The Boss Behind The Game

Vol 2 Chapter 671: Bloody Seal Road

The blow came too fast, and many European players were caught off guard.

In particular, some of the Knights of the European Service who spent a lot of money to form a copy of the team, they immediately collapsed after receiving the message from their friends.

This time, in order to catch a soul-stealing beast, some knight players even took out the continuation of the three-year battle, and also found a team that borrowed a lot of soul coins from friends.

Their idea is very simple, as long as they have the mount of the ghost king realm, it is not easy to make money, and monsters that did not dare to challenge before are not a problem in the future, and the efficiency of earning soul coins can be greatly improved.

However, when the "Reading and Breaking Thousands of Volumes" post was published on the China Service Forum and reprinted to the European Service Forum, they were hit hard and could not bear the cruel truth.

Many unwilling to believe in life and death decided to continue to try.

However, the fact is that, as the book reads and reads 10,000 volumes, the soul swallowing beast cannot break into dying at all, and if it is severely injured, it will split itself. The more it hits, the more it will be endless.

Under such circumstances, the knights of the European service were extremely frustrated and gave up the idea of ​​catching soul-stealing beasts.

But just then, a new turn came.

Gouzi, one of the popular players in the forum, posted a post at this time with a video attached.

The video is exactly what the ancient language and others saw in the grasslands of the second realm of Hell Road.

A picture of a soul swallowing beast chasing a group of demon apes and finally killing them all.

One of the exciting scenes in the video is that the soul swallowing monsters will not damage their bodies when they kill the magic apes, and they will spit them out after swallowing.

At the end of the video, there is no waste of ancient language and others, and all these apes have taken up space.

At this moment, the players feel as if they have seen a way to get rich, not only in the clothing, but also in the European clothing players.

How valuable the material after the death of the demon ape can be seen at a glance at the auction house.

The players suddenly couldn't resist, and immediately formed a squad, and came out to the second realm of hell.

Although they can't beat the demon ape, aren't they soul swallowers?

According to the dog in the post, the soul swallower will not hurt the player, as long as you know that you are a "soulless" creature, even if you take the initiative to attack, it will ignore you.

This also means that many low-level players can also take advantage of this, as long as they lead the magic ape to the area with the soul-swallowing beast, and then wait to collect corpses and collect materials to earn a large sum.

It is said that the pioneers in each industry's initial stage are the most profitable.

In fact, it ’s the same. It ’s like moving to a large forest area to move corpses. Because the market was very vacant in the early stage, the first pioneers could sell the same corpse warrior for a higher price than the later ones.

After the market is formed in size, the profit will decrease after the price stabilizes.

So the players did not hesitate and set off decisively.

I want to try the water while the materials produced by the magic ape are very vacant at the auction house, and maybe I will be the first crab eaters.

Not long after the dog posted, many players who were already in the second realm of Hell Road began to try.

They follow the coordinates provided by the dog to the central junction where the magic ape may exist. As long as they encounter the magic ape on the road, they will provoke variously, and then rush to the nearby soul-stealing beast with the magic ape.

There were many failures during this period.

Even several teams were destroyed by the angry magic ape, but there were many successful players. They would share the situation at the forum and screenshots of the show materials, which ignited the enthusiasm of more players.

This also led to more players joining it.

In the subsequent development, the strategy was posted in many expectations.

Gao Gao has formulated various ways to improve the efficiency of picking dead bodies, and there have also been ways to improve the efficiency of attracting strange monsters and reducing casualties.

For example, in the relay style, one team stays near the soul swallower, and the others line up in turn.

As long as the front-most stranger contacts the magic ape, he will send a notification on the voice channel, and then run to the player closest to him, even if he is dead on the road, the other one will pick it up until he brings it to the soul-stealing beast. Around.

Escape is the next most important thing.

In the early exploration, a Gaowan in the middle-aged clothing thought that in the battle of the Sen Luo Great Territory at that time, the Demon Clan seemed very interested in the corpse, so he bought a corpse warrior's body at the auction house and regarded it as The bait begins to attract the magic ape warrior.

It turned out to be a success.

The demon ape who saw the body of the corpse gathered like crazy from all directions, and then collectively violently under the "soul swallow beast array" arranged by this player. In the end, the player gained a lot, and posted a selfie on the corpse of more than ten demon apes in the forum.

After this post appeared, the corpse of the auction house was swept away.

For this kind of non-renewable resource, veteran players can think about how valuable this gadget will be in the future, especially when they know that they can also be used as bait to catch magic apes.

As they thought, in just one day, the regional voice channel was full of players buying corpses, and the price was three times higher than the original.

