Chapter 241 source code (8)

“Hey, is this a failure again?”

Ambassador Kunlun sat on the throne and clicked his tongue. A foul-smelling viscous liquid was oozing from all over his body.

“It’s my body, but it smells really bad.”

Can not help it.

It was an unavoidable process to develop strength.

“I can’t avoid coming out all the time, but I need to wash up a bit.”

By activating the source code, he created two women who could lift their feet.


As soon as they were summoned in front of them, as if it was natural, the two women approached Kunlun and washed their bodies with towels.

Even though the smell was strong, he did not frown once and cleaned it thoroughly.

“The failure to neutralize Han Ji-hee means that he has appeared.

It’s a tough relationship.

If I had known that it would be such a persistent disturbance, I should have killed him at any cost when I first saw him.

‘No, it was an inevitable choice at the time.’

The resurrection and revival of demons.

That was the purpose in the first place.

A race of misfortunes who are just victims of being slaughtered by angels, but have become the perpetrators by the history of the victors.

As the last remaining demon, I didn’t want the line to be cut off.

‘I saw a future where I lost to Jung Soon-won in the past, and to win 5.6 billion

Years later, he was resurrected.’

This is not to resurrect demons in the virtual world. It was realized because I thought that only in the virtual world could beat Soon-won.

The power of creation and the power of predation.

Among the numerous source codes, it was the target of Master Kunlun, and it was able to be stolen from Sijoi.

The more you eat a creature, the stronger you become. If you add the ability to create living things, you can become infinitely strong.

‘It’s time.’

Powerful monsters are summoned.

Just imperfect monsters without limbs, eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.

Tentacles connected to the throne on which Great Master Kunlun was seated stretched out, opened her mouths, and ate them one by one.

Whoops! Whoops! Whoops!

They don’t have eyes, nose and mouth, so they can’t scream, they don’t have limbs, so they can’t run away, but they feel pain and fear.

After receiving the energy coming in through the tentacles, his son, Daishi Kunlun, smiled contentedly.



Strong power comes with a price.

As the poison spread through his body, Ambassador Kunlun quickly expelled the poison through his pores.

As the viscous liquid started pouring out of the body, a foul odor came out again, and the women wiped the liquid away without a word.

The arm of the woman on the left trembled. She didn’t know if it was because of the foul smell or the fear of seeing it prey.

“Huh? Do you have feelings?”

It is a creature created to wash its own body. No feelings or thoughts were created.

“… I don’t know what an emotion is.”

The woman, whose name had not been decided, had a confused expression on her face.‘This is more of a thing than I thought.’

Master Kunlun touched his necklace and quivered. It is the source code with the power of creation.

There is a limit to the power to summon creatures, but it can be called the power of a god.

‘What shall I summon this time? Ah! Yes, that would be good.’

Ambassador Kunlun patted his palm.

He burst out laughing as if looking forward to the future.

He passed through the canyon and entered the meadow.

Ji-hee Han was happy with the sudden improvement in her condition, but on the other hand, she was shocked that mana was completely hardened and could not be used.

“Only Dongyun knows. battery

You cannot use gold magic at all.”

“that… Aren’t you even talking to the executives?”

“Once rumors spread, there is no turning back. Morale is still at the bottom, and if I find out that I can’t use magic, the organization will collapse.”

At the moment of disintegration, the Kunlun ambassador will appear and annihilate.

However, going to the Kunlun Ambassador like this is a problem.

‘There are a lot of 8th circle wizards and there are a lot of 7th circle class wizards, so Kunlun is the best.

I’ll be able to hold on to it somehow until it shows up.’

You have to recover before that.

For that reason, Han Ji-hee slowed the march by using the excuse of recovering mana of the wizards.

“The first reconnaissance team has returned.”

“How is the future?”

“There is a meadow, but it is foggy.”

“Is it fog?”

Han Ji-hee tilted her head.

Since I crossed the gate, I’ve encountered all kinds of monsters and traps, and that’s why I’m not normal.

What isn’t is just a borderline.

“What would you like to do?”

Joo Dong-yoon asked.

Han Ji-hee had no choice but to fall into trouble. She can’t use magic, so she can’t see the danger.

“Let’s find a way back.”

She sent eight reconnaissance teams to find another way, but there was only an endless meadow in front of her.

There was no way to escape the fog that filled the meadow.

For that reason, an executive meeting was held.

“Once we sent one reconnaissance team,

How about checking it out?”

“For now, that seems to be the only way.”

First, he sent reconnaissance with flying magic, but the fog-filled meadow stretched out endlessly.

‘It smells dangerous.’

Soon-won, who overheard the meeting, had a gut feeling that it wasn’t ordinary fog.

“now! Everyone gather! Since this reconnaissance mission is high-risk, we decided not to simply recruit personnel from the reconnaissance team, but to receive support from common wizards as well.”

Team leaders from each team selected applicants from their team members. Soon-won raised his hand without hesitation.

“Huh? you?”

Rumors spread that he was the boyfriend of Han Ji-hee’s sorcerer’s daughter, and she was treated like a parachute.

Soon-won was not an academy graduate, nor was he a formal wizard, so he was a student wizard who never even entered the gate in the first place, but rumors spread strangely.

“Yes, I will.”

At those words, the team leader looks at Soon-won again.

made a face.

