ninety-nine, and there would be no pressure to set foot in the future. The influence on the Five Great Immortals was solely due to their jealousy, and the ancestors of the spirit beast could not continue to be friendly to Ye Chen.

"Why, you also want to fight?"

Ye Chen raised his head and was not afraid of fear. Taking his current invincible cultivation as the situation, the ninth-nine-nine united realm, the ascending monk was no longer an opponent. Even if more came, it was nothing more than ants in front of the Xuanchen fairy emperor.

Suddenly, there were swords and crossbows in the field, and some Shangzong Immortal Venerables also gathered after five people. Opposite Ye Chen, the celestial beings shone. Many people under the mountain also saw the wrong, noisy discussion, and quickly disappeared invisible. Everyone looked nervous.

Ye Chen stands alone on the top of Qianjian Mountain, but one person is like a **** mountain blocking the road, and is dominating the world.


At this time, it was still the Fire Moon Fairy, and the Demon Sect was not ceremonial, and did not look at his background, but was the purest strong man.

And the overall view of the Fairy Huo Yue is not comparable to those with a dear eye. She looked at many Immortal Venerables and said with a chill: "This person in front of us is the first person in our race to have the opportunity to set foot on the robbery in millions of years. Strong, are you going to kill it for your own sake? Think about who the real enemy we are facing!"

At this time, the Overlord Galaxy has already been born, and the words of Fairy Moon Fire suddenly shocked everyone.

"And." Huoyue Fairy smiled Yan Yan, "You are so sure that you can kill him together? I think this young man, but there are still many cards that have not been opened."

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