Let the players who previously smelled the business opportunity and hoarded a body of corpses earn a lot of money.

After a few more days, when the players began to practice the "magic ape" method described in this guide, and the success was achieved, the body value of the corpse warrior began to soar again.

At this time, the players suddenly regarded the copy of the second realm of Hell Road as a treasure trove, and when they entered the sanctuary of the demon ape, they earned material costs from the demon ape.

Along with the materials appearing on the magic ape in the auction house one after another, and constantly increasing, after the price has stabilized relatively, the number of players who purchase these materials to replace equipment has also increased.

Relying on the materials brought by the Demon Clan, the Chinese and European clothing set off a wave of equipment replacement.

The overall strength began to increase rapidly with the help of the Magic Ape.

Originally, the players went to the second realm of Hell Road just to catch the mount, but did not expect that it would evolve into this mode in the future, which is unexpected for all players.

It can also be regarded as intentionally planting flowers, and inadvertently inserting willows into shade.


The second realm of Hell Road, east.

A huge white orangutan looks like a mountain, standing on the ground.

And on him, there are countless magic apes.

These monster apes seem to have his body as home, perched on it, and built many strange buildings.

Looking up, through the layers of cloud and mist barriers, came to the head of the demon ape.

At this moment, the Lord Ape's Lord was approaching, and two red and purple soul beads were clinging together, slowly spinning.

Seeing this scene, there was a look of hope in His eyes.

The last time I saw "Scorpion God Double Beads", he didn't remember how many years ago.

At that time, it was not the Lord of the Apes, nor did it have such a powerful strength now, but the leader of the Apes in the second realm of Hell Road.

Many memories have been obscured, but Lord Demon Ape still remembers clearly that the corpses at that time regarded them as blood food and did everything to them.

At that time, the Supreme Lord of the Apes also thought that there would be no waves in this life. Although he was the leader, he would be swallowed up by the corpse one day, and he would go to the end of his destiny like the tribe, and death would be worthless.

But he never thought of resistance, and even firmly believed that this was the destiny of their demon ape family, which could not be changed. To compete with a powerful corpse is a joke in his opinion, even if he is ten thousand times stronger, it is impossible.

But after all, his fate did not follow the mediocre death he thought, and the variables came quietly.

It was raining that day, and the second realm of Hell Road seemed to be experiencing catastrophe, the wind was raging, and countless ghosts were wandering between heaven and earth, like the end of the day.

With a loud noise, a gap exploded in the sky, and a blood-stained black iron rod fell from the sky and plunged straight into their territories.

His Majesty the Ape, then the leader, was frightened.

After seeing the black iron rod, he did not immediately investigate whether the stick was a treasure, but instead informed the corpse decisively and asked them to investigate the situation.

The corpse members arrived quickly and began investigating the black iron rod.

However, no matter how hard the corpse members tried, this black iron rod seemed to be connected to the earth, without moving.

Even if the corpse members dug three feet, they still couldn't take this black iron rod away.

The helpless corpse members chose to leave and were ready to inform the high-levels, but before they left, they took away more than 20 celebrities of the Lord Ape and told them to have more offspring!

At that time, instead of being angry at the orders of the corpse members, His Holiness had nodded for granted.

Because they were so long before he was born, they have always been the blood of the corpse, and their ancestors were captive by the corpse, never resisted, and never dissatisfied.

Regarding this requirement of the corpse, His Majesty the Ape immediately agreed to it and informed the people that they must have more lives that day. This was the order of the corpse.

Sometimes when slavery becomes a part of life, many things that are incredible can be taken for granted.

That was the case with the Lord of the Apes at that time.

Since birth, they have been exposed to the concept of "the supremacy of corpses," and their destiny has become their food.

During the waiting days, another group of corpses came, and they began investigating the black iron rods again, and tried to pull them out of the ground.

However, this time it was still unsuccessful. The corpse members returned home and took away a batch of magic apes again.

The turnaround occurred when the corpse arrived for the third time.

This time a high-level general of the corpse came, and he tried to pull the black iron rod from the ground like the corpse members before.

But the accident happened, and the black iron bar suddenly trembled and burst into an unimaginable force.

The corpse would burst into a mist of blood in the unbelievable eyes of His Holiness the Ape.

Prior to that, the concept in His Majesty's Heart had always been the supremacy of corpses, and there was nothing that could not be done.

But this time, a high-level corpse was blown into black mist by a black iron rod under his eyelids.

It turned out that the corpses were not invincible.

At that time, Lord Ape was just feeling in his heart, but there was still no impulse to resist.

