Chapter 225 another reality (6)

Soon-won can cancel all flying fireballs and even kill a Shinto with a single flick of his finger.

It’s very easy.

The problem is that if you do that, you will no longer be able to remain in the academy.

‘You should look like a student.’

If that’s the case, don’t go beyond what people think.


The heat of the passing fireball reached his face.

“profit! What movement!”

He continued to dodge the flying fireball and moved forward. It was as fast as a ball thrown by a baseball player, but it did not get hit and was avoided.


Soon-won’s fist reached the Shinto’s face, but he used his blink to dodge the attack.


If I had to, I could fit it.

But I left it on purpose.

“Jiyeon over there!”

Instead, he informed Ji-yeon that he had moved up the tree.

Without delay, Jiyeon pulled the bowstring and fired an arrow.


There was no shield since I had just finished blinking. Shinto was surprised to see the flying arrow and quickly prepared a shield.



Haeseon grabbed the Shinto’s arm with his telekinetic power. He tried to control the flow of mana with his hand, but he could not dodge the arrow.



An arrow pierced his shoulder.

The impact made him fall under a tree.


His head was dizzy as he fell from the tree, but he hurriedly raised his upper body.

If I said I was attacked by an academy kid, my colleagues would laugh at me.

“It’s okay.”

Byeongwoo was already in front of him. He hit his head with a shield.


His body drooped as if he had passed out at the shock.

“Whoa… Whoo… .”

As the tension relaxed, everyone took a deep breath. Soon-won approached the Shinto, loosened his belt, and bound his arm.

Then he took off his socks and shoved them into his mouth so that he couldn’t memorize his spell.



Ji-yeon, Hae-sun, and Byeong-woo looked at Soon-won.

“If Suhyun wasn’t for you, we would all be dead.”

“What are you talking about. if it weren’t for you

I couldn’t catch it.”

Soon-won led Blink.

Jiyeon fired an arrow, and Haesun interrupted the shield creation.

Finally, the guy who fell from the tree was stunned by Byeong-woo.

“Yeah, but if it weren’t for you

We are hardened and nothing… .”

Byeong-woo, who had to be at the forefront with a shield, was blaming himself for not being the first to move.

“no. If you hadn’t stunned him quickly, he would have used magic again.”

That’s enough.

I had Byeong-woo put the Shinto around his shoulder and exited the gate.

There was a commotion outside.


The vice-dean slammed the desk in the faculty room.

“What is all this!”

While dean Ji-hee Han took control of the site, vice-dean Gil-san Jang summoned the teachers and instructors and became angry.

“Twelve gates have been attacked! It’s planned! Without an insider, this cannot happen!”

36 people died.

Although he was resurrected after a while, 19 students were unable to recover due to severe torture.

Shaking or screaming in the corner

and refused to return to the academy.

“I don’t think they would attack in this way…”

I was careful not to die because I cheated on the game.

“Rain had to take a seat as a new student, but the rumors spread at Sahal School, so the waiting list was canceled one after another.”

The conference room sank.

Then one of them opened his mouth to refresh the atmosphere.

“Two teams managed to escape from the attack.

However, there was also a student team that caught Sakhalin believers.”

“I heard. That was great. I heard that the opponent was a 6th circle magician, but the students were lucky enough to catch it with a natural connection like flowing water… .”

“How about promoting it?”


“In difficult times, you need a hero. We put them into publicity.”

“That’s fine.”

The vice president ran the calculator in his head.

“Everyone except the head instructor and the PR team leader should go out.”

At the words of the vice president, the teachers rushed out of the conference room. After confirming that everyone had left, the vice president implicitly shared his thoughts.

“After the terrorist attack on the Sakha Bridge, academy students even refused to go to school because they were afraid to go to school. Freshmen don’t want to come in either.”

“Yes, that’s a problem.”

The head of the PR team and the head instructor were also taking this matter seriously.

So don’t guard with battle wizards

Hiring judges to protect students… .”

“It is natural. Sahalgyo.”


“Why don’t you try to clear them up right now?”

“If you say so-so… .”

Soon-won’s team caught one Shindo, but they couldn’t find much information because the Sahal Bridge is in the form of a point organization.

If it was reality, not virtual reality, I could use three-brain magic to shred my memories

As I will show, the use of such magic was prohibited to protect the player as it was a virtual reality.

“Let’s see. Student Ji-yeon Ji, student Jung Soo-hyun, student Hae-sun Hae-sun, and student Byeong-woo Kim, these four people became followers of the Sahal school, right?”

“Yes, it is.”

“We plan to promote them externally like heroes.”


“Then, shall we aim at them from the perspective of the Sakhalin Church? Aren’t you going to take it?”

To that, the head instructor immediately responded.

“I will aim. So, by strengthening the security forces… .”

“No. these people It’s very frustrating yes. The Sahal School is targeting students. Then, on the other hand, we can also seize the Sakha Bridge. This is what I want to say, I.”

“Are you saying that we should use students as bait?”

“Hey, it’s really frustrating. this friend.”

The Battle Wizard Academy is not one of these schools. There are dozens across the country and thousands around the world.

