Chapter 182 myth (4)

An explosion was heard from deep in the ground. The sound as if a bomb had exploded made me mistaken for whether there was a war.

Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooing your you for!

“It’s an earthquake!”

Team leader Kim Soo-young leaned on her face. The building shook and there was the sound of windows breaking nearby.


People screamed.

In South Korea, where earthquakes are rare, a huge earthquake with a magnitude greater than 7.0 struck.

The asphalt swayed like waves, the floors cracked and buildings collapsed.

Water gushed from the ground as if a sewer pipe had ruptured, and people who had been hit by debris were running and running, bleeding.


Soon-won approached a man who had his leg set on a large stone and used counter-gravity magic.

He lifted the stone and healed the broken leg with healing magic.

“Go, thank you. Wizard.”

“You’re welcome.”

The man raised his head and looked at Soon-won with a surprised expression on his face.

“Uh, maybe?”

Soon-won smiled and stood up.

“Captain Kim Soo-young.”

“all right.”

“Please determine the extent of the damage.”

Because the Future Strategy Office building was so strong, there was no collapse except for a small crack in the wall.

“boss. It is an emergency.”

“What happened?”

“There was a tsunami in the sea, and huge ships and cruise ships sank in Taean.”

“Please take the coordinates with AR glasses. I will go right away.”

“I sent.”

Soon-won immediately moved to Taean.

When I arrived at the beach off the coast of Mallipo, I

A ship was seen sinking in the distance.

[The Coast Guard rescue helicopter and the Navy have been dispatched, but it seems urgent to rescue the people on the cruise ship.]

“What about rescue robots?”

[We have dispatched 123,000 rescue robots to the earthquake damage across the country. I will turn 200 toward that.]

“no. I’ll take care of this one. Please contact Han Ji-hee and ask her to come over here.”

[all right.]

That’s weird.

Natural disasters appeared without any warning even though a system had been established to sound an alarm in advance with a quantum supercomputer.

rz rz rz nz I 一I一一I~I-一I一一r!

The huge cruise ship capsized and the people inside were stunned to see the escape route hanging from the low ceiling.

“Aww! The seawater is coming in!”

“Break the window!”

“Too thick!”

People went into panic.

Some people had a gut feeling they were going to die, so they called family members or wrote letters to make a will.

Fitting geek!

It was then.

The ship wobbled for a while as if it had received a strong force, and then felt it moving.

“Huh? Did the sinking accelerate?”

“Nope. It’s going back the way it was!”

“Uh, how?”

Once a ship is tilted, it cannot be restored. This is because if the center of gravity collapses, the objects inside will lean to one side.


One of the people who looked out the window shouted in surprise. This is because the ship was not simply recovering its center, but was floating in the air.

“I, what is that?”

The coast guards opened their mouths and looked up at the sky.

An 8,000-ton cruise ship floats in the air

because it was running.

In reality, it was clear that water would get inside and add more weight. There was only one person doing a job that could not be done except for a 10,000-ton offshore crane.

“Look over there!”

Originally, mana was invisible to the public, but due to consuming too much mana, Soon-won’s body floating in the air was shining blue.

“Awesome, great! Turn the camera over there!”

Broadcasting station helicopters broadcast this scene live.

“Hey there!”

That was not the end.

All the ships around were floating. It included even very large ships carrying thousands of containers.

“I, I don’t know much about magic, but is that something that one wizard can do?”

The reporter pinched his cheek.

The cameraman shook his head.

“My brother is a wizard and he lifted me for three minutes and exhausted me for two hours.


“Isn’t your brother a university professor?”

“that’s right.”

“Oh my God… .”

The Coast Guard and the Navy, who were unable to approach because the ship was sinking, stared blankly at it.

Soon-won moved the ships slowly and carried them to shore.

“Uhhhhhh… .

After finishing the rescue, Soon-won took a deep breath. Even though I mobilized the magic crystals and ancient weapon sets in the subspace, I felt empty of mana.

She instructed Ji-hee, who arrived late, to help rescue the people on board.


“I’ll be recovering some mana.”

Soon-won threw away his used large magic stone, took out a new one, and absorbed it into his body.

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“manager. This job is finished.”

[Yes, I watched it live on TV. The opened mouth does not close.]

“How about the city side?”

[The damage was so severe that I needed a rescue robot.

There are many cities to ask.]

“Scramble the second-generation robots hidden in the bunker.”

[How much to export?]


[Me, all?]


[If you put it all out, the country may feel a sense of crisis.]

“It’s better than watching people die.”

“… all right.”

A bunker at a secret base located in Gangwon-do

The door opened and 200,000 robots flew into the sky.

Robots that filled the sky began to move across the country.

* * *

A month has passed.