With the rest of the corpse hurriedly retreating, Lord Ape has become curious about this iron rod.

At that time, the idea of ​​the Supreme Lord of the Apes was simple and simple.

There is only a guess and concept. Since iron rods can kill members of corpses, does it mean that iron rods are larger than corpses?

Perhaps this comparison is ridiculous to many people, but the Lord of the Apes who has never been in contact with the outside world and has been captive in the corpse territory has born such a ridiculous and simple idea of ​​contrast.

After this, His Holiness was full of awe of this iron rod.

The members of the corpse have followed them one after another. Except for the supreme corpse god, almost all senior cadaver personnel have arrived.

They tried countless ways, but they couldn't pull the iron rod from the ground.

In the end, they came to the conclusion that the iron rod was already connected to the earth, and it was impossible to remove it except for the corpse **** who was not in the second realm at the moment.

Before the corpse **** returned, the corpse abandoned his research on the black iron rod.

However, the actions of the corpse were all seen by the demon ape, and his heart became more awed and admired by this black iron rod.

At this time, the black iron rod was equivalent to the corpse in the heart of the demon ape, even a higher level of existence than the corpse.

Every morning, when the rising sun rises, the demon ape will worship the black iron rod and worship. At sunset, the demon ape will repeat the actions of the morning.

That's it for five years.

The corpse **** still has not returned, and the corpse has long abandoned the research on this black iron rod, but only occasionally comes to the demon ape to receive blood food.

But what the corpse didn't know was that the leader of the demon ape quietly changed.

With admiration, after worshiping the black iron rod every day, the Supreme Lord of the Apes found that his heart became very peaceful, as if there was some hot liquid flowing in his body.

Gradually, his hair turned white and his strength increased day by day.

As if after each worship to the iron rod, the iron rod will feedback him a power to improve his physique.

After five years of worship, the demon ape was even more awed by this blood-stained black iron rod and regarded it as a **** in his heart.

In worship, Lord Ape also found himself completely different from his people.

It seems to be another creature.

In addition, the Supreme Lord of the Apes also found that he seemed to be thinking about problems. He began to think about many things, instead of living like a tribe, who would only eat, drink and sleep, and waited for death to come.

He began to think about the meaning of life, and even explored the mysteries of nature.

But the answer to all of this was unknown.

So the Lord Ape began to pray to the "black iron rod" with curiosity, asking for knowledge.

When praying, His Majesty the Ape has great respect in his heart and doesn't even consider it a stupid act to do so.

Because Lord Ape has long regarded this iron rod as a god, an omnipotent god!

In fact, such a stupid move changed the respect of the demon ape, changed the future direction of the demon ape, and completely changed the fate of the corpse.

At that moment, Lord Ape got the knowledge he wanted, and a secret book appeared in his mind.

This is a secret book with no history and no words. It is more like a sentiment than a secret book.

After this secret book emerged from his mind, His Majesty the Ape had a thought in his heart.

I should have been the strongest creature in the world.

This is a feeling, not a complete record of exercises.

It is also this feeling that makes the Lord Ape unwilling to yield, let alone sink, and wants to be the strongest!

The beginning of everything only comes from the worship of his heart.

This got him the recognition of the black iron rod, and obtained a period of no upload!

However, the inherent concepts in his heart made him try several times to suppress the thought of wanting to "kill the world". He even thought that his thoughts were very ridiculous and undesirable.

However, as time passed, as the power gained became stronger and the knowledge in his mind became richer, he found himself gradually accepting this concept.

So when the corpse came to their territories again to receive the clan, although the demon ape still did not refuse, but his heart was already dissatisfied.

Because he feels that he is the "strongest", why should he give tribes to corpses.

And why did the corpse take precedence over themselves!

The seeds of the hatred corpse are buried in the heart of the Venerable Demon Ape and thrive.

After that, Lord Demon Ape desperately wanted to become stronger, praying to the black iron rod every day, praying to him to gain more power than the corpse.

Because he wanted to rebel against the corpses, he felt that he was the most powerful creature in this world.

The secret code at that time was like a seed, rooted in the heart of the demon ape, allowing him to change from the inside to the outside, and also formed his Taoism on the road to cultivation.

Even if there is no corresponding strength, the Lord of the Apes at that time already had a strong heart.

This road of cultivation, in the beginning, the Supreme Lord of the Apes has obtained what others have dreamed of, and has laid a solid foundation for the future cultivation of roads.

Years are like shuttles, hundreds of years of practicing the road, the Lord of the Apes has come steadily.

Every hundred years passed, and it was also the day when the magic ape clan changed its leader.

