Lucian tilted his head as he looked at the wedding dress densely embedded with thousands of small diamonds. 

“I think it’s great, but I don’t know much about dresses. What do you think, Nia?” 

Now I wasn’t in the state to examine the wedding dress. 

However, the moment I saw the designer bowing in front of me, I thought I had to say something. 

I could see her hands shaking. 

I could feel that she feared I might not like it.

She seemed to believe that her head would go flying the moment I said anything bad about the dress. 

I nodded my head urgently. 

“I like it, too. It’s really pretty.” 

Only then did the designer raise her head and smile brightly. 

“Then try it on. So they can see if there are any places that need to be fixed.” 

The designer nervously glanced at Lucian. Lucian tilted his head and whispered, ‘Ah,’ and blushed slightly.

“Do I have to leave?” 

“Yes. I have to undress my undergarments.” 

Lucian stood there for a while with a troubled face, and then sighed.

“It’ll be quick, right?”

“O-of course.”

Lucian did not threaten the designer with ‘If anything happens to my bride, I will tear your soul apart.’

However, he replaced that threat by giving a look with his cool red eyes. 

Even though it was only that, the designer stumbled. 

Lucian approached me and kissed my forehead. 

“Then I’ll be waiting. Tell me if you ever feel uncomfortable.” 


Lucian left the room. 

This gorgeous wedding dress cannot be worn by myself. 

Because there are so many things to put on, starting with revised undergarments, corset, and petticoat. 

Like a broken doll, I exhaled and sat down on the chair. That was all I could do as they helped me put on the dress.

But something incredible happened. 

The assistant who came close to me… 



The woman with her finger on her lips must be Estelle!

Estelle whispered in a small voice in my ear. 

“I was nervous that I might get caught, but fortunately, I succeeded.” 


Looking at her for the second time, she was well hidden as her hood was pressed against her face and her head was bowed.

I couldn’t see her trademark long golden hair. 

Short chestnut hair was barely visible on the exposed neck.

Estelle, who noticed my astonished gaze, said playfully. 

“Neither Lucian nor Miss Nia noticed me, so changing my hair was a good choice.”

Then she smiled at me. 

“You must have waited long, Miss Nia.” 


At that moment, tears formed in my eyes. 

‘No. If you cry here, Lucian will hear it and come into the room right away.’ 

Then Estelle’s efforts to sneak in here would be futile.

I covered my mouth with my hands to hold back the crying. 

Estelle looked at me pitifully and held my hand. 

“I’m sorry I came so late. I wanted to come right after hearing the news, but I couldn’t. Lucian’s security was so strict. It wasn’t easy to get in.” 

Estelle smiled and continued. 

“Don’t worry now that I’m here.”

Is it because she dyed her hair a darker color and cut her hair short? 

Estelle had become a much more dignified woman.

* * * 

“Miss bride is ready. You may come in.” 

Lucian opened the door and came in at the designer’s words. 

I was in a white wedding dress just like any other bride, but Lucian stopped walking the moment he saw me. 

He stared at me blankly as if time had stopped and said in a trembling voice. 

“…You look so beautiful, Nia.” 


“Yes. I thought my heart stopped.” 

Lucian nodded with blushing cheeks.

The designer looked into Lucian’s eyes and said.

“E-excuse me, sir knight.” 

Lucian glanced at the designer.

It was only that, but the designer flinched and shivered. She said, looking down at the floor. 

“When I saw the bride wearing the dress in person, I felt that the design was somewhat lacking. I think it would be better if we add more flower decorations to her skirt to add more splendor. May I make that change?” 


When Lucian didn’t answer right away, the designer continued with a paler face.

“It, it won’t be difficult to do. It’ll be completed by tomorrow. I-If you don’t want to, we won’t do it, but the change would accentuate the bride’s beauty more… ” 

Lucian squinted and nodded. 


“I’ll come back tomorrow.” 

The designer hurriedly left the room after bowing to Lucian.

The two assistants she brought along left, each carrying a load of luggage in their hands.

I made eye contact with Estelle, who was bowing her head. 

I remembered the conversation with Estelle I had a while ago. 

Estelle said. 

“When I leave the castle today, I’ll make a barrier to stop Lucian’s power. We have to decide where to make the barrier now. Is there a place where I can come and go, and where Miss Nia can bring Lucian out without any suspicion? It would be better if the structure is clearly visible so that Miss Nia and I can avoid any mistakes.” 

