Dr. Kang’s achievements in communicating with wild animals throughout his life with such a theory were astounding. 

The meerkat, who is said to be the most vigilant in the world, farted on the doctor’s face, and the wolf, who is known to be very stubborn, chased after the doctor all day and begged him to play with them.

The arrogant street cats, who always avoided contact with people, lied flat and looked at Dr. Kang, as if asking, ‘will you raise me?’

Reading the book written by the great Dr. Kang gave me hope. 

All kinds of animals have succeeded in communicating with humans and living together with humans. 

Why not Lucian?!

I- no- Lucian and I will definitely succeed. 

I opened the door with blazing eyes. 

And there was Lucian. 

Lucian was staring intently at something with a red blushing face.

It was a booklet containing pictures of me as a child.

I asked Carlix around the time when we left Lucian’s hometown. 

I’ve got some things to bring from the Lilac Mansion, can you bring them to me?

The power of the crown prince is wonderful.

In an instant, Carlix summoned the fastest people in the empire and granted my request.

One of the items was that.

I raised the corners of my mouth with a satisfied face. 

‘As expected. It’s a good thing I brought it.’ 

Dr. Kang’s Wildlife Training Chapter 1. 

Find what the animal likes. 

Generally, animals are very vigilant. So first, you have to bring their guard down.

To do so, the most effective thing is to give them what they like. 

If it’s a dog, a chunk of meat would be good, if it’s a panda, bamboo would be good, and if it’s Lucian, Pernia would be good. 

It was very effective.

Lucian was engrossed in some of the pictures I had put in there. In the meantime, I was able to greet Estelle and Carlix before they left.

Of course, the pictures must be effective since it’s the first time Lucian had seen me as a child so I had great faith in them.

‘Lucian seems to be less crazy than I thought. Wait. Is he even crazier?’

Anyway, the important thing was that the things related to me worked very well with Lucian. 

‘He’s like the puppy I raised when I was young.’

Whenever I left home to go to school, the puppy barked and tried to chase me. Whenever that happened, I threw a dog bone up into the sky. 

I was able to get out of the house as the puppy ran toward the dog bone.

‘It’s great since it doesn’t cost me money. I’ll give him more of that kind of stuff in the future.’

I thought in my head, organizing a list of other dog toys- er- my things for Lucian in the future. 


As soon as I called his name, Lucian turned to me. 


“Are you still looking at my pictures?” 


Lucian nodded and looked at the thick booklet with a happy face. 

I sat close to him. 

My father cared a lot for his only daughter. So he called in a painter to paint my portrait when I was a child.

Thanks to this, I had an album that contained my childhood days. 

It was all in this booklet. 

Lying in bed side by side with Lucian, I turned to the first page. 

The picture on the first page was drawn not long after I was born. 

At this time, I was not beautiful or anything.

I only had a jaw that overlapped itself and cheekbones that were about to burst. 

What the hell was I eating to be so great in size?! The arms on the broad shoulders were folded like a twisted marshmallow.

The only thing that indicated my gender was a pink royal ribbon that adorned my stern face.

“Usually, people who paint portraits beautify the person as much as they can. But the artist who draws the portrait for Marquis Lilac doesn’t do that. It’s always hyper-realistic. But isn’t this too much? I look like a mean toad princess.” 


Lucian’s eyes were full of affection. 

As if he found the most lovely toad in the world. 


His reaction was so shocking that I coughed and turned the page.

A picture of me around the age of 4 appeared. 

Somehow over those few years, I have turned from a toad into a fairy.

A moderately round face. With big eyes and a cute ribbon on top of that, I’m… 


This! This is true cuteness.

So, what is Lucian doing? 

Lucian fiddled with the portrait as if he had seen a worldly miracle.


And the next page, and the next page. Whenever he saw a picture of me, Lucian repeated the phrase ‘pretty.’ 

He looked very happy to see me in my childhood which he never got to see. 

I thought to myself while looking at his face. 

Dr. Kang’s Wildlife Training Chapter 2. 

If the barrier containing the animal has been lifted, from then on, start casually teaching them things. 

“You know, Lucian.” 


“Are you happy that I’m with you?”

“Of course.” 

“I’m happy to be with Lucian, too.” 

Lucian smiled brightly at my words. 

As if he had heard the happiest words in the world. I spoke carefully to Lucian, who bent his eyes gently.

“But… we can’t be alone like this every day. Because I have family, friends, and I’m taking a break now, but there are customers looking for me.” 

At that moment, Lucian’s eyes, which were smiling like an angel, were struck with terror. 

