Special Edition

(Continued from chapters 122 to 123) (this is the key point)

(This special article is not connected to the main story, nor is it involved, nor is it foreshadowing, it should be another story)

(It means just look at it, no need to deduct the plot!)


A beam of strong light hit Qin Yu's face, and his eyes hurt when he stabbed.

Suddenly awakened, Qin Yu felt sore all over. The cold touch of the iron chair and handcuffs made his body tremble subconsciously. The strong sense of drowsiness made Qin Yu even more dazed at this time.

"Qin Yu, tell me why you killed your roommate Wu Hao." A majestic voice sounded suddenly.

Qin Yu's eyes opened a gap.

He saw a hazy figure sitting opposite him in a white dangling light.

"I didn't kill Wu Hao, I didn't kill it," Qin Yu whispered subconsciously.

"Also quibble! Only the fingerprints of you and Wu Hao at the scene, there is no trace of the existence of a third person, let's say, for what purpose will you kill Wu Hao?"

"It was Wu Hao and Uncle Wu Hao tied me and Wu Hao there and killed Wu Hao"

The brushing sound of the pen sliding on the paper sounded, and after finishing recording, that sound sounded again:

"Retell the beginning and end of the incident with me, remember that I will record everything you say, if there is false, then I am sorry, you are likely to rise from the biggest suspect to the murderer"

The man waited for a while, but found that Qin Yu did not speak at all.

He raised his head in confusion, only to find that Qin Yu had already crooked his head and fell into a drowsiness.

When Qin Yu woke up again, he found that he was lying on the bed, and the smell of disinfectant permeated all around.

Where am I?

Qin Yu subconsciously propped up his body, his arms were so weak and abnormal that he was stunned and almost couldn't support it.

"you're awake?"

A middle-aged man in a white coat heard Qin Yu's movements and came from the house next to him.

"Where am I?"

Qin Yu seemed a little confused at this time, and his head was even more confused, and he could not distinguish between reality and dreams.

"This is a prison. You have lost too much blood. Take a rest," the middle-aged doctor replied with a smile.

"Prison? Why am I in prison?"

Qin Yu's mood fluctuated sharply, so the whole person was awake a lot, and the pictures in his memory kept flowing.

"I didn't kill Wu Hao, I didn't kill it," Qin Yu immediately exasperated.

The middle-aged doctor still smiled: "Okay, it ’s OK if you killed me. I ’m just a prison doctor. When you ’re good, prove it for yourself. My task now is to take care of you Makes you go wrong here. "

Seeing that Qin Yu, in addition to the large fluctuations in mood, seemed to be okay, the middle-aged doctor turned around and walked into the nearby room again.

Only Qin Yu stayed in bed, thinking about things.

At this time, Qin Yu also remembered the memory of her during the interrogation, and thought that she was actually accused of murder, which made Qin Yu somewhat inexplicable.

How could he go and kill his classmates and die-hards, and how could he not find traces of goatee at the scene.

While Qin Yu was thinking, the door on the other side of the infirmary was pushed open.

A middle-aged man with a tall figure and a Chinese character face stepped in.

He saw that Qin Yu had woke up, but he felt a bit frightened, and even went to Qin Yu's bed and pulled a stool to sit down.

"Woke up?"

"En" Qin Yu nodded.

"I came to see your physical condition, but just right, continue the next transcript, and you will tell me what happened that day again."

Saying that the man took out a pen and a book from his pocket.

Qin Yu had already guessed the identity of the man in front of him, and nodded in cooperation.

Next, Qin Yu started to say what happened that day from beginning to end.

The man was also serious in registering what Qin Yu said in his notebook.

But when Qin Yu talked about the flood of blood and the appearance of evil spirits, the man frowned and interrupted Qin Yu's words:

"Have you been mentally wounded before?"

"All I said was true," Qin Yu forced the anger in his heart and said.

"Forget it, that's it for the time being. I want to ask you a question. If you say that there is such a third party character, what evidence can you have?"

Qin Yu was indignant at the skepticism that the man had always had.

He pulled his right hand out of the quilt and crossed it in front of the man's eyes: "Did I cut this wound myself?"

The man took a closer look at Qin Yu's wrist, and his look became strange.

When Qin Yu saw this, he quickly turned his wrist to face himself.

But when he saw that there was not even a scar on his originally cut wrist, his head was buzzing.

how is this possible? Obviously cut off

Thinking of this, Qin Yuqiang stood up with soreness, took off his coat, and began to check his condition.

Qin Yu was dumbfounded when he saw the bruises and paddles that had been **** by goatees disappeared.

How could Qin Yu mutter to himself, his expression was full of disbelief.