Politicians were concerned about Soon-won’s overwhelming power.

“It makes no sense for one individual to own 13 space stations.”

“To establish a base of 200,000 pyeong on the moon and terraform Mars

We have received information that they are building 100 spacecraft.”

“Huh… .”

That was not the end.

For security and rescue, SW Company has announced that it will donate 1 million security robots and rescue robots to the police and fire department.

There have been many changes in education as well. Because the translator was perfect, the need for foreign language education disappeared.

In addition, as AI AGI spreads to each home, education is possible without going to school or cram school.

[Against planting berry chips in the human body!]

The new berry chip introduced by SW Company was so small that it could be used for identification and card functions when implanted on the wrist.

I never had my wallet robbed by a pickpocket, and I never forgot to leave any money.

Because location tracking is also available, it has shown excellent results in preventing violent crime and arresting criminals.

However, religious people believe that the verichip is the number of 666 beasts in the book of Revelation.

Some objected, saying that it was embedded in the barcode.

[SW Company is monitoring the people!][I will plant a hacking program to control people!]

There have been some ridiculous conspiracy theories, but since it functions as a passport and has convenient and safety features when going abroad, all people started transplanting it.

[One home robot will be provided free of charge to every household.]

sw company’s ambitious home robot is cleaning, washing dishes, cooking, massage, errands

help your back

Foreigners could not hide their surprise, saying that they felt like they were in the future world 100 years later after coming to Korea.

[In an unprecedented aging society, home robots provide convenience to the elderly with dementia and people with reduced mobility. We announce that there is no monitoring function by opening all the source of the program.]

Neighboring countries were afraid of Korea’s rapid scientific development.

Humanoids were indistinguishable from humans on the outside, and were warning young people who fall in love with robots that they should seek psychiatric treatment.

“Citizen consciousness cannot keep up with the rapid development.”

This is what Catherine said.

“The singularity is coming,” she said. 1st generation of artificial intelligence will be smarter than all human beings. Then 99.9% of humanity will not need to work.”Currently, 97% of people’s diseases have been cured with medical nanobots.

Telomere research was also nearing completion. Considering aging as a disease, prolonging life has shown great results and is undergoing clinical trials.

“boss. Would you like to eat? lifespan 1 year

It will be an extension.”

“It’s done. Why are natural disasters more frequent than that?”

“well. This is probably because more than half of the forests in the Amazon have been cut down, most of them have disappeared as the Arctic melted, and the underground resources are being used indiscriminately.”

“That’s why you’re investing huge amounts of money in the space industry to get resources from other planets.”

“It takes too long to see results. How about this way?”

Catherine handed the report to Soon-won. Soon-won read it down quickly.

“Using other dimensions of resources?”

“Yes, the boss can open a portal that allows you to move between dimensions.”

“Hmm, that’s a good idea.”

Soon-won searched for a dimension where intelligent life did not exist.

Five dimensions belonged to it, and when I found a dimension without monsters, there were two suitable dimensions.

♦ * *

“Unemployment is a problem when the resource problem is solved. Basic income system is implemented

However, there are many people who want to work, and now all simple labor has been replaced by robots.”

The fertility rate has risen sharply thanks to a basic income.

Korea, which had the lowest fertility rate in the world, is now the country with the highest fertility rate.

On the other hand, severe unemployment continued.

“If you have money, you want to work.”

Companies implemented a three-day week system, which lowered the intensity of labor and significantly reduced working hours.

All tasks performed by humans have been replaced by robots.

People began to fall in love with virtual reality games that reproduce the five senses, and it was JW Workshop that almost monopolized the VR market.

“It’s good to scan the entire earth with 20 billion bee robots and create an earth-like environment in virtual reality.

SW Company, JS Company, and JW Workshop and Space S Company were all integrated.

At the top was the JSW Future Strategy Office. Catherine and Olivia went to work there.

“What would you like to do?”

“Anyway, the government is just maintaining the pattern. You can ignore it.”

In the military, no one is enlisting now, only those who are discharged from the military are increasing, so most of the manpower has been replaced by robots.

The same goes for police and firefighters.

It was the same for civil servants and office workers.

Through a 3D printer, the desired clothes or food were made, made, and eaten.

Also, for those who needed a house, a large 3D printer could make it what they wanted in one day.

“Over 2 million people applied for the 2,000 people who moved to Mars. What would you like to do?”

In response to Catherine’s question, Soon-won ordered the AI ​​AGI to pick it up.

[Found Ambassador Kunlun.]

A message ringing in my mind.

Soon-won recognized that it was a signal from Salvator.

“at Las… .”

He was given dimensional coordinates.

Soon-won decided to go alone with Ji-hee without anyone’s help, and opened the portal.

(Continued on next page)

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