Before he can say anything, I attacked first

“Don’t say you don’t like that, you’re going to kill everyone. From now on, if you say that…“

Dr. Kang’s Wildlife Training Chapter 3.

If an animal misbehaves, appropriate sanctions are needed. 

I don’t recommend whipping. Whipping can control wild animals, but it doesn’t really change them. 

The most effective way is not physical violence, but to punish wild animals by doing what they most hate.

I said, making eye contact with Lucian. 

“I’m going to hate you.” 

I brutally added a more detailed sentence. 

“I’m not going to make eye contact all week.” 


Lucian’s eyes widened as if he had heard the most terrible thing in the world. 

The red eyes trembled without rest. 

Lucian looked at me with a pale face and held my hand tightly and said.

“I won’t do that. So don’t say that.” 

……….wow, it really works. 

As expected, Dr. Kang is the best! 

I continued the conversation, feeling tremendous joy inside. 

“So, I want Lucian to put in effort. I’m not saying that you should become an insider and go to all kinds of banquets and hang out with people. I’m only asking for something small. You just have to understand that I eat with my father, chat with my friends, and laugh with my customers.” 


Lucian didn’t answer, ‘I don’t like that. Try and I’ll kill everyone.’ like he would before.

He just didn’t say anything, but his cold eyes seemed to want to destroy the whole world if he could right away. 

‘Great. This is going well.’

Just being able to talk to him up to this point was a tremendous achievement. 

Being reminded of it, I said bravely. 

“Speaking of which, shall we start training from today? 


“Yes. Training for you to get used to me being with other people.” 

“Why do I have to train for that?” 

“If you succeed, I’ll give you a reward.” 

“A reward?” 

Dr. Kang’s Wildlife Training Chapter 4. 

Wild animals need rewards. Don’t ask them to do things for you with just emotions and feelings as a reason. It doesn’t work. 

The important thing is compensation. 

Offer rewards that they will like.

“I’ll kiss your cheek.” 


“On both cheeks. Two smooches.”

I wondered if such a playful reward would work for a man who seemed to have experienced every cruel thing the world can offer. 

Why should I obey you? 

And follow your every word and do as you want?

The yandere second male lead who forcibly locked me must be thinking along the lines of that.

Lucian stared at me. Then he sighed and swept his hair over. 

My shoulders trembled as I wondered if it had worked, and he opened his mouth. 

“Okay, I’ll try.” 

I respect you, Dr. Kang!

* * * 

That’s how I started Lucian’s rehabilitation training(?) with the appropriate sticks and carrots. 

At the least it was training for him to gain tolerance with me being with other people. 

At first, I started lightly. 

I held a flowerpot with a flowering tree in my hand.

“What do you think? Are you annoyed? Do you want to dig up the roots of this cute tree and burn it up?” 

“……not at all.” 

Lucian replied with a calm face. 

Fortunately, the plant made it out okay. 

Next was a cute stag beetle. 

(It’s so cold here that there aren’t many insects, so I only managed to find this one.)

I said, slightly stroking the stag beetle resting in the sawdust.

“What do you think? Does it bother you? Do you want to pluck out the horns of this cute little bug?” 

“…No, I’m not feeling too good, but I’m fine.” 

Hmm. Insects are okay, too. 

Then, next. 

Lucian’s peaceful eyes grew bigger. 

This is because I brought in a fluffy puppy. 

Lucian looked at the puppy in my arms with wide eyes. 

The puppy noticed his harsh gaze quickly and began to whine and dig into my arms. 

“Lucian. She’s scared. How can you look at a dog like that when it got separated from its mom and came all the way here?” 

“…Nia. Please let the dog go in your arms. It’s hard to bear.” 

He wasn’t kidding. 

The air around Lucian had turned so menacing it made me shrink.

But I couldn’t give up here. 

“She’s just a puppy. She’s not a human being, and she can’t talk to me. The only thing she can do is poop and act cute.” 

“I don’t like that.” 

“That it poops?”

“No, that it’s cute.” 


“I don’t like anything that you can get attached to. It’s so unpleasant.” 

Damn, how obsessive.

No. Even if obsessive men are trendy these days, this is not right. 

Who gets jealous of a dog? 

But should I say it’s a relief that he didn’t get jealous of the stag beetle earlier? 

I calmed my mind, holding in my tears. 

“Even so, hold it in.” 


“You must pass this stage so we can move on to the next level.”

Hello, I am feeling a bit under the weather so I’m not sure if there’ll be a chapter tomorrow :C Please pray for my quick recovery so I can get more work done!

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