
The pirates on the ship who still had the power to fight saw Barr easily subdued his captain Fitters, and then looked at the companions on the deck who were wailing in a pool of blood. The courage in their hearts disappeared instantly. Traces, one after another dropped the weapons in their hands to express surrender.

   Fitters saw this, he also resigned to throw down the Western sword in his hand, and chose to surrender.

   Seeing Feites choose to surrender, Barr also moved Devil May Cry away from Feites' throat, and his attention shifted to the Ram Gang that approached this side.

   Seeing that Barr had relaxed his vigilance against him so easily, Fetters instantly became murderous. Taking advantage of Barr's inadequacy, he quietly took out the pistol hidden in his clothes, preparing to complete a gorgeous counter-kill.

   But as soon as he took out the pistol from his clothes, a sword shadow flashed past his eyes, and then he found that his vision began to spin around, and finally quickly turned into darkness.

   "An idiot who can't see the power gap."

   Barr looked at the head with wide eyes falling on the deck, and said blankly.

   Then, he turned around and looked at the pirates who showed horror on their faces and also secretly took out their pistols, with a flash of ghostly cry in their hands.

   The next moment, a few more headless bodies appeared on the ship.

   "Those who are not dead go and throw the dead guys into the sea, and finish them before my companions come, otherwise you don't have to live anymore."

   Barr shook Devil May Cry in his hand, shook off the blood on it, and then said coldly to the pirates on the ship who had completely lost their will to resist.

   When the pirates who were still alive on the ship heard it, they quickly acted. Many pirates lying on the ground did not dare to continue pretending to be dead, for fear that they would be thrown off the ship as corpses.


"The pirate who offered a reward of 70 million Baileys was defeated in less than ten seconds. This guy named Barr is not easy. Has it grown to this point in just over half a year? This world has fallen into chaos. Monsters are rampant now, and this guy is also an ambitious guy, funny, so funny."

On the Numantia Flamingo, Doflamingo grinned immediately after listening to the news from baby5, and then let out a magical laugh, looking at this place in his hand with a look like a rare treasure. A piece of information about Barr.

   When Baal solved the Fetters Pirates, he had already carefully read Baal's information.

   What most people may see from this information is just a Rahm Gang rookie with a rapid increase in strength, but Doflamingo sees an ambitious like from this information.

   The focus of his attention is not what powerful person Baal killed and what level of strength he has reached, but the change in the power that Baal has mastered.

   On wealth, Barr’s associate Williams is already the president of a medium-sized chamber of commerce, and he controls a lot of wealth.

As far as intelligence is concerned, Xiuma, another associate of Baal, is already the leader of an intelligence group with more than two hundred intelligence personnel. He has a lot of information. At least many things in the Port of Villia are difficult to hide from Baal’s eyes. .

   Staff, Barr has more than two hundred subordinates who have experienced a lot of fighting in the slums and are usually trained strictly. Among them, there are five outstanding subordinates who are comparable to the small leader of the Ram.

   On the site, Barr has taken care of his slum B area in an orderly manner. It is now the richest area in the slum. Even in the current depression in the city, the order on the site is still very stable and prosperous.

   From the analysis of these data, it is not difficult to see that Barr has successfully established a power that belongs to him, and this power is still very potential and stable, and it is definitely not a mob.

"Will it be this guy? No, he hasn't been able to do so. The news about the Devil Fruit in Don Quixote's auction site is top secret. Only Gilbert and a few key figures in the city know that his subordinates are still in the immature stage of development. It’s impossible for the intelligence organization to learn about the Devil’s Fruit from these populations.

Moreover, the Don Quixote auction site is tightly guarded, and it is impossible for the little ghosts in his intelligence team to enter it. Although he has gathered some people to form his own strength, he is still too weak and the level is too low to qualify. Knowing that Valbo was here to see the Devil Fruit. "

   For a while, Doflamingo thought a little bit that the guy behind him was Barr, but he quickly choked off this ridiculous idea himself.

   After all, in the eyes of the intermediary of his underground world, Baal's power is really too small, and his current power is much worse than when he had just established the Don Quijote Pirates in Beihai.

   To save others by oneself, Doflamingo doesn't believe that Baal has such great ability to win the devil fruit from the two hands of Pica and Rao G.

"Furfurfur~, but this guy is worthy of attention, maybe he can still cooperate~www.readwn.com~ The Ram Gang will probably be taken over by him in the future. At that time, he will definitely find ways to get Ram Help continue to grow and develop. This time it is really good to come to the Drum Kingdom. I found an interesting guy. It's a pity that this guy is protected by the Ram's Gang now, so he can't kill him when he is weak."

   Doflamingo put down the information about Barr in his hand and said with a wicked smile.

The Devil Fruit was taken, two important subordinates were captured, and Valbo died. The Don Quixote Pirates were severely damaged in the Vilia port. After this incident, the sudden change in the situation really made Dover. Lang Ming was caught off guard.

   He knew that the original plan to join Gilbert, the Darth Gang, and the Regis Gang to deal with the Ram Gang was almost on the verge of bankruptcy, and it was basically impossible to continue to implement it.

   Those plans he arranged later became impossible to implement because of the heavy losses of the Don Quijote Pirates in the Port of Vilia.

Fortunately, the current domestic situation in the Drum Kingdom has given him a glimmer of hope that he can accomplish his ultimate goal of destroying the Drum Kingdom. In the upcoming civil war in the Drum Kingdom, he still possesses considerable pirate power. Weight.

   In this chess game in the Drum Kingdom, he has not yet been out, so he can still continue to be a chess player.

   However, he needs to change an ally now.

  Because only games that are evenly matched can become interesting, the one-sided situation is not what he wants to see. He hopes to see a drum kingdom in chaos next.

   "After the notification, rush to the predetermined location at full speed, and then take the family back."

   Doflamingo continued to laugh for a while, his expression quickly became serious, and he turned his head and said to Torrepol.


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