The man also stood up at this time, shook his head and sighed, then walked into the nearby hut.

Vaguely Qin Yu could hear the man seem to be saying to the doctor what a mental examination was needed.

After a while, the man walked out of the house.

He glanced at Qin Yu, walked to him and patted Qin Yu's shoulder:

"If someone is in a state of uncontrollability, something that happens will even feel unbelievable."

Qin Yu didn't understand the meaning of the man at this time. This was to say that he had killed someone during a mental illness.

"I! No! Kill! People!" Qin Yu glared at the man and gritted his teeth.

The man didn't bother Qin Yu again this time, but patted him on the shoulder again, turned and walked towards the door.

Unnecessary allegations of killings, traces of goatee erased, and even more incredible, the physical trauma disappeared. The connection of these things made Qin Yu feel like he had fallen into the mist vortex, and everything revealed strangeness.

But even as a party, Qin Yu could not explain the reason.

But if he can't prove his innocence and have solid evidence of murder, then Qin Yu also understands what will be waiting for him.

His fists clenched involuntarily, Qin Yu sat paralyzed at the bed with a complex mood, his thoughts were disordered.

"Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you something." Guozi's face, who was about to push the door, suddenly turned to face Qin Yu.

Qin Yu raised his head subconsciously.

"After our investigation, Wu Hao's uncle had committed suicide because of gambling as early as 3 years ago!"


In a prison on the outskirts of Tianluo City, a young man in his 20s was walking slowly along with the prison guards.

His feet were connected by a large iron chain, and the rustling of the chain dragging every time he stepped forward.

When he came to the door of a room, the prison guard opened the door and forced a bunch of people against the man: "Be honest when you go in."

The numb man dragged his legs into the room.

The size of the room is not large and the interior is simply furnished with two chairs and a desk.

Qin Yu sat skillfully on the iron chair opposite the desk, looked up at the man with a Chinese character face wearing a police badge in front of him, smiled at himself, but did not speak.

After Qin Yu sat down, the middle-aged man across the side picked up a piece of paper and thought:

"Qin Yu, male, 23 years old"

"Born in 1995, an orphan, was adopted by Tianpo City Tiger Park Orphanage, studied in XXX, graduated from XXX, and now works as XXX"

After reading Qin Yu's personal resume, the middle-aged man said, "Is the information wrong?"

"Unmistakably" Qin Yu replied faintly.

"Very good, Qin Yu, this is the third time. I'll ask you again. Did you kill anyone?"

"I didn't kill"

When saying this, Qin Yu's mood was extremely complicated.

Thinking of some of the things experienced during this period, even Qin Yu's psychological endurance is strong, and he feels exhausted.

As early as a week ago, the court convicted Qin Yu of homicide, and he was sentenced to this prison.

Qin Yu appealed, and the court gave Qin Yu the opportunity, but he still couldn't produce evidence to prove his innocence.

So a day ago, Qin Yu's sentence was sent to him.

The death penalty was suspended for three months.

Even if Qin Yu is not reconciled, he can only accept legal sanctions before the iron evidence.

This was the last conversation. After receiving the same answer from Qin Yu again, Guozi face got up helplessly, shook his head, and turned away.

After reading Qin Yu's mental test report, Guozilian knew that Qin Yu's spirit was not at all problematic.

So in his opinion, Qin Yu has been quibbling, and has never told the truth.

After Guozilian left, Qin Yu was brought back to his cell by the prison guard.

Surrounded by the "snap" of the iron door closing, the surroundings fell into darkness.

The damp and dark room covered Han Yiben's depressed mood with a haze.

The thought of receiving the death penalty three months later, Qin Yu smiled miserably.

He knew that his life was over.

"Boy, I heard you're going to die? Niubi" A husky voice came from a dark corner.

It can be roughly seen through the thin light that the talking is a shabby, bearded old man.

During this period of contact, Qin Yu also had some understanding of this person. The situation is better than him. Although not to death, he can only stay in this iron window in this life.

Qin Yu ignored the old beggar. He was lying on the bed with his eyes dull and looking at the ceiling.

"Well, killing lives is nothing to be afraid of, let's say, there will be a new life waiting for you after going down."

Qin Yu still ignored the old beggar, but the old beggar crawled out of the corner and moved to Qin Yu's bed.

At this time, it can be found that the legs of the old beggar were obviously twisted.

He patted the edge of the bed: "Boy, the old man is not sure if you have been wronged, but what I just said is true"

There was a flash of anger in Qin Yu's eyes: "If I become a ghost, I must kill that bastard"

"Hey, that's right, young people should be a little emotional, don't be dead-hearted, although you're really going to die." The old beggar added another sentence at the end of his poisonous tongue.