As the leader, they could not escape the fate of becoming blood food after all. Although he could live a hundred years longer than the clan, at this moment he had to accept the fate of becoming blood food.

This is also the iron rule established by the corpses in captivating many blood-eating races!

Although the corpses feel that under their control, there is no possibility of betrayal of the blood-eating race below, but they also have to guard against it.

Because such examples are too frequent in the underworld, no one knows which force their race will be subverted by.

Both external forces and internal forces are possible.

The princes don't understand the eternal truth of the kingship, so they must put an end to all threats.

To this end, they have established a leader who replaces every blood-eating race every 100 years, ensuring that their races cannot unite as one, and can't produce the idea of ​​disobedience.

In fact, it really works wonders. All blood-eating races are firmly controlled by them. It is even impossible to betray, so their dynasty dynasty is extremely stable.

A hundred years have passed, and this time it is the turn of the leader of the demon ape to become blood food.

As usual, the members of the corpse came to the territory of the demon ape, and began to select the people while preparing to take away the demon ape.

At that moment, Venerable Lord Ape, who had been suppressed for hundreds of years, erupted.

The amazing combat power displayed even stunned those members of the corpse. In the face of His Holiness, they found that they could not resist, and they were beheaded in a short time.

This scene also scared the silly people of the demon ape.

However, after the Lord Ape sacrificed all the members of the Corpse, he looked with joy at the people and said that they wanted to take them away, but the people's reaction was beyond his expectation.

The tribe's eyes were filled with panic, disgust, fear and strangeness.

They couldn't imagine why the leader would become so powerful, but more thoughts were on how the leader could be so stupid and dare to disobey the corpse.

In fact, it is only the wish of the demon ape, no tribe is willing to follow him to resist, and no tribe is willing to follow him on this path of supremacy.

Because they have been accustomed to such days, becoming blood food is taken for granted by these people.

When everyone is foolish, the one who sees the reality and has the courage to resist has become a fool in everyone's eyes.

The unwilling Venerable Demon Ape tried to persuade the tribe, but no tribe ignored him and did not even dare to face him.

At that moment, the heart of His Holiness was full of anger.

He didn't hate the people, but hated the corpses to make their people so stupid!

He did not choose to leave alone, because he knew that if he left, then the demon ape tribe would perish.

He was born here, and has been feeling for hundreds of years with the clan. He could not bear to see the clan being destroyed, but he begged the clan people and hoped that they would wake up.

But soon, members of the corpse who discovered the anomalous magic rushed quickly.

The war broke out again. This time, while the Lord Ape killed the corpse members, he looked at the roar of the tribes to prove to them that the corpses were not supreme inviolable, and they would also die.

In order to prove this, His Majesty the Monkey King finally left a corpse member and asked him to kneel in front of himself and begged himself to prove this to the people.

But what the Lord Ape did not expect was that the tribe's eyes were still full of puppets, without waking up, and even kneeling on the ground, in front of his face, he wanted to release the corpse member and begged the corpse member for forgiveness .

The angry Lord Ape killed the corpse member on the spot.

The follow-up corps army arrived ~ ~ The Lord Ape ’s **** battle, but his actions made him desperate.

From their eyes, Lord Ape saw that they wanted the corpses to kill themselves, not to win.

This Warlord Ape was seriously injured, and the overwhelming corpse powerhouse has many stronger existences than him.

But even if he was bathing in blood, Lord Demon Ape still struggled to kill.

Even if he died, he would never give in to the corpse again, he should have been the strongest creature in this world!

At that moment, the black iron rod resonated with him as if standing up, and he was firmly held in his hands.

The mighty power poured into the body, and the stubbornness in his heart was protected by the black iron rod at that moment.

Raise your hand to pierce the sky, and wave your hand to sweep the army, like a **** of war.

This battle has been going on for more than a year. Whenever nearing death, the black iron rod will pull him back from life and death, giving him the strength to continue fighting.

After more than a year of **** battle, Lord Ape has become more and more fierce, and finally established himself as a god, engraving his name on the list of Yin gods during the slaughter.

Heaven and earth weeping blood, nature congratulates all things.

But at the moment when God was sealed, Lord Ape has cursed his own people.

"Since the corpses take my demon ape as blood food, I curse my offspring of the demon ape for food addiction, swallowing its flesh and bones, taking the power of its blood, and devouring it for generations ! "

This curse was engraved in the flesh and blood of every demon ape, and after seeing the corpse, they could not resist trying to devour it, because it was the curse of the demon ape.

It is also the beginning of the second world of Hell Road controlled by the magic ape!

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