Chapter 209 tenth (4)

An assassination order was issued.

Dae-hoon’s hand holding the parchment trembled.

‘No, I’m strong enough.’

In addition to the paladin skill that was created because he was a fellow warrior, some of the knights who had high-intensity training became strong enough to steam.

The problem is that I haven’t killed anyone yet.

‘Are you going to run away?’

Along with his abilities as a paladin, he has accumulated common sense in another world and saved money.

The geography of the kingdom was also understood, so running away was not a problem.

‘The problem is that it’s Mina.’

I haven’t eaten properly so I don’t have any muscles in my body. I spent a month in prison eating pork porridge, but when I got the right food, I got sick and suffered for several days.

My physical strength was so bad that I couldn’t even walk properly even if there was no problem.

‘Now is not the time.’

Can not.

I decided to buy time by following his orders until Mina was ready.

Amites office.

Lauren came to her secret room and she reported to Amites what she had watched.

“Daehoon succeeded in assassination.”

“okay? Hesitating or not doing it

I thought I was going to run away, but I was surprised.”

“It was a little bit dangerous because Count Canara was wounded and screamed because he was a little hesitant to kill, probably because of fear.”

“… Still, I’m surprised he made his first assassination successful. Considering the first impression of the guy I saw, it wasn’t strange even if I got tired of peeing and ran away in the middle.”

“I did the post-processing as you ordered.”

“Good job. great job. If you keep monitoring like that, and if you think he has a different mind, don’t hesitate to kill him. Do you understand?”


Lauren bowed her head to greet her and entered the secret room. Amites dug deep into his chair.

‘If I succeed in driving out the Royal Faction, it will become my world. Even if you fail to drive him out, you can cut that guy off Dae-Hoon. One way or another, it’s clear that it’s beneficial to me.’

Amites chuckled.

Everything was going according to plan.

That night, Dae-Hoon, who returned from the assassination, returned to his room with a damp body from wiping off blood from a nearby stream.

Mina, who was sleeping in her room, was startled and ran to Dae-hoon.

“Daehoon? What is that?”

Dae-hun passed her without saying a word and went into her bath. Mina thinks that Dae-hoon has ignored her, so she gets angry and opens the bathroom door and enters.

“Hey! Dae-Hoon Kim, you… .”

Mina’s voice faded.

It was because Daehoon was squatting in the bathtub and crying.

“What are you… .”

Dae-Hoon seemed unwilling to say anything. She said Mina quietly went and hugged him.

The kingdom was in an uproar over the subsequent disappearance of a nobleman. Said to catch the culprit, the knights scrambled to and fro at night and in the morning, holding the sun light.

Dae-hoon seems to be used to assassination now

He didn’t look as weak and weeping as before.

Instead, he spent more time staring out the window blankly with his eyes widened.



“•••uh? Why?”

Daehoon looked at Mina in surprise. She was pouring her soup, Mina.

“You asked how much you want to eat.””Oh sorry. Give me two ladles.”


Mina handed her soup.

Daehoon ate the soup without saying a word.

“When are you going to tell me? I’m tired of waiting too.”


“That’s why you go out every night.”


“If there is any connection with the disappearance of a nobleman… .”

Dae-hoon hurriedly ran to her Mina and covered her mouth. It was because Lena was still cleaning in the room.


“you… .”

Mina looked at Daehoon with a surprised expression. His actions made him aware of what he was doing.

“What are you doing?”

“I couldn’t help it. I don’t want to die and I don’t want you to die either.”

Daehoon whispered softly in case Lena could hear it. She was cleaning the picture frames in the distance.

“Are you dying? What are you talking about?”

Daehoon sighed.

He couldn’t hide it any longer.

Fortunately, Mina’s stamina has recovered considerably.

“Actually, what happened

• • •

After Lena finished her cleaning, she left, and she told me everything that had happened. Mina opened her mouth wide, saying it was absurd.

“Mina. Let’s run and run away.”

“Wait, it’s not that simple.”

“What did you hear me say? stay here

Otherwise, you and I will die.”

Mina thought differently.

“What are you going to do when you leave? In this world with an underdeveloped culture, buy a shack and live your life as a farmer and farmer in an insect-infested house?”

In the meantime, Daehoon has taught us about the civilization of this world with books borrowed from the library.

Since it is the capital of the kingdom, you can live in such luxury, but even outside the city, medical care and education were absurdly outdated, just like in the Middle Ages.

“You have such a mysterious ability, so you can even get a job. me


“I’m with you.”

“Do you want to live with you for the rest of your life?”

“Why? Do you hate it more than dying?”

“I’d rather be with Hanseong… .”

Daehoon wrinkled his expression.

He was annoyed to come all the way here to find Hanseong. He felt that he had taken her out, protected and fed her, but he was still not recognized.

“It is your choice to decide. I’m leaving tomorrow night Decide what to do by my work evening and tell me.”

He was urging me to make a choice right away, but I know very well that I shouldn’t.

This is because you can always resent the choice you made after being pushed back. If you choose to spend enough time, you will not blame yourself even if things go wrong later on, even if you regret it yourself.

