The Big Guy Who Wears Fast is Crazy Again

Chapter 846: resignation, resignation

The red plums in the courtyard can be seen outside the window, and the tip of the nose seems to be able to smell the fragrance of the red plums.

Yu Jiangli didn't want to enjoy the scenery before, but now he was drinking a small wine and smelling the faint plum fragrance wafting from the window, he felt very comfortable.

The bad debt between him and Wei Lian was indeed not very good.

Although his mood had changed greatly at this time, Yu Jiangli didn't show it, just looked at the person in front of him and said, "In this way, I owe Brother Wei a lot."

"It's a lot." Nan Yuan took this remark unceremoniously, "Just now, I actually deliberately exposed your shortcomings. You took my Dabu Pills, and you can cure your old illness, let alone a mere stomach problem. "

When Yu Jiangli heard this, he couldn't help feeling ashamed.

He seemed to think Wei Lian too badly.

People have preconceived common problems, but he didn't expect that he would not be exempt from the custom.

At first, he approached the cottage with a purpose, so how could he expect the other party to treat each other with courtesy.

"Brother Wei, I-"

Nan Yuan interrupted him, "Brother Yu, I've been chatting with you so much because I want you to figure out the kindness you owe me, and then I will threaten to repay it. However, I don't want to repay it for myself.

There are as many people in the world who love me as there are people who hate me. In the past, the dwarf rulers hated me, the corrupt officials and court moths hated me, and the Xuanpinghou hated me. All love me because I give them food to eat, clothes to wear, and a home to go back to. "

Yu Jiangli stared at him blankly, his expression moved.

"Brother Yu, I killed Lao Dunjun for personal revenge, but more for the people of the world. The people have been suffering for a long time, and they can't stand more wars..."

That night, the Chidi Emperor Wei Lian and the Xiliang King Yu Jiang Li Bingzhu had a conversation in the night, which was called a historic meeting by later generations.

Everyone didn't know what the two heroes were talking about, but on the second day of the night talk, not only did Xiliang King Yu Jiangli leave the Wei army's territory unharmed, but the Chidi Emperor Wei Lian even rode a carriage with him, personally. They were sent to Yuebancheng, where the Xiliang Army was located.

Of these two people, one dared to be invited and entered the enemy's camp alone, and the other was even more insane, and actually took the initiative to send it to the door!

The Red Emperor Wei Lian was a guest in Yuebancheng for seven days, during which time Yu Jiang, the king of Xiliang, accompanied him every day.

The two of them put their hearts together, talked for a long time, talked happily over wine, and even fell asleep every night, like brothers and sisters!

After that, the King of Xiliang returned several cities to Jiangzuo, and the army of Xiliang returned to Xiliang.

After Chidi Wei Lian redeployed the city defense, he returned to the court half a month later, and Yu Jiangli, the king of Xiliang, went with him!

Everyone was shocked.

The Chi Emperor Wei Lian did not cost a single soldier or a single soldier, so he ordered the King of Xiliang to submit to Da Chi?

Of course the soldiers of Xiliang were not reconciled.

However, they were loyal to the King of Xiliang, and the King of Xiliang insisted on submitting to him as if he had fallen into evil, and also brought out a theory of the world that they could not refute.

Wei Lian is really scary! They thought that Wei Lian came to court to die, but in the end it was...

This person coaxed the winner to hand over several cities in Jiangzuo, and now he has let the Lord willingly follow him to the imperial city!

First Minister: My king is going to the imperial capital, and he will never return!

Second courtier: Chidi will definitely ask my king for military power. If my king does not give it, his life will be in danger!

Clerk C: My king is the monarch who sees Xiliang once in a hundred years. If he dies, Xiliang will become a piece of scattered sand and eventually fall into the hands of Chidi.

The soldiers of Xiliang sighed and counted the days with their fingers.

Half a month, a month, two months...

It's over, it's been two months, my king has not returned, and there is no news from the dark post in Liangzhou.