"Do you think you are unlucky?" The old beggar continued to chatter.

"none of your business!"

Qin Yu simply lifted the quilt to one side of his body and covered his head. He didn't want to continue to entangle with the old beggar.

Seeing Qin Yu's appearance, the old man muttered a few words, "No, it's Thai," and then retracted into the corner again.


Three months of torment, this day came as expected.

Before the sentence, this meal was very rich, commonly known as beheading rice. If you had a full meal before death, Huang Quan did not starve on the road.

At the last meal, no relatives or friends arrived, only the old beggar in the same cell was with him.

Holding the wine glass and touching the old beggar, Qin Yu smiled and said, "Old guy, thank you for this day."

"Thank you, I feel bored without you to chat with me, as long as you don't dislike the old man, I am cheap, haha"

The old beggar laughed, tearing a chicken leg with his hand, and chewing it with one.

During these days, Qin Yu also gradually became familiar with old beggars.

Although the old beggar didn't have any sense of speaking, he managed to make Qin Yu look down on the last life and death.

According to the old beggar, if you come to Thailand, you will live in the world to the extreme, so you will be lucky after you go down.

The bell rang at midnight, and two heavily armed prison guards opened the iron gate:

"Brother, you're on your way!"

Qin Yu nodded and drank the last glass of wine, stood up, and walked towards the prison guard.

"Boy, are you too late? Your kid will definitely be lucky when he goes down, wait for the old man to go down, remember to help and help"

Qin Yu didn't answer back: "Sure! Waiting for you, good wine and food for you."

Led by the prison guards, Qin Yu passed through the iron gates and finally walked out of the prison, got on a prison car, and headed towards the execution office.

I don't know how long after that, the prison car drove into a forest, and Qin Yu was suppressed here.

The bright moonlight is slightly mottled on the ground through the gaps in the leaves.

At this time, the executioner was already waiting in the empty space in the middle of the woods. At the same time, there were three others who executed the death penalty like Qin Yu.

Under the custody of the prison guard, Qin Yu's hands were tied to the center of the open space.

After the prison guard explained to the executioner two sentences, they retreated.

Seeing that the people had arrived, the executioner lit a few cigarettes and shoved them into Qin Yu's four people in turn.

"After smoking this cigarette, let's go on the road"

Qin Yu heard that he took a sip, and the intense tobacco miso Qin Yu's eyes turned red, but he still slammed a few mouthfuls, trying to ease the fear in his heart.

The red sparks spread quickly, and when the flames were over, the sound of gunfire sounded.

It was late, only the rustle of wind blowing leaves was still sounding.

In the depths of the swaying woods, no one was visible except for the blood stains on the moist soil.

After the execution, the prison guards and the executors left with the bodies of four people.

And where the four had originally died, a vortex invisible to the naked eye was slowly forming.

It slowly inhaled the four confused figures standing still.

"It turns out there was **** after death"

Qin Yu glanced down at his nearly transparent body and murmured to himself.

The gloomy sky was rolling with clouds, and the drizzle of blood continued to flow, at this time Qin Yu was floating on the endless sea with the three people who died together.

Thinking of being wronged and becoming a murderer, suffering from prison, and finally being shot dead, Qin Yu's resentment surged and could not be resolved for a long time.

The three souls around were also prisoners who were executed at the same time as Qin Yu. Qin Yu was not clear about what crime they had committed.

Compared with Qin Yu, the other three people were obviously dull, as if they had lost something, so they went along with the undulating waves.

This world seems so strange and lonely.

On the other side of the sea, it seems that something is attracting Qin Yu, making him involuntarily want to move in that direction.

Qin Yu tried to break free, but was locked firmly by the seawater below his knees, and he could only continue to float forward along with the waves.

This road is long, as if there is no end, under the nourishment of the blood rain, the bodies of the four have gradually consolidated.

I do not know how long it floated, the color of the sea turned earthy yellow, as deep as the water of Huangquan described in myth.

Just then, the faint singing sounded in the distance, the melody was gentle, and the voice was like a cry.

There was a sadness in Qin Yu's heart when he heard the voice. For this voice, he had a kind of cordiality.

The voice was like the newly-married woman in the solitary boudoir calling for Lang Jun, who was away from home.

Inspired by the sound, Qin Yu and the three dead souls around him could not help revealing the look of expectation, and the soul body also swayed along with the seawater in the direction of the sound.

Gradually approaching the place where the song sounded, the faint blue flowers and bones rose from the water and bloomed slowly.

