The Card Apprentice

Chapter 17: Belated billboard

As one of the six universities of Tianyou Federation, the Star Academy has a long history, and its founder is even more famous, he is Heiner Vancent. Because of this, although the Star Academy has not fallen in recent years, it has not fallen out of the ranks of the six universities, but it is already at the bottom.

The decline of the Star Academy has a direct relationship with their system.

The Star Academy is divided into an inner courtyard and an outer courtyard. When a certain time arrives each year, the school will select some students with excellent grades and talents from the outer courtyard to enter the inner courtyard for study. The inner courtyard is the core of the star courtyard. Everyone who can come out of the star courtyard, whether it is a cardmaker or a card repair, has left a lot of figures in history.

However, not only are the conditions for entering the courtyard of the Star Yard extremely strict, but it is also not easy to figure it out. It has been ten years since no one has been able to come out of the inner courtyard of the Star Academy, which is also the main reason for the decline of the Academy during these years. And the other five universities in the six universities, needless to say, such as the Federal Comprehensive University Hall, is the Kuji Temple with few students. Every two or three years, one or two amazing characters will appear.

Only the Star Academy has been out of the inner courtyard for ten years.

The scenes of the Star Academy over the years have been supported by students from the outer courtyard, and they barely supported the embarrassing situation in front of them.

However, it can be seen from this that, even if the students in the outer courtyard are stronger than the students in ordinary schools. That's why Zuo Tingyi said this, and suddenly said the friends who have always been above the top.

This magic card billboard for Uncle Hua was finally completed today, seven days after Chen Mu went to Golden Street.

The final product Chen Mu was quite satisfied.

The card body made from the bark of Qianyun tree is specially translucent white, and the half-sized palm body has a beautiful and complex pattern. Chen Mu's pen power is already in full swing, with smooth lines.

A one-man tall blue orchid, green leaves, slender flower stems, tender white with some creamy white flowers, slightly swaying. Every ten seconds, the orchid's flower will emit some colored broken light. The broken light transforms like water mist, and it is full of light, gradually changing into the five light words of "Uncle Hua Store".

At night, this beautiful orchid will bloom all its brilliance.

In five days, in addition to this You Qinglan's magic card advertisement, Chen Mu also produced another magic card.

This magic card is modeled after the wonderful card advertisement that I saw in the Shuanghuan Card Store that day. However, because Chen Mu's level is far from the author of that magic card, he can't copy the complicated magic card advertisement.

Chen Mu's magic card is only part of it. In the release image of the magic card, the fire dragon surrounding the stern black man aroused Chen Mu's interest.

Dazzling and hot, representing strength and power. This is the Samsung Magic Card Flame Dragon Card, which is an intermediate battle card. This fire dragon is completely simulated by energy. Under the control of Ka Xiu, it can not only emit amazing heat, but also has the property of explosion, flexible and powerful. It is a favorite of many battle cards.

This magic card copied by Chen Mu is related to the Flame Dragon Card, but it is just a one-star magic card. In other words, this is not a real flame dragon card, but a flame dragon phantom card. This magic card can release an extremely realistic illusion of red flame dragon, but this illusion is only composed of light and does not have any lethality.

But I have to say that the illusion of the flame dragon released by this magic card made by Chen Mu is too realistic!

The lifelike flame dragon, a layer of flames that appear to be a real fantasy, once it is released, it will hover and dance in the sky, and occasionally bring up a fluffy crimson Mars, it seems that it is necessary to choose someone to eat, and the horror Extreme.

The advertisement of Shuanghuan Card Store left Chen Mu extremely impressed. Before that, he never thought that the illusion could be so complicated. This flame dragon phantom card is the product of Chen Mu's impulse.

However, this incident also made him understand a little, how far away from his level from the card maker who produced the ad for the Double Five Card Store.

Bringing the advertising magic card to Uncle Hua, Chen Mu felt better again. In his ordinary life, there are very few things he wants to accomplish, and this is one of them. It is finally finished today, and his mind is full of expectations when Uncle Hua sees the surprise expression when he sees the phantom advertisement released by this advertising phantom card.

He almost trot all the way to Uncle Hua's grocery store.

The closed door let Chen Mu's heart twitch for a moment, and suddenly a little bit of unknown feeling rose.

He hurried to the surrounding stores, found a shop owner, and eagerly asked, "Hello, why didn't Uncle Hua next door open today?"

"Who knows, he hasn't been here for a few days!" The shop owner glanced up at Chen Mu and answered lightly.

Chen Mu went home in despair. From then on, he would visit Uncle Hua's grocery store almost every day, but every time he was disappointed and returned. Since Uncle Hua's store has never closed, it has never opened.

He also tried to ask the surrounding shopkeepers about Uncle Hua's place of residence, but none of them knew.

Chen Mu knew that Uncle Hua might have finally reached the last step. In fact, when Uncle Hua kept coughing, he had such a hunch.

This put him in a sentimental mood for a considerable amount of time.

A few years of stable life has made him a little strange to death.

The death of Uncle Hua and Chen Mu was very exciting, and he could not tell what kind of stimulation it was. But he practiced desperately, practicing the "exercise gymnastics" learned from that mysterious magic card and making magic cards. This exercise is a completely different state from previous exercises.

Training day and night, he completely forgot the time. Every day he was exhausted, but he still kept on, with a bit of masochistic training, he didn't want to let himself have any spare time. He was afraid, afraid of thinking of Uncle Hua, afraid of thinking of some previous things.

He wants to keep himself busy!

Apart from buying daily necessities, he stays at home. He continued to practice gymnastics every day, and constantly practiced making magic cards. He began to be exposed to knowledge about card-raising. But it was just contact. Although it was only basic, the difficulty of raising a card made him feel very strenuous.

In his opinion, this is a brand new territory that he never imagined.

During Chen Mu's hard training period, a big event happened in the Dongshang Acropolis.

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