Could it be... could it be that my king has encountered an accident? And my king's dark piles have all been cleared?

However, in the third month, when all the soldiers of Xiliang were screaming, Yu Jiangli, the king of Xiliang, returned safe and sound.

The soldiers looked at it at a glance and were so surprised that their eyeballs almost popped out.

This, is this their king?

They remembered that three months ago, the King of Xiliang was wearing armor. Although his skin was much whiter than that of ordinary rough men because he didn't get tanned, it was also yellowish-white with a bit of roughness.

But the man in front of him was wearing a white jade crown, his skin was white and rosy, and there was no roughness at all. Everywhere there was a delicate beauty that was pampered by famous nobles. However, because of his extraordinary bearing, his temperament was noble and indifferent. , coupled with that white flowing cloud brocade robe, not like those aristocratic young masters, but very like a **** from heaven and earth, so beautiful that it is not like anything in the world!

Although the Lord became beautiful, everyone couldn't help but beat their chests.

In the past, there was fighting spirit, ambition, and calculation of interests in the eyes of the Lord, but now, the eyes of the Lord are only mountains and rivers, blue sky and white clouds? It is completely the quiet and peaceful color of ink and danqing!

Wei Lian, this villain must have deliberately used the imperial city's brocade clothes and jade food to erode the fighting spirit of the master. How deep is this man's heart, how deep!

When everyone saw Duan, the guard who followed the Lord, they were heartbroken again.

Du An's face and waist are actually a whole circle fatter than three months ago!

Not only that, the vigilance and defensiveness on Du An's face disappeared, and there was a smirk on the corner of his mouth. I don't know if he was thinking about the delicious wine and food in the imperial city, or the happy days when he was in his arms!

If the officers and men knew that Du An was not thinking of a warm and fragrant nephrite, but a black and strong female general, it is estimated that they would be even more distressed.

After the king of Xiliang returned, many unwilling subordinates tried to persuade the king of Xiliang to turn against Da Chi. The Emperor Chi was not justified, and he was a rebel.

However, the King of Xiliang not only did not listen to these slander, but also alienated this group of people, and even sent people to surveil in secret to prevent these people from linking up with other disobedient ministers and causing trouble again.

A year later, the King of Xiliang cultivated an excellent successor, and then passed the throne to this person.

This move shocked the ministers of Xiliang.

"Wang, what are you doing?" A confidant old official's voice trembled.

Yu Jiangli looked in the direction of the distant imperial city, with a small smile on his lips, "Although the world is unified now, everything is waiting to be done. Brother Wei asked me for an invitation a year ago, and Da Chi lacked a prime minister, and I accepted him. Now, it's time for this king to fulfill his promise."

Although Bei Gongli is talented as a general, but he is sloppy by nature and cannot sit in the position of prime minister.

Looking at the entire Da Chi, he really couldn't find a more suitable candidate than Yu Jiangli.

A year ago, Wei Lian sincerely invited Yu Jiangli to be persuaded by him, so he agreed at that time and made an appointment for this year.

When the officials of Xiliang heard the words, they were so shocked that they were speechless for a long time.

When they finally digested this matter, they all scolded in their hearts: Wei Lian, **** damned! !

Even if they want the king of Xiliang to submit to the imperial court, the big deal is to make offerings every year and worship him once a year. The sky is high and the emperor is far away. Their king is the emperor of Xiliang. Who knows that this **** will turn their king into his own eyes. Under the child!

This is to make their king bow down to him every day!

Everyone was heartbroken once again, and they felt that it was not enough to scold Chidi hundreds of times in their hearts!

Of course, no matter how everyone tried to persuade him, Yu Jiang had already decided to leave.

Now that Xiliang's power is stable and everything is under his control, he can leave with confidence.

A year ago, Yu Jiangli took Du An and an elite cavalry with him when he went to the imperial city. This time, he only took Du An with him.

The two did not ride in the carriage. After packing up, they hurried to the imperial city, returning like an arrow.

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