Chapter 163 Survival (3)

Soon-won and Ji-hee met less than 5 minutes later.

She warns that this is a forest where doppelgangers appear, so be careful.

She said, “I was worried that we wouldn’t be able to meet because the forest was large, but I’m glad.”

Seeing Soon-won worried, Hee-ju and other women looked at Ji-hee with jealousy.

‘Now is not the time.’

Hee-ju shook her head and calmed her down.

She is Soon-won’s lover who protects herself. Rather than show her jealousy and hostility, she had to show her good relationship with her.

“Oh my, Jihee’s skin is really… .”

Hee-ju, who was trying to open her mouth with her praise, stopped her and opened her mouth. Then Ji-hee and Soon-won looked back at Hee-joo.

“What happened… ,

As she followed Hee-ju’s gaze, Han Ji-hee was standing there again.


“A doppelganger?”

Soon-won saw the real Han Ji-hee and thought she was a doppelganger. He is suspicious of Ji-hee, whom he met first, warning him about the doppelganger and building trust.

“The one next to it is fake!”

“You must be a doppelganger! You stole my memories and I have to kill them before they become more perfect!”

At the words of the two Ji-hee, Soon-won looked at them in turn.

‘Guaranteed that the first Ji-hee I met is real

I don’t have one.’

Lena and Louise were hiding behind a tree next to Ji-hee, who appeared, and then appeared.

Apparently, Soon-won and his party were a little scared because there were a lot of them.

“This is real. You’ve been with us for over a day.”

“no. i’m real You two look like doppelgangers when you say things like that.”

Soon-won looked at Ji-hee Han’s hand.

I had both, even the dots on my fingers.

“Okay, let me ask you a few questions.”

I asked a complex 8-circle magic formula. She was confident she would never be able to match even a doppelganger.

“In magical physics, when X2 and Y-29 are combined, there are three reactions. Say one by one.”

“C-99 has a reaction.”

“There is no P-7 reaction either.”

“… this.”

Both were correct.

‘Can I do this?’

It was embarrassing.

If they have the same appearance and memory, the way to tell them apart is to use magic, but magic was sealed here.

‘Wait a minute.’

Even if you cannot use magic, you can use Haster’s power. I grabbed the two of them and tried to infuse them with energy.

‘I think the one on the right that we met first was a fake.’

Still, I felt the need to cross-validate just in case.

“come out.”

By using Haster’s power, the butterfly

summoned Since Jihee had asked for it the other day, I had it with me.

[Kiaak! How long did it take you to wake me up!]

Nabuli, who woke up after a long time, groaned and stretched out. People were startled by the sudden appearance of the unicorn and backed up.

“Look ahead of that. Which Jihee is the real one?”


Even though Nabuli didn’t do it, she took Jihee’s breast on the right with her horn.


“Kyaaaah!”The dead doppelganger liquefied and disappeared. Jihee stroked Nabuli’s mane as if it was strange.

“What happened? Summoning a butterfly… .”

“I didn’t even know it was possible.”

After Nabuli appeared, it became easier. It was easy to ride a butterfly and find the keys all over the forest.

“Aren’t we going to throw it away?”

Hee-joo looked at Soon-won and Ji-hee, who got on the flutter with an anxious expression.

“I keep my promise, so don’t worry. Stay here.”

The butterfly flapped its wings and soared high into the sky.

Although the forest is thick, it is not so dense that people cannot see it, so it took less than 30 minutes to find Karin, Johan, and Jinhyuk.

‘I found all the keys.’

If you have a map hack and fly to the sky, you could say it was your foul.

The referee, Fowling, who watched it, reported this fact to the superior.

‘All abilities must have been sealed, but what’s wrong with summoning a summoned beast?’

There was a possibility that a punishment order would be issued according to the judgment of the goddess from the superior.

However, the report that came down after a while was surprising.

‘Leave me alone?’

Goddess White’s command.

She was only a judge, and she could not argue with the goddess’s decision.

He turned off Soon-won and started observing the rest of the players again.

“Hwaart. Are you busy alone these days?”


As the goddess Blue approached, White stood around and turned off the screen.

Targeting and harassing an individual player isn’t a big deal, but she sent him up to the 94th floor and even tampered with the related paperwork, so if caught, it wouldn’t end in disqualification as a goddess.

“Just what… .”

“Just what?”

“There is something I am personally interested in.”


“Afterwards! I’ll tell you later!”

White looked around and left with a puzzled expression.

After all, the system she was dealing with was password-protected, so she couldn’t see Blue being on.

“Hmm, it smells.”

You cannot forcefully open someone else’s system. But there was a way to spy on her system.

“If a child who was unfaithful suddenly becomes sincere, he is having an accident.”

She placed the camera in an inconspicuous place. The monitor was in a good view position.

“Would you like to come back in a few days and see what happened?”

Blue grinned and left.


I got a doppelganger because I was called Park Tae-woong.

It wasn’t that it didn’t happen. he is a subordinate

He made the mistake of killing his subordinate to catch a doppelganger disguised as a field, and he used up all but one marble he had while fighting a doppelganger that looked just like him.

“Whoa… Whoo… .”

Tired and exhausted, but traced by smell

continues to use its power

track it down

went out

‘The smell of men suddenly disappeared, but the women are still there.’

