The Brave Master Is the Demon King

Chapter 98: The fate of mankind


   A way of using magic power is to divide the magic power in the body into filaments, and then combine them together to form a whole, so that a piece of magic power can undergo several changes at the same time, and it is often used in fine middle and high-level magic.

   It is very important for people like Rena to be able to use "weaving" flexibly.

   Two finger-sized magic'silks' are entwined and twisted into a twist shape.


   Rena who was sitting by the river yelled and saw a banana-sized bait appeared in the fishing rod and moved mechanically.


   The devil looked at her with a black line on her face. Rena seemed to have confidence in the bait and threw the bait into the water with a normal swipe.

The huge sound of falling into the water scared the surrounding fish. The banana-sized bait was constantly twitching in the water, not to mention the fish. The devil sitting on the shore also felt that this thing was a bit scary. For the time being, this bait was better than most rivers. The fish should be big, and the appearance alone can prevent most fish from approaching.

   "I want to catch a big fish!"

   Rena seemed to perceive the master's gaze, and turned her head to speak to him confidently.


   The devil's hand holding the fishing rod kept trembling.

   What idiot apprentice did he teach!


   "It hurts!"

   Rena was hit by the master again.

   "You are trying to hold the fish to death," the Demon King cursed.

   After being beaten by the master like this, Rena’s attention was distracted, and the magic power was transferred too much. With a bang, her bait exploded, causing a large splash of water and the entire river surging.

   A barrier blocked the heads of the two of them. However, Mikeji, who was sleeping next to him, was not so lucky. First he was awakened by the explosion, then he was soaked wet, and finally a fish fell on his head.

   Rena covered her head with both hands, she was taken aback by the explosion, and then a fish fell in front of her.

   "Master! I caught a fish!"

   She immediately caught the fish happily and showed it to the devil.


   The devil gave her another iron fist.

   "You are not fishing, you are bombing!"


   "Forget it, stop fishing."

   After all, so scared, it's hard to fall into the fish again.

   The devil stood up after speaking, threw the fishing rod, turned and walked back to the camp.

   "Master, wait for me!"

   Rena also stood up, caught the fish with both hands, and followed. Mikeji also grabbed a fish, raised his head and caught up with some difficulty.


   The long convoy is advancing along a winding road. Two rows of armored soldiers sit in the wooden carriages. The expressions on their faces are the same, they are expressionless.

  The soldiers lowered their heads. They also put the sword in the scabbard, put their hands on the sword guard, and put the sword into the groove on the floor of the carriage, like a prayer.

   Right at the forefront of the car line, five single-horned white horses are pulling a black car.

   "Ah~ so boring."

   Greer gave a long yawn. He leaned back in the chair lazily, but the devil didn’t think it was very comfortable. The armor would prop up his body and press the nape of his neck.

   I want to ask why he knows, it's because the armor he wears is the same as Greer's.

   "Thank you for being so relaxed, but we are going to the battlefield."

Lilith, who was sitting next to the Demon King, said with a bit of displeasure. From her face, she could tell that she was very nervous. On the one hand, she thought she was sitting next to the Demon King. On the other hand, it was because they were going to perform the most Dangerous task.

"Oh, of course I relax. For you guys, this is the first time on the battlefield, but for me, it's just going back to the battlefield, do you understand? The battlefield is the same as my home, hehe." Greer said with a smirk.


   Lilith said in a low voice, she turned her face away.

   "And you seem to be the only nervous person in this car, the former captain."

   Greer mocked.

   "How can this be..."

   Lilith wanted to refute, but she was speechless when she looked at the other person. Oro lowered her head and leaned on the carriage beside the armrest, seeming to be asleep, while Lin Chade was reading the book with a very natural expression.

   Even reading is so handsome.

   She blushed and looked at Dodoro next to her. She must be the same as herself...

   Duodoro opened her mouth and held an apple in her hand. After noticing Lilith's sight, she immediately bit down and hid it in the other direction, for fear of being snatched by others.

   "Where did you get the apple."

   "I took it during dinner."

  Dodoro replied while chewing on the apple.

   Lilith was a little bit convinced, but Xin said why, except for her and Lin Chade's accident, why are there no normal people in this team?

  It's normal to be nervous. After all, they were sent to the front line to face the terrible army of demon kings. People who are not nervous have problems.

   But maybe it's all appearances.

   "What do you think of our team? I feel a little weird." Lilith lowered her voice.

   "That's probably because the soldiers have poor quality residuals."

   Greer rarely showed serious eyes.

"how do you know?"

   "There is something called experience, don't underestimate the uncle, experience is much more precious than your magic."

   Greer raised his head slightly, showing a wolf-like look.

"Oh, yes, then how can you tell that these people are not good? I think they are well equipped, and their movements are quite neat." Lilith said, no matter what, in short, she just doesn't agree with Greer's words .

   "You can't judge a team like that." Greer said, he is extra serious today.

   "Spirit, aura, expression, these are probably the differences," the devil said suddenly.

   "Yes!" Greer nodded excitedly.

   Lilith closed her mouth, she leaned against the devil and asked, "Then what do you think of them?"

   The devil closed the book.

   "Most of them are newcomers, and some are not up to the standard at all, and there is a big difference in age. It is estimated that many of them have only received some simple training." He said.

   "Yes, and there are a lot of irregularities, such as death row prisoners." Greer said in a terrifying tone.

   Lilith was silent for a few seconds, her brows furrowed.

   "The situation in the Ross Empire is worse than we thought. How is it, do you regret it now?" Greer asked What regrets? "Lilith glared at him.

   "The choice of joining the empire, if you stay in the trade union, you might be able to live longer."

   "Hmph! I don't regret it. Anyway, don't you just believe Lin Chade? He is a brave man and will definitely bring us victory, right." Lilith looked at the devil innocently.

   The devil smiled faintly, without answering.

   "Furthermore, the union is strong, and they will definitely not sit back and watch the Ruth Empire fall." Lilith said again.

   "It's a pity that the union really won't send a large number of reinforcements. The main thing is to rely on the Rus Empire and the support of other empires."

   "Why can you be sure of this." Lilith questioned.

   Greer took a breath and sighed again, seemingly impatient, and said, "Because of Rhode Island."

   Lilith was puzzled.

"I know you don’t understand why a land island that completely cut off communication two years ago has something to do with this. You can see from the map. If Rhode Island is occupied by the Demon King’s army, they can use it as a supply. Stand and let your ships on the sea go farther, do you understand? At that time, not only will be attacked on land or near the demon king's forces, as long as there is a coastal area, the demon king's army may appear there."

   Greer said solemnly.

"In other words, the union cannot concentrate its army to defend against the Demon King's army on land, but also to guard against the Demon King's sea attack. If they are allowed to occupy a small country in the rear, then it is a pity that humanity will be completely destroyed by that time. Up."

   After he finished speaking, everyone in the carriage fell silent.

   An atmosphere of fear and depression permeated the entire team.


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