The vice president was greedy.

“Our academy is different from other academies.

What is the difference? That’s right, the dean is wizard Han Ji-hee. That’s the SW Company president.”

The position of president was passed on to her daughter, but outsiders could hardly know the details of the company’s internal affairs.

“Why does Dean Ji-hee Han visit our academy more often than other academies and invest a lot of money? The location of the academy in Gangnam may also play a part, but isn’t it because the level of students is superior to other academies?”

The vice-dean was firmly mistaken.

Among academies all over Korea, the reason why I care about this academy is completely different.

His daughter is secretly attending this academy, so he pays more attention.

“So, you have to show results. Let’s clear the Sahalgyo Bridge.”

“Great idea.”

The head instructor praised the vice-dean, but the head of the PR team had a different opinion.

“If you set up students as bait and then have an accident, it will be difficult to fix it.”


“The Sahal Bridge is really a surprise attack and the students get hurt.”

“Huh, so, isn’t that the point of establishing a plan? We’re preparing, so we’re afraid we won’t be able to catch a single surprise attack? They aren’t even Kunlun’s subordinates, they’re just bishops who believe in Kunlun.”

“Will the dean agree?”

“What have you heard so far? Of course, you have to do it in secret.”

“If a student dies… .”

“It’s frustrating! Even if you die, you will come back to life! In a closed place such as a gate,

It’s not going to keep getting knocked over.”

The PR team leader kept his mouth shut.

There would be no problem if it was promoted through filming within the school, but the vice president was thinking of turning the students out of the academy and inviting them to the Sahal School.

“Anyway, the PR team leader calls the students and starts preparing for the promotion, and the head instructor calls the Wizards Association and calls a lot of bodyguards.”

“… all right.”

The meeting ended with the unilateral direction of the Vice Dean. The PR team leader prays that the situation he fears doesn’t happen

He had no choice but to do it.

* * *

“Are you telling me to come to our public relations office?”

Hae-seon was excited and called Soon-won, Ji-yeon, and Byeong-woo.

“Do you feel good?”

At Soon-won’s words, Hae-seon smiled bashfully.

“Our team was the only one who had a member of the Sakha Church. Wouldn’t that be an award? money? skill? if not… .”“Don’t drink kimchi soup.”

The four went straight to the PR room.

After knocking in, the PR team leader, who was preparing the camera, raised his head and looked at them.

“I am Hong-yeon Lee, the head of the Battle Wizard Academy Heungbo. nice to meet.”

“nice to meet you.”

After saying hello, filming started. I took pictures and filmed several videos.

I didn’t have to memorize lines or anything, just smiled and laughed with various movements.

“Good work. After three days, I will go to Yeouido Broadcasting Station on the weekend for an interview. And reporters at a nearby cafe… .”

Jiyeon frowned at those words.

“Wait. I just thought of it now because I was suddenly called to take a picture, but wouldn’t it be a little dangerous if our faces were revealed to the outside like this?”

“It’s the bodyguard wizards… .”

“And we came to the academy to train to fight Kunlun. Like this… .”

“You know the students who dropped out of the academy.

There are no new recruits coming in. If you promote well, new students will come in, and your comrades who are in the hospital will be able to cheer up easily.”

“Ummm… .”

Broadly speaking, it wasn’t wrong.

Hae-seon clapped and liked it when he said that he was doing an interview.

“OMG! Is it a broadcasting station? Can’t even celebrities see it?”

The three of them sighed. Even though he lived for more than 10,000 years, Haesun had a girly sensibility.

“Filming is over. all the teachers

It is a known fact, so three days later, you can go to the parking lot at the main gate by 9 am.”

“… Yes.”

Ji-yeon hated the lack of time to study on the weekend, but she didn’t even think about what this would bring.

Soon-won or Byeong-woo had no idea, and she only liked the fact that she appeared on TV in the case of Hae-seon.

‘If I had known it would be so annoying, I wouldn’t have caught him that day.’

Soon-won regretted it, but it was too late.

Time passed quickly and the station

It was the day to go. Byeong-woo complained about not being able to sleep over the weekend, and Hae-sun had been wearing makeup since dawn.

In the case of Ji-yeon and Soon-won, they read a book at the library until the evening before, yawning and walking to the parking lot.

“Come. Come on ride! late!”

There were three cars.

One was a student car and two were a security vehicle. The four of them got into the vehicle without any doubts.

“You have to set an example.”

A member of the Sahal School was attacked by a young chick who had just entered the academy for a month.

There were also rumors that the students had been inflated that they had been seriously injured by the instructor, but the important thing is that the rumors spread like that.

The Sahalgyo cadres were working hard to get revenge.

[The vehicle has left the academy. The number of bodyguards is 8. There are more numbers than expected, but there are no numbers that we cannot handle.


The radio came in.

The executives watched the vehicle move on the monitor and got up and opened the portal when the headmaster gestured.

“go. Go and show the whole nation the fear of Sahalgyo.”

“Jon name!”

The wizards who wore black hoods threw themselves into the portal.

(Continued on next page)

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