‘Hah. Didn’t you admit that your perspective of Lucian was wrong? And now you suddenly change your words. Well, she’s always been a fickle person.’

Anyway, it was good that the empress did not attend, the emperor thought. 

Many nobles turned their heads with lit up eyes and rushed to Lucian as Lucian arrived at the banquet.

‘Lucian looks calm right now, but people might try to do something to prove that he is indeed cursed by the devil. I’m worried whether he’ll be able to make it through the banquet with no problems.’

The emperor wiped his forehead as his head throbbed.

Looking at the emperor, Carlix said with a light smile. 

“You don’t have to worry.” 

Contrary to the emperor’s worries, Carlix had not become a complete fool. 

Although his soul might have been captured by Estelle, Carlix was still a brilliant crown prince. 

It wasn’t just Estelle’s reassurance that made him so relaxed.

Carlix was certain. 

That today’s winter banquet will be the stage for Lucian and Pernia’s successful return.

He made sure to set the stage for them.

* * *

The winter banquet has begun. 

In the banquet hall, the nobles of the empire flocked one after another. 

The duchess with her hair up high flaps the fan in her hand. The duke had one arm around her, one of his hands fiddled with his mustache.

However, unlike their fancy getup, they were strangely quiet.

They didn’t feel any joy that the emperor had directly invited them to this glorious occasion. 

Because of Lucian. 

There was no one in the capital who didn’t know that Lucian turned into a devil.

Many nobles trembled with fear that Lucian might invade the capital and commit vicious acts. 

It was not something that could be hidden by the splendor of the winter banquet. 

After a while, the trumpets sounded and a servant’s voice rang in the hall.

“His Majesty the Emperor is entering.” 

“His Highness the Crown Prince is entering.”

The nobles ceased their chatting and bowed their heads. The emperor and Carlix walked toward the podium with dignity. 

The emperor, seated on the golden chair on the podium, spoke out loud.

“Everyone, raise your heads.” 

Only then did all the nobles raise their heads. 

The eyes of the nobles held deep respect as they looked at the emperor and Carlix on the podium.

Despite his benign appearance, the emperor held himself with dignity, and the prince acted in the same manner as his father ever since the young age of 18.

They represented the empire’s bbright present and future.

The emperor spoke. 

“I’m so happy to meet all you precious people gathered here on the last day of this year. A lot of things happened this year.” 

There was no better or worse year in the history of this vast empire, but this year was more meaningful in many ways. 

“First, I overcame the disease that had bedriddened me for many years.” 

A smile formed on the faces of the nobles.

Most of the nobles were loyal to the emperor, except for some ambitious nobles who were always trying to drive the emperor out whenever they had the chance. 

They were really happy that the emperor, one of the most important figures, had regained his health. 

The emperor continued to speak. 

“And the long war has been cleared. This allowed the empire to take a step further.” 

The faces of the nobles hardened.. 

Of course, the occasion was something to celebrate. But no matter how many times they toasted to their victory, no one felt happy.

The problem was that it was Kardien who did it. 

Kardien was once the most respected knight in the empire, but not now. 

Now he was nothing more than a fearful creature cursed by the devil. 

It was Marquis Garcian who raised his hand among the quiet nobles. 

He was a greatly ambitious man who became the head of a marquis’ household at a young age. 

“Your majesty, the most honorable emperor. Speaking of which, I want to ask you something.” 

“What is it?” 

“It’s about Lord Kardien.” 

Everyone in the banquet hall was most curious about this.

At the same time, no one would dare ask the emperor. 

There was no one who didn’t know of the emperor’s affection for Lucian. 

However, as if he didn’t care about that, Marquis Garcian asked in a clear voice. 

“There was a rumor among the nobles. It was not the imperial army that annihilated the rebels in the war zone. It was just Lord Kardien. Lord Kardien may be very skilled, but that’s impossible.” 

The emperor took a step down and looked Marquis Garcian in the eyes.

Marquis Garcian continued. 

“If Lord Kardien hadn’t borrowed the power of the devil.” 


