In fact, there are many military uses of hot air balloons. After the technology is perfected in the future, they can be used not only for combat, but also for transportation, airdrops, etc.

If a city is surrounded by heavy enemy troops, food and grass are cut off, and there are heavy casualties, then hot air balloons can be used to airdrop some supplies and soldiers to relieve the urgent need.

In addition, the paratrooper combat mode can also be used to airdrop some elite soldiers to the enemy's rear for a series of special operations such as harassment, destruction, and burning of the enemy's granary equipment, and even assassination of the enemy's commander.

This is the power of technology!

Xiao Chen mentioned to Qin Gang that hot air balloons could be used for pre-battle scouting, and they could also participate in combat when necessary, but Qin Gang didn't take it seriously at all, thinking that Xiao Chen was just talking nonsense.

He has always distrusted Xiao Chen, and was always worried that Xiao Chen would make trouble for him, so he directly rejected all the suggestions made by Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen was quite speechless and felt quite helpless.

Anyway, I told you that there is nothing you can do if you are kind enough to treat it like a donkey's liver and lungs. Since you don't use it, we can use it ourselves.

"How to use it, let the coach Hanzhong decide, but I think, if you can't guarantee the personal safety of the brothers on the hot air balloon, then try not to use it, at least you can't carry any kerosene bottles and explosives It’s okay, you can also throw chili powder, that thing will work, this is my personal opinion.”

Xiao Chen always puts the lives of his brothers first, so strictly speaking, he is not a qualified general.

This is also the reason why in the previous few battles, he let Xiaosheng and the others take command, and he was responsible for taking the lead and charging into the battle.

"What chili powder?" Lonely House was stunned, never heard of it, is it a new weapon developed by you, boss?

"Oh, I forgot that we don't have chili peppers yet, so pepper powder... You should go to Shangguan Qiji about this, and he will know what to do once you tell him." Xiao Chen said.

"Don't care what kind of powder it is, anyway, as long as it can make the people of Ross feel uncomfortable, it's better if you lose your eyes, sneeze, and faint if you inhale it!" Liu Fuhai, as an eunuch, really understands many plots Recruit.

"Don't tell me..." Lonely Lou felt that although it sounded a bit unbelievable, it seemed feasible.

So why are these people able to chat with Xiao Chen? It is because they accept new ideas and new things very quickly.

The few people were chatting happily, when suddenly Liu Mofeng rushed in with a group of people, greeted the big guy a little, and said to Wei Yuntian, "Yuntian, it just so happens that you are here, your people, you come by yourself Let's deal with it."

Saying this and waving their hands, the two yamen servants brought up three heavily tied officers and threw them on the ground, but there was a hundred households and two school lieutenants.

Seeing that dejected Baihu, everyone was taken aback. Isn't this Chen Gou'er? What's the matter? What crime of murder and arson did they commit to tie them like this?

"Ask them yourself." Liu Mofeng said.

"Chen Gou'er, what's the matter?" Wei Yuntian frowned.

Chen Gou'er just sighed and didn't speak.

"Wang Cheng, tell me, be more specific!" Wei Yuntian asked another captain.

"Yes, Master Wei!" The school lieutenant named Wang Cheng hastily explained what happened in detail.

But it turned out that Chen Gou'er secretly made a jar of soju last night, and hid in the tent with Wang Cheng and another lieutenant named Liu Wu and drank it.

Chen Gou'er began to whine after drinking some wine, saying that the boss shouldn't have given them all to Qin Gang. Isn't this clearly asking the brothers to serve as cannon fodder?

Chen Gou'er began to whine after drinking some wine, saying that the boss shouldn't have given them all to Qin Gang. Isn't this clearly asking the brothers to serve as cannon fodder?

With Qin Gang's temperament, we will definitely let the 3,000 of us be the death squad and rush to the front, and then we will have a narrow escape!

After finally following the boss to this point, he should be eating, drinking and having fun, but unexpectedly he has to risk his life. How can he really be reasonable?

You know Chen Xiaohu who came with me, right? He is now mixing with General Zhuge, and is supervising the construction of Xiaocheng. He eats big fish and meat every day, so he doesn't have to work hard like our buddies!

Wang Cheng, Liu Wu and the two were very frightened, so they hurriedly persuaded him not to say these words, if General Wei heard it, it would be a big deal, and at the very least, he would have to be beaten.

What did Chen Gouer say about Wei Yuntian? At the beginning, he was just a school captain in Jinyiwei, and he had been with the boss for a long time before he could get to this point...

After drinking it, I felt that the wine was heavy, and suddenly I wanted a sip of chicken soup, but there was never a meal in the barracks at night, even if Chen Gou'er was from a hundred households, he didn't dare to ask for food and drink blatantly.

But luckily there is a village near the barracks, go there and get two and come back to stew and eat!

He insisted on going, but Wang Cheng and Liu Wu couldn't stop him at all, so they had to follow.

When I arrived in the village, I randomly found a house with chicken coops, rushed in and caught the chickens, and made a fuss, which alarmed the owner of the house when he came out and saw that the chicken thieves turned out to be three drunk military masters. up.

The masters are an old couple, both in their sixties, and have experienced many things in the world, so they know that they must not offend the military master at such a time.

So he just stood aside obediently, watched as Chen Gou'er grabbed two hens that were still laying eggs, broke their necks, held them in their hands and laughed...

Chen Gou'er was drunk, but Wang Cheng and Liu Wu were still not drunk, so he hurriedly took out the money and asked the two old people how much your chicken is for us to buy.

The old man was also angry, so he said that we are hens that lay eggs, and we don't sell them at all!

It also angered Chen Gou'er.

It's really ignorant to talk about old things!

If it weren't for the Laozi who took their lives to drive away the Xianbo people and the Mojie people, you would be able to live a good life today!

Don't talk about eating your two chickens, what's more, even if you sleep with your daughter, that's what it should be!

All the neighbors around were awakened by their noise, but they just watched silently, their faces were full of anger, but no one dared to step forward to stop them.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Liu Wu hurriedly dragged Chen Gou'er away forcibly. Chen Gou'er staggered, but still clutched two dead chickens tightly in his hands, and kept yelling and chattering all the way.

Wang Cheng gave all the broken silver on his body to the old couple, and even apologized repeatedly for Chen Gou'er, but he failed to appease the public anger...

The next day, an inspector came down from Changshan City to check on the young crops, and some talkative people told him about it, but this inspector was a tough-tempered one, and he was furious when he heard about it, and immediately reconciled the old couple. All the neighbors took them back to the city to find the magistrate of Changshan.

Li Si, the magistrate of Changshan County, was also a responsible official. Hearing this, he was furious, and led everyone to go directly to Liu Congshu. It happened that Liu Congshu was talking to Liu Mofeng, and everyone was shocked when they heard about it.

Wei Yuntian has always been very strict in governing the army, how could such a thing happen?

But since the common people have sued, they must take care of this matter!

Liu Mofeng took people to the barracks to look for Wei Yuntian, but when Wei Yuntian wasn't there, he took all three of Chen Gou'er down.

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