The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1683: Reasons to hunt

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"The enemy is coming!"

Above a group of Garuda, a group of fairy troops panicked, trying to switch the guns to attack.


Ye Chen's sword and sword united in one moment, and turned into a brilliant sword rainbow, violently traversing the sky, slashing in the sky!

Then in the whole universe, in the shocking eyes of many high-ranking sacred alliance leaders, all of the universe, even from the middle, was cut into two segments by Ye Chen with a sword. The extremely hard artificial fairy gold and protective **** array, like Yefu under the sword of Ye Chen, were swept across in two instants.


Countless Galata broke apart from it, quickly swallowed by the sea, countless sailors screamed, but helpless.

And this is just the beginning, Ye Chen's figure turned around and went to the next Garuda team.

Today, he wants to level the Garuda fleet of the Holy Land Alliance!


There are three major fleets in the Holy Land Alliance. Each fleet has dozens of Garudas, nearly one hundred falcons, and countless war equipment. In theory, any of these three fleets is enough to destroy one. Holy Land, but the names of the Five Great Immortal Sects are too large, and no one dares to provoke the Holy Land Alliance, so since their creation, they have barely encountered battles, and they do not know how to deal with this life-and-death crisis.


Soon, the battleships of the Garuda were chopped down by Ye Chen. You should know that each Guruda is about the same cost as Shenbao, except that the most critical core soul is not created.

A Garoda battleship can easily grow for hundreds of meters, like a hill, and the whole body is made of artificial fairy gold. Such a steel monster, protected by countless Divine Arrays, even Qiu Dao Yu had to be bombed several times, maybe he could blow up a Garuda warship.

But Ye Chen is like cutting vegetables, a dozen swords. It seems that many high-level leaders of the Holy Land Alliance are bleeding.

"Order the Falcon Brigade to stop Shuangye Xianzun and not allow him to destroy the entire fleet."

Those hawkish seniors have already begun to jump. To know their current status, half of them come from these powerful war equipment.

"Swoosh swoosh--!"

Dozens of wind falcons wandered about twenty or thirty kilometers away, and each of the miniature beggars shot at Ye Chen instead of killing the enemy, only to block Ye Chen's direction, but Ye Chen had already started a real fire.

He had been bombarded by dozens of miniature beggars before, and he wanted to protect Tan Qiongyu. The nine great gods were almost unstoppable even if they appeared together. If they had the golden flame armor, they might have been seriously injured.

Even now, Ye Chen still has a trace of fear.

"It seems that I underestimated this group of guys. They crushed them easily because I had arrived in a robbery. These war equipment and Qiu Daoyu are not worth mentioning, but now they are still a bit tricky to fly into the realm."

Ye Chen was annoyed in his heart. He still kept some hands before and did not kill him.

But now, Ye Chen is completely irritated and will not be retained. Once his combat power is fully open, the speed is several times the speed of light.

After all, Ye Chen's speed is too fast, and the multiple of the speed of light can't even bear him for too long, but with the power of nine gods, it can still last for about half an hour.

"Just within half an hour, the battle is over."

Ye Chen had a zigzag shape, flashing a miniature begging for Dao Dao, and then the sword became one, turned into a sword awn, and cut another Jialou into two pieces. At this time, it seemed that the high-level officials were in a hurry. Many falcons even crossed the security line and wanted to approach the attack.

"Death! Really think I dare not kill?"

Ye Chen snorted coldly, and he made a move with both hands, and 99,999 swords and swords flew through the sky. Each sword light, although not as good as the Panlong Golden Sword, can easily break the void. Scattered and rushed towards the many falcons.

"what is this?"

The senior members of the entire Holy Land Alliance have been dumbfounded. They can hardly carry a flying sword, not to mention more than 90,000 flying swords.

"Go and go!"

Many fairy troops shouted frantically, one folded, quickly detached, and quickly escaped. But before they could breathe a sigh of relief, a large group of sword qi instantly broke through the distance and slammed on these falcons.

Even the terrifying forces that even Garuda couldn't resist, how could these little falcons be able to fight? This group of guys with dark arrows in the distance was instantly disintegrated.

A few falcons that escaped into the sky, like a bird with a startled bow, instantly drove to maximum horsepower and flew away from Ye Chen.

But since Ye Chen had already wanted to teach the Holy Land Alliance a lesson, he no longer kept his hand.

"Boom Boom--!"

Ye Chen directed the Flying Sword, chased and killed a long distance, and continuously cut down hundreds of falcons before finally returning...

At this time, the entire hall of the Holy Land Alliance was silent.

All high-level officials no longer speak. Whether it is a hawkish dove, or a neutral, all the people are dark and silent.

At this time, the three fleets of the entire Holy Land Alliance were nearly wiped out, leaving only the few falcons that were farthest away at the time, and escaped the fastest when the situation was not good. As for Garuda, none of them survived. , All crushed into pieces!

If the fighting power is terrifying, who is his opponent? I am afraid that the high-level leaders in their ascendant are coming to die.

Everyone looked at Ye Chen with a sword, and slayed them with all their swords. They killed all the immortal swords that dare to attack themselves. Then they proceeded arrogantly and trampled on the dignity of the Holy Land Alliance.

"Everyone, what are we going to do?"

The high-ranking neutrals who came out to round the field before have a hard time talking.

The three major fleets were instantly destroyed, almost wiped out the entire Holy Land Alliance's war equipment, and then it was impossible to kill him without moving the Scarlet Guardian.

But the Scarlet Guardian has almost no sense of battle, and it must be commanded by someone. Then the question arises, who dares to take the Scarlet Guardian out?

Although all of them were giants in the mid-range of Ascension Realm, they all knew what they were. In front of Frost Leaf Immortal Venerable, I was afraid they would not be able to take a few photos.


Just when a group of people looked at each other, Ye Chen had already intruded into the territory of the Holy Land Alliance. The patron saint here was not even as good as the Five Great Immortals, and it had no effect at all.

The horror speed of several times the speed of light for half an hour in a row, and then using his sword to cut off dozens of Jialouda, even if Ye Chen's repair, I felt a little tired.

"But soon, I can feel that it is not far from Xumi Xianzun."

Ye Chen's eyes looked straight ahead like a sword. Although he felt vaguely, it seemed to be covered by the mysterious law, but he knew that Xumi Xianzun was there, and he couldn't let it go.

Because before entering the central galaxy, he had searched the soul of the elder Zhizhi and learned all the actions of the court of truth. Behind this was the great Xianzun of Daoxuan Xianzong.

That is to say, he is the one who puts down his own way to ask for his own way, judges the red lotus, and launches the war of public opinion.

How can Ye Chen fail to report such a great hatred? Not to mention a sacred place alliance in every district, even if the five great immortals come out, he will definitely kill Xumi Xianzun!

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