Tae-woong Park mistakenly thought that he flew on a butterfly and went to the next floor in search of the key.

‘Well, it’s a pity he’s gone, but he remembers the smell, so he can just kill him later when he meets him.’

He was tired now, so he thought it was enough to subdue the women.

‘By the way.’

With a one in two chance, he killed all of his men to catch a doppelganger.

Because of that, Jim was also very tired because he had to listen to it himself.


Park Tae-woong threw away all the burden he was carrying. If you go to the women anyway, they will take all your belongings and use them.

thought it could be

“I see it slowly.”

Eventually he caught up.

The problem was that I thought there were only five women, but there were a total of seven including Lewis and Lena.

“I’ll have to use the last remaining marbles.”

approached cautiously.

Because of the large number of them, they were vigilant and neglecting their surroundings.

‘Because this marble is a wide-area attack.’

You can’t get all the power by yourself anyway. Half using beads

He drew in his mind a plan to kill and subdue half.


Then Soon-won and Jihee came down from the sky riding a unicorn.

‘What is that?’

It was then that Park Tae-woong first met Han Ji-hee. I could feel her heart pounding as she watched her loftily sitting on her unicorn.



I wanted to take that girl.

“Then I will go.”

Han Ji-hee went up to the sky to pick up her other colleagues who had put her down in a safe place nearby, and Park Tae-woong took this moment as an opportunity.

‘Kill the rest before they come back!’

Park Tae-woong appeared from behind a tree.


He threw a red ball from a green key in a baseball pitcher-like motion. The marble split the wind and fell in front of Lena.

“Be careful!”

Soon-won was the first to notice, and Lewis was the first to move when flames came out of the marble.


Lewis quickly pushed Lena and threw herself over the marble. The flames that were exploding were blocked by Lewis’ body and did not spread widely.


As Lena tried to approach Louise, Soon-won quickly caught her.

“Louis! Lewis!”

“Hee-ju! Come and catch it!”

There was no time to dry Lena.

It was because Park Tae-woong was running with a sword.

“What kind of guy are you!”

“I hope I will sacrifice myself to stop the attack.”

Park Tae-woong and Soon-won’s swords collided.

Park Tae-woong looked at him with a look of surprise at Soon-won’s power, which was heavier than expected.

“It’s been a long time since a guy with such a strong basics has.”

As a master swordsman, he could tell just by mixing the swords.

“Did you approach for the key?”

“I originally came after my subordinate to get revenge, but… .”

Soon-won thought for a moment who the subordinate he had killed was, but he couldn’t remember who it was because there weren’t one or two people who ran after the key in this forest.

“Your subordinate wasn’t a good guy either. No one was killed because I was the first to attack.”

“Does it make sense to judge the good guys and the bad guys in this tower of death? After all, in front of them, we are nothing more than a chess board.”

They exchanged swords several times.Soon-won realized that he could not defeat Park Tae-woong by fighting only with his sword.

‘I can’t.’

Haster’s power.

He tried to use his power only for the moment when he broke the opponent’s weapon, but unlike the previous one, his lifespan fell out in a lump.


He didn’t have time to think deeply.

Soon-won’s sword smashed Park Tae-woong’s sword and pierced his shoulder.


He was fatally wounded, let go of his sword and retreated. Soon-won didn’t miss the chance and ran to knock him down.

“Come on, wait! I actually… .”


No one has a story before they die. Longer words create gaps and an opportunity to turn around.

Soon-won killed him right away without giving him a chance.

Looking behind her, she saw Lena dripping with her tears and caressing the burnt corpse of Lewis.

“Are you Soon-won?”

Ji-hee, who had brought Johan, Karin, and Jin-hyeok, came to Soon-won to see what was going on.

“I got a surprise attack.”

Briefly explain the situation.

Ji-hee approached Lena with a sad expression and offered her consolation.

“excuse me… .”

Hee-ju has arrived.

She looked at Soon-won with the other girls and was hesitant to speak.

“Ah, I got all the keys as promised.”

“Ah… .”

Then the women’s faces brightened. He said that the cow horn was also short-lived, so he immediately summoned the door and handed the key.

“Thank you very much.”

Hee-joo handed out the keys to the women, took her points and handed it over to Soon-won.

“It’s like keeping a promise to each other.”

“Yes, it was hard.”

The two shook hands.

“If I meet you on the next floor, I will definitely pay you back.”

“Then that’s good.”

The women waved and entered the door leading to the next floor.

Soon-won waited for Ji-hee, who was comforting Lena, creating a door for his mates.

“Go first. Your colleagues are waiting for you.”

“However… .”

“You know? I have the key too. I want some more alone time.”

Jihee didn’t spend much time with Lewis and Lena.

In Lena’s case, she thinks it’s because she’s a lover

She was also wary, so she wasn’t friendly.

‘still… .’

no other reason

The feeling of loss of her lover.

When she thinks about how much she will be sad if she loses Soon-won, Lena doesn’t feel bad.


Jihee got up from her seat.

Soon-won and Karin and Yohan and Jinhyeok were waiting.


The next floor must be the 96th, not the 6th.

Soon-won had an intuition that the next floor would be as difficult as this one.

(Continued on next page)

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