The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 53 Today’s Breastfeeding (11)

This young man was too well protected and had no fighting experience.

Hardy looked at Galen Clovis walking away and shook his head helplessly.

The two families have begun to fight each other, and he still wants to seek protection from others?

Are you really not worried about what your elders think?

Hadi asked the soldiers to continue waiting here. Although the location has been exposed, it is one of the strategic locations.

You can attack when you advance, you can defend when you retreat, and even retreat is very convenient.

Not long after, Roger came back from the forest farm.

Master, there are twenty people guarding the forest farm. Rogge looked at Hardy with admiration in his eyes: We executed three loggers who led the trouble before, and the others calmed down. Later, after verification, they were Lion’s sharecropper.”

Hardy nodded and said, Well done. Now go call all the soldiers except those who need to stand guard. I need to say something.

Soon, the soldiers gathered together. They sat in the open space and looked at Hadi quietly on the high platform.

Hardy was dressed in aristocratic attire, which was actually very inappropriate for appearing on the battlefield.

But sometimes people's senses are amazing.

If someone else wears this and appears on the battlefield, it may arouse the resentment of the soldiers.

But when Hardy wears this, all the soldiers take it for granted.


Because Hardy is generous and because Hardy keeps his word.

The concepts of soldiers in the cold weapon era were actually very simple.

As long as the 'boss' can give them food, the boss is capable and can do anything.

When this condition is established, the more beautiful and gorgeous the clothes are, the more capable you are.

This is the case with Hardy now. He is dressed luxuriously and can be seen by the soldiers at a glance, and he can become a 'pillar' of morale.

Hardy watched quietly as the soldiers below sat down, the sound changing from noisy to quiet.

He didn't say a word the whole time, and the soldiers did it all spontaneously.

It was already night, and the torches around the camp illuminated the 'school grounds' in the center.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Hardy.

He smiled and said: You follow me from Hexi County to the Royal City, eating and drinking along the way. We opened during the day, captured an enemy noble and came back, and got some bounty.

As he spoke, Hardy opened the small box in front of him, revealing the shiny gold coins inside.

These cute little things immediately attracted the attention of all the soldiers.

Hardy picked up the box and threw it to the front of the school field.

Gold coins were scattered all over the ground, and some even rolled in front of the soldiers.

Their eyes were filled with heat, but no one made a move to grab it.

Hadi said: I am fair in my work. I eat meat and you eat soup. There are gold coins and gems in the ransom. I have taken all the gems, and then I will give you gold coins. One for each person, and the rest is pension. From now on. If someone dies in battle, two gold coins and one life will be sent directly to your family.

All the soldiers were trembling with excitement, but they would rather keep licking their lips than speak aloud.

Afraid of affecting the mood of his master.

Hardy looked to the side: Roger, I'll leave this matter to you. Those who are standing guard and those on duty at the forest farm must also ensure that each of them can receive a gold coin. Do you understand?

Roger nodded heavily.

He also wanted to answer Hardy's, but he was too excited to speak and could only express it through actions.

Hardy saw that the heat was coming, and no more words would have a better effect, so he got off the high platform and went back to his tent to rest.

Such a cold image also successfully consolidated his 'prestige' in the army.

Not long after he lay down, a tsunami-like sound came from the school grounds.

Hardy smiled proudly.

You can use money to increase your prestige. This is really a good deal.

Many thanks to those lords or nobles who have searched hard.

Without them, how could he win people's hearts so easily?

When Hadi got up the next day, he found that the soldiers looked at him with even more respect and admiration.

Moreover, there were obvious changes in the soldiers' energy levels.

Hardy was very satisfied with this, and his behavior of throwing coins had a good effect.

Although this method is old-fashioned, in general, it is very effective.

After a simple breakfast, Hardy was practicing his sword skills when the messenger from Jeanna's family came over.

Wearing light hard leather armor and a red cloak, he bowed on one knee and said: Dear Mr. Hardy, the head of the Dora family asked you to go back and captured the youngest son of the Clovis family, but then let him go. Let’s talk about it.”

Are you planning to raise an army to hold people accountable?

I don't know about that. I'm just passing on the orders from the head of the Dora family.

Hardy nodded, walked up to the envoy, took out the long sword from his waist and struck it down.

The envoy was shocked. He was obviously kneeling, but he jumped back instantly, pulled out his long sword, blocked it, and asked angrily: Sir Hardy, what do you mean?

Hardy didn't say anything, and just stepped forward. The long sword in his hand was like a pouring rain, attacking every part of the enemy's body.

After the messenger barely resisted a few swords, he was instantly defeated in several places.

Then he fell to the ground, holding the wrist of his right hand with his left hand.

There was a sword scratch there and it was bleeding.

The long sword in his hand was also thrown aside.

Hardy sheathed his sword and looked at the other party with a smile.

The messenger looked ordinary, and he said angrily: Sir Hardy, what do you mean?

Hardy smiled and said: I don't know which family you are from, but I am sure that you are definitely not from Jeana's family.

The messenger was still insisting: I am really sent by the head of the Dora family.

Hardy was too lazy to pay attention to him, but said to the soldier next to him: Tie him up and only feed him one meal a day. Don't let him starve to death.

Several soldiers came up and dragged the messenger down.

Hardy smiled and shook his head. He had expected that the Lion Faction's counterattack would come soon.

I just didn't expect that the breakthrough point the other party was looking for was actually me!

If he followed this messenger, he would be attacked halfway.

The reason why Hardy knew this person was fake was because he was using the banner of Dora Jeanne.

The actual person in charge of the Saint Faction is Ainoline Jeanne.

Even saying that it was Madam Sissi or Madam Anna who wanted to see him was more reliable than doing it under the guise of Dora.

Sure enough, less than an hour after Hadi asked someone to drag the messenger down, the real messenger arrived.

It’s Tiao Tiao!

Ms. Ainolin asked you to go back. The army will be stationed here for the time being.

Hardy did not agree: What if I leave and an enemy attacks me?

No way. Tiao Tiao frowned.

Hey! Hardy let out a long sigh: Go back and tell Ms. Enolin that if you want to call me back, you can send a team of people to continue guarding this place. Keep the results first. Why did she commit the crime with Victor? Same mistake!

Francie's nobles are really not good, no wonder they are laughed at: only dwarfs and women who are kings can fight.

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