“Are there any other applicants?”

Team members looked at each other.

This is because I have seen that people who applied for this kind of job did not do well while coming here.

“I get it. In our team, Suhyeon and I will go together.”

After all, there are hundreds of teams.

There are some teams that don’t have applicants at all, so two people means a lot.

“But it is.”

The team leader took Soon-won and stopped.

“When Suhyeon sees her and swears at her behind her parachute, it’s always something she’s really good at.”

The team members bowed their heads and did not say anything.

“These cubs. Do you know why ordinary people call wizards wizard teachers? I call it that with respect, because whenever something dangerous happens, I come forward. A firefighter’s respect is a dangerous pit of fire

It’s because they go out and put out the lights.”

The chief’s words continued.

“You guys are a hundred times better than the ones who ran away. Still, if you’re going to take care of yourself because you’re afraid of dying of wizards, get rid of them and go and become a plastic surgery wizard!”

Not even real death.

But it is painful and everyone is afraid of a gap of a few months.



“Why do you have to sacrifice everything to be a wizard?”


“When I was in school, I only studied while playing with others, and in college, I spent 7 years internship as a wizard, 1 year of training as a wizard, 4 years of training, and 3 years in the military, and then I spent 15 years changing my life to become a wizard. But isn’t it too much to ask for dedication?”

“Yeah, not too much. But the wizard can do you harm. Not only wizards, but also doctors, police, firefighters, and nurses, jobs that deal with life have to be done too much. Wow, if you want to argue with a bell, you have to be a civil servant, if you want to make a lot of money, you have to run your own business. Why are you a wizard?”

“Did you come in according to your test scores?”

“So that’s what I mean. Lawyers who are former judges aren’t dangerous, they make good money, and they don’t have to risk their lives. Why didn’t you go there?”

“That’s because wizards are more honorable than lawyers or doctors who are judges and make good money… .”

“Let me ask you one thing. Did you take the oath of Anacrates?”

“Yes, I did.”

“Do you still remember the contents?”


Now, at this moment when I am recognized as a member of the magic industry, my life is

I solemnly pledge to dedicate myself to the advancement of mankind.

I will give you respect and thanks for my gifts.

With my conscience and dignity I will cast magic.

If the country and its people are in danger, their protection will come first.

I will uphold the noble tradition and honor of my feat.

I will regard my partner as a brother.

I transcend race, religion, nationality, political party, or social status.

I will only keep my duty to protect the people.I will not use magic for my own self-interest.

Even if threatened, I will not use my magic against guidance.

I take the above oath in honor of my free will.

“•••That is all.”

The battle wizard Choi Chang-hyeon read the entire Anacratic Oath without making a single mistake.

Seeing that he still remembers the proclamation he swore ten thousand years ago

It deserved to be called a gift.

“But if it’s like this now, why did you take the oath then?”

“Did I know this would happen?”

“Then we can beat the wizard and go back.”

“When your family asks why you came back, are you afraid to say that you came back because you don’t want to fight?”

Gang Jeong-cheol, the team leader, had a cold expression on his face. Choi Chang-hyun had a look of regret.

“Why are you doing this to me, who followed me all the way here? This mission is not support

peel? If all the other team members don’t apply, will I be treated the same way?”

“No, I will be the only team leader who is scolding me now. Why? Do you think I didn’t hear you say that you didn’t really come here to protect the country and people, but to use it as a career when you open a business later?”

“You fight for your life, but don’t you get that much profit? Do you think all the wizards here came with the noble spirit of serving the country and the people like the team leader?”

“What is your major? a battle wizard

is it you?”

“I am a bodyguard wizard.”

“Yeah, in person-to-person battles, a stronger bodyguard wizard than a battle wizard. make good money I know you guys usually look down on battle wizards. But how about you guys doing what battle wizards do now?”

“It is difficult.”

“Aren’t you respectful?”

“Yes, I think you must have suffered a lot.”

“Are any wizards a battle wizard to make money? low grades

came in? Children with the lowest grades There are many people who graduate from college and get a license and then go on to become a beauty wizard without going through a training wizard. After all, there is no law that says that even ordinary wizards shouldn’t wear hair.”


Beom-jae Lee, one of the team members who was listening quietly, stood up.

“Since I’ve been listening quietly, I keep driving the battle wizards to be great and noble, and beauty wizards to be chaff who only reveals money, but as a beauty wizard, I feel really bad. Did I come all the way here because I participated in the fight?”

“If you were standing next to me now

I wouldn’t have said that. Are there any battle wizards sitting here?”

there was no

The battle wizards from other teams all supported.

“I have no time to argue with you. I have to go My point is simple. If you want to make money, take care of your work-life balance, and think your life is precious, beat the wizard, you bastards.”

“What right does the team leader have to say such a thing?”

“That’s what I say as a senior wizard. It means not to defile the reputation of wizards that we have cultivated. let’s go. Soo Hyun-ah.”

Soon-won smiled bitterly.

I understand their position, and I understand the position of the team leader. There was no answer.

As for the situation of the team leader, he was divorced as a workaholic, and most of the money he earns is donated.

The team members have families and children. With the money I earn, I have a house and a nice car.

‘A hero can’t be a good dad.’

I looked at Seyeon.

She was also looking at Soon-won.

(Continued on next page)

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