“The devil’s appearance is a huge deal for us. It could pose a major threat to the safety of the entire empire. But such news was not publicized.”

He was aware of the emperor’s eyes warning him.

No matter how ambitious Marquis Garcian was, he wouldn’t dare to say the word…

But his eyes held no hint of hesitation and he criticized the emperor.

Marquis Garcian continued.

“So I want you to give us a clear answer here. Did Lord Kardien turn into the devil?”


The emperor is smart. 

He knew that not only Marquis Garcian, but also everyone present wanted to hear his answer.

Even so, the emperor was avoiding anything having to do with Lucian, and the nobles were increasingly dissatisfied with him.

If he avoids answering, he will ignite their dissatisfaction. 

It’s also difficult to deny that it never happened. 

If Lucian appeared in his demon form, trust in the emperor would naturally fall to the ground. 

‘What else can I do…’

The emperor agonized. 

“I greet His Majesty the Emperor.”

The emperor, Marquis Garcian, and everyone in the banquet hall also turned their attention to the voice as fresh as the morning breeze.

Those who saw him enter the banquet hall held their breath.

There stood the person that countless people were so curious about. 

It was Lucian. 

Pernia was next to him, but no one could see her properly.

Because of Lucian’s overwhelming beauty. 

Wearing a spotless white uniform, Lucian, whose eyes sparkled like rubies, looked beautiful.

No one would call him a devil with this.

Lucian, walking with Pernia, knelt in front of the emperor. 

“Your Majesty’s faithful sword, Lucian Kardien. I have returned from my long vacation.”

* * * 

“I, Pernia Lilac, have also returned.” 

I quickly finished my greeting just as Lucian finished his. But no one seemed to be interested in me. 

Of course I wasn’t bothered by it.

‘Ho ho. It’s understandable.’

I put a lot of effort into cultivating Lucian’s beauty for today.

The world is especially generous to beauty! 

No matter how bad the rumors were, everyone’s mouth would keep shut if Lucian appeared, looking elegant and handsome.

I expected this.

The faces of those who glanced away did not contain contempt or fear. 

Some had their mouths open as if their souls had escaped, and others covered their mouths with ecstatic faces. 

(Some even covered their mouths and shed a few tears.) 

All in all, they were blown away by Lucian. 

Seeing their reactions, I was pleased. 

“Ah. Both of you have returned safely. …Lucian. Are you feeling better now?” 

I knew the hidden meaning of his words. 

‘Have you come back to your senses?’

Lucian replied calmly. 

“Yes, I’ve improved a lot.”

And the hidden meaning behind his words.

‘Don’t worry, I won’t suddenly turn and break your neck.’

The quick-witted emperor got the meaning behind Lucian’s words at once. Only then did the emperor’s anxieties completely disappear. 

“That’s a relief.” 

The emperor’s gaze returned to me. 

The emperor looked at me and said, cautiously. 



“You did a great job.”


“Kardien has improved this much thanks to you. Not everyone can do what you did. I want to show my appreciation for your efforts.” 

Oh my, oh my, oh my. What’s going on? 

At the unexpected praise, I opened my eyes wide and looked at the emperor. 

I thought I would be happy just seeing Lucian make his comeback, but I didn’t know the emperor would give any attention to me.

He might actually mean what he says from the kindness glowing in his eyes as he looked at me.

I bowed my head, a little embarrassed.

“Thank you. I was only able to do that due to Your Majesty’s extended patience.” 

Of course, I don’t really think that.

There were many times when I was disappointed by the emperor.

It was the emperor who forced Lucian to go to the war zone, and when it did not go his way, it was the emperor who pushed me with threats. 

But at least, his affection for Lucian was real. 

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have waited for Lucian for this long.

The spread of the rumors couldn’t be stopped, but the emperor did not announce that Lucian had become a devil. 

The official declaration on the matter and the rumors were completely different in content. 

Thanks to that, Lucian and I were able to enter the capital peacefully with no one there to stop us.

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