In the distance, a graceful figure stood on the water in a sturdy state, carrying a glazed lamp, her hair curled up, her face like a peach blossom, looking forward to her like a lady in the middle of a wait for Lang Jun's return.

The two are similar all day long.

Looking at the beautiful face, Qin Yu could not help but tremble in her heart, and felt a guilty consciousness in her heart, as if she was the bosom husband who let the woman in front of her be alone.

Surrounded by faint blue flowers around, a little bit of starburst rises from the flowers, filling the world.

The four kept approaching. At this moment, Qin Yu's chest suddenly became hot and the temperature rose rapidly.


Qin Yu immediately woke up from his obsession.

He looked up again, but found that there were no other beautiful women. Some were just stature, and the ugly old lady grinned and waved to them.

Because Qin Yu's consciousness was sober, the sense of calling disappeared, and his body stayed in place.

While the other three were still dull, they slowly drifted into the old man's glass lamps.

Like the sound of a "beep wave" when the wood was thrown into the fire, Qin Yu faintly heard the screams of three people.

Seeing this scene of chills in Qin Yu's heart, he obviously felt something wrong.

According to mythology, shouldn't he be sentenced by a judge after death?

And who is this old uncle to arrest the wandering soul in **** without authorization?

At this time, the old man also found Qin Yu standing in place, showing a little surprise.

Then he smiled again and beckoned to Qin Yu.

In Qin Yu's opinion, the old man's laughter was so ugly that he wrinkled his subconscious brows, showing a disgusted expression.

The old man also discovered Qin Yu's unusualness at this time, and the smile on his face gradually narrowed.

She mentioned the glazed lamp, and the black mist emerged from her mouth, rushing towards Qin Yu.

Qin Yu wanted to step back, but was locked by the seawater below his knees, unable to move at all.

At this time, the old man was already on Qin Yu's body. At the moment of contact, Qin Yu's soul became as stiff as it was petrified.

The old man grinned and grinned his mouth, exposing two fangs, and biting Qin Yu's neck.

A little bit of black gas appeared in Qin Yu's body, and was slowly sucked out by the old man, and his spirit body began to fade again.

But for a moment it seemed looming, as if it would dissipate at any time.

There was a burst of weakness, and this weakness from the soul made Qin Yu more and more sober.

"Go to your mother, I'm going to die as soon as I get down, I'm not willing"

Qin Yu glared at the old woman lying on his body, and the anger in his eyes became more and more prosperous.

The resentment in Qin Yu's heart continued to grow when he thought that he had been wronged until his death, and that he would be so drained of his soul and die.

"I'm not willing! I don't want to die! I want revenge!"

Resentment and anger interweave, making Qin Yu's chest hotter.

The experience of the scenes before his death passed through his mind like a fast-forward movie. At this moment, Qin Yu's grievances turned into a near-substantial purple gas, which circulated in his chest.

"Want to live? Want to have the power of revenge?"

Suddenly, a soft and cute voice sounded in Qin Yu's mind.

"Think! I want revenge!" Qin Yu answered with gritted teeth.

"Promise me a condition, I will give you the power of revenge"

Qin Yu shouted in his heart without waiting for the condition to be said by the voice: "I promise, I promise everything, even if everything is gone, as long as I can get revenge"

The voice didn't speak again this time.

Just when Qin Yu was about to be unable to support it, Qin Yu's soul body slowly emerged with a stupid goblin head.

In Qin Yu's surprised eyes, a green smoke floated from his chest and turned into a ghost with a blue face and fangs.

The old man also noticed that something was wrong. He immediately gave up sucking and turned to look.

The evil spirit did not wait for the old woman to respond, so she pulled her hair and pulled it off Qin Yu.

Looking at the appearance of the evil spirit, the old man's face changed suddenly.

"You ... what are you!"

The evil spirit didn't answer, the blood mouth suddenly expanded, and the old man's head was stuffed into his mouth ~ www.readwn.com ~ Then he vigorously lifted up and swallowed the old man.

After swallowing the old magpie, the dark mist of the evil spirits surged and became more solid.

The blood-cold pupils staring at Qin Yu with no emotion at all, but Qin Yu was not afraid, but felt a kind of blood-like intimacy in the evil spirit.

In the gaze, Qin Yujian had the illusion that he was staring at himself.

The black mist of the evil spirit's body was surging, and the outline of the body appeared from time to time. After a while, the evil spirit suddenly made a hysterical growl.

The roar rang through the heavens and the earth, as if to announce his arrival to this underground world.

After that, the evil spirit fell silent.

However, Qin Yu's face showed an unbelievable look, because he found that the property panel appeared on the evil spirit's body.

Isn't this hell? But why does the Battle Online Properties panel appear!

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