“Then sleep well.”

As always, he yielded the big bed to Mina and Daehoon walked over to the sofa and lay down.

‘Why am I so obsessed with Mina?’

If it is his ability, he can go to another kingdom and become a knight, or as a mercenary, there is no problem in making a living.

‘Ah’ headache… .’

I was so stressed out that I got a migraine. Daehoon used healing on his head instead of aspirin.

Healing heals wounds and doesn’t cure a headache, but it makes me feel a little better.

Daehoon slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

‘Are you going to run away too?’

Lauren was watching their conversation through a hole in the ceiling. She shook her head as she watched Dae-Hun who made a stupid choice.

‘Everyone is not as expected of Amites-sama.’

At first, I thought he might run away because of his immature appearance. If he were Amites, he wouldn’t even have attached a watch.

But he himself was not Amites and Amites expected this result and

there was.

‘Twitch, that’s stupid.’

Lauren took off her hood as if frustrated. Then her face was revealed. She was Lena.

* * *

As a result, Dae-Hoon succeeded in escaping. Lena was called to Amites, and she was greatly upset.


“I told you to watch closely!”

“Sorry, I’m sorry. I never thought that I would leave the woman and run away.”

“Go get it right now!”


Dae-hoon chose to run away alone. He couldn’t forgive her for liking her brother, Han-seong, her bastard more than himself, who took great care of her.

‘I’ll escape and make you an elf girlfriend r

It wasn’t difficult for him to escape the castle.

This is because there was a path that Amites showed him to assassinate, and there was also an identification card that he received.

‘Sometimes I felt a certain kind of gaze, so I wondered if it was impossible to escape from the castle. It was also a mistake.’

If she had tried to escape with me, she would have died before she even left her room.

Because Lauren, the assassin disguised as his maid, was watching him every step of the way.

The problem was that he closed his eyes for a while because he was sure he wouldn’t escape until that evening.

He closes his eyes briefly to chase him all night long if he runs away from his gaze.

it is pasted

“Black… black…广

He jumped over the fence and jumped over the house.

Even as he entered the forest through the walls, he did not stop. Perhaps it was the result of his training so far, he did not get tired easily, and he could see clearly at night as in broad daylight.


A new sense he had not felt before was awakened. It felt like someone was chasing him as if he had opened his radar.

‘How can you feel this? no, that’s what’s important now


Tracking was the problem.

I never imagined that the chase would come so quickly.

‘If I had run away with Mina, I would have been caught right away.

He felt that he was looking at this world too lightly.

‘one person?’

I thought it was worth doing if it was just one person. But then he shook his head.


Amites is well aware of his strength. Nevertheless, he only sent one

It meant that he was strong enough.


There was a ripping sound from behind and something flew in. Dae-hoon rolled forward as he was.

Shit!A memorization passed over my head.

Dae-hoon glanced back.


He was an unimaginable stalker.

Dae-hoon continued running without stopping his steps.

‘Is that so? She was no ordinary maid.

I was watching and listening to every move.’

He ran zig-zag through the trees in Jung-gu, trying to outrun the chase, but to no avail.

Dae-hoon thought that it might be better to make a decision now that he has the stamina.

“Whoa… .,’

Daehoon stood tall.

Then Lena, who was following her, stopped at a reasonable distance and drew a dagger from her both hands.

“Wait a minute.”

Daehoon stopped Lena with a hand that did not hold a sword.

“Why don’t we talk for a moment before we fight?”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think Dae-Hoon and I have anything to say.”

Whether working as a maid has become a habit or her habit, I used the honorific title.

“Lena, wait!”

“She’s real name is Lauren.”

Lauren ran.

Dae-Hun raised her sword and aimed at her vital point and blocked her attack.


It feels light rather than heavy.

It was an attack that emphasized speed.

“Wait a minute, Lauren!”

“I have nothing to talk about. I must kill you and you must kill me to survive. That is all we have.”

“I love how simple it is!”

The sword and the sword overlapped.

When Dae-Hun lowered her sword, Lauren crossed her dagger to stop her slash, and kicked Dae-Hun’s stomach with her foot, pushing him away.

“ね! If you just let me die

Can’t you?”

“Why do I have to do that?”

“I did pretty well. You made me skip cleaning, gave me rest, and gave me food!”

“I was grateful for the favor, but it was not a favor that exceeded the order.”

“You don’t even feel sorry for me! I was dragged into this world without knowing the meaning, and I suffered a lot until now!”

“You have a female student in your class for self-interest!”

“What is self-interest! i told him

Did you even put your finger on it!”

If I had been alone, I would have slept soundly in bed, read a lot, and rested, but I was thrilled that Mina would deliver snacks and listen to nonsensical stories to make Mina feel better.

“So did she leave the child and run away?”

Lauren’s eyes turned into a poisonous one.

“Why are you angry!”

“You are like a father who left me!”

“Ah! It’s going to be crazy!”

Daehoon Eunha is in his arms countless times

He pulled out his secret weapon.

(Continued on next page)

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