I answered after thinking deeply.

“There is an ice statue of the goddess in the castle garden. How about there?” 

The garden was on the way in, so it was a place where Estelle could naturally approach, and the statue of the goddess was so magnificent and beautiful that no one could mistake it for something else.

Estelle, who recognized what I was talking about from my short explanation, nodded. 

“Okay. Then, I’ll come back to the castle at noon tomorrow. Nia, please bring Lucian to the statue in time for that.” 

That was our plan. 

Estelle quickly looked away because Lucian was looking at me. 

Lucian didn’t notice her even after Estelle left the room. 

Even though she only changed her hair color and cut it short.

….No. Lucian can’t not recognize Estelle in that little disguise. 

The reason why he didn’t recognize Estelle is because… 


It was because of me. 

Because his gaze was directed only to me. 

His gaze, which was always full of devotion and passion previously, now held a different meaning. 

* * * 

In the end, I couldn’t fall asleep that night. 

I keep thinking about the time I promised to meet with Estelle tomorrow.

Thanks to this, I looked very exhausted in the morning. Nevertheless, Lucian, who entered the room with breakfast, saw my haggard face and started worrying.

“Are you okay, Nia? You don’t look well.”

“I couldn’t sleep.” 

Lucian hardened his face at my words. 

“Is it the food you ate yesterday? Or is it your pillow? I heard that there are scented candles that aid with sleep…”

It breaks my heart every time I see him cherish me in this way.

If I just endure it a little more, wouldn’t I be able to be happy with him as it is? 

But I soon got my mind out of the gutter.

This is not a fairy tale, this is reality.

It would be impossible for this to end with ‘The princess and prince lived happily ever after.’

He and I can never be happy now.

I said with a straight face so I don’t look suspicious.

“I feel a little sluggish. I think a walk will make me feel better. Shall we go together?” 

Lucian would never reject this. 

No. He would be very happy to hear this.

Lucian smiled brightly and nodded. 

“Good idea.”

I had a simple meal and went outside. Lucian wrapped a cloak made of fluffy fur around me.

“Although it’s noon, it’s still very cold outside.” 

“…Thank you.” 

I smiled awkwardly and gripped the cloak he gave me. 

I walked to the place where the statue of the goddess was in a natural manner. 

The path to the garden was beautiful. 

Well cut bushes over the white snow. Sparkly ornaments hung on the bushes.

It was as beautiful as a winter wonderland in a fairy tale, but rather than admiring the sight, I was confused.

This is because Lucian and I were the only two people walking around this beautiful place. 

As if the two of us were the only ones left in the world. 

I once asked Lucian. 

Is it just the two of us in the castle? 

Lucian replied, lowering his eyebrows. 

[I wanted it to be just the two of us, but it was practically impossible. Because I can’t make you uncomfortable. So I hired the minimum amount of servants to manage the castle and cook.]

[I don’t see anyone else besides you.] 

[Right. Never encountering you is the most important rule they have to follow..] 

It felt like I was suffocating at that moment.

I thought, biting my lips. 

‘But it’s better that the place’s not always swarmed with people. That way, Estelle can come and go more easily.’

By now, Estelle should be entering the castle. 

And I also arrived at the place I promised with Estelle. 

Looking at the statue of the goddess shining in the sunlight, I swallowed my saliva. 

‘It doesn’t look any different from before… meaning that Estelle has made a barrier here.’

My anxiety rose again. 

‘Will one barrier be able to stop him?’

I tried to erase my anxiety. 

Estelle didn’t explain in detail because she didn’t have much time, but I know from reading the original novel. 

The barrier created by the saintess has the ability to strongly suppress the power of the devil.

The stronger the devil’s power, the stronger it is. 

It goes without saying that Lucian, whose devil’s power has blossomed to the fullest. 

“What are you thinking about so deeply, Nia?” 

I turned my head to his innocent voice. Lucian was staring down at me. 

I swallowed my saliva as if his red eyes were reading my mind. 

‘Not yet?’

Estelle said that by the promised time, the barrier to suppress Lucian’s power would be activated. 

Until then, I had to keep Lucian here somehow. 


I hesitated about what to say to him and opened my mouth. 

“Lucian, don’t you want to go back to the past?” 

“To the past?”

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