The Best Fake Eunuch

Chapter 589: Shaoyan Mingguang

Chen Jisheng couldn't do without Liu Xiangqin, and Xiao Chen couldn't do without Chen Jisheng, so we had to reduce their burden as much as possible.

Shangguan Qiji took the initiative to ask Ying to be Xiao Chen's financial supervisor, but Xiao Chen sternly rejected it!

And he also specially gave an order to the brothers guarding his small vault, remember this fat man, this person must never come within ten feet of my small vault, otherwise he will be treated as theft, and we will talk about it after he is arrested!

Wen Shanchang went to Xianbo but couldn’t come back, because there is a great shortage of doctors in Xianbo, and now when the spring is warm and the flowers are changing, there are many people in the tribe who are sick. Wu Luolan knows that he is excellent in medicine, so he is detained Next, appoint him as the chief medical officer of Xianbo.

Tell Wen Shanchang that if you agree, you will stay, and if you don't agree, you will keep your head, so Wen Shanchang can only stay.

The big guy had nothing to do with Wu Luolan, and Xiao Chen couldn't do anything after hearing this, he could only be wronged and good.

He was full of apologies, but he didn't know that he had heard that Shanchang lived happily in Xianbo, and he couldn't even think about it... Xiao Chen only found out later.

Xiao Chen had already talked with Shangguan Qiji, he wanted Shangguan Qiji to be the chief medical officer of Yanyun County, not the medical officer of the Governor's Mansion.

At that time, Shangguan Qiji didn't quite understand what Xiao Chen meant, so he asked him what's the difference between the two? Doesn't Yanyun County belong to your governor?

The difference is huge.

Xiao Chen wants Shangguan Qiji to build a large pharmaceutical factory, and also wants him to open a clinic, which is actually the current hospital.

This is only the first step of the plan. In the future, Xiao Chen plans to set up one or several clinics in every prefecture and county in Yanyun County...

In fact, Xiao Chen had already had an in-depth chat with Wen Shanchang before, and Wen Shanchang also planned to start planning in the next year, but unexpectedly, once he went to Xianbo, he couldn’t come back, so he had to let Shangguan abandon his illness. take over.

It is understandable that a pharmaceutical factory abandons an official and abandons a disease, but what does a clinic mean?

Do you mean that you want to gather all the doctors in Changshan Prefecture, including those barefoot doctors, quack doctors, and all the big guys together?

That's probably what it means. Of course, not all doctors are required. They must be able to treat diseases. This needs to be assessed in detail. Of course, the chief examiner is your fat brother.

In addition, it is not only doctors, but also nurses. In fact, this model has already been implemented in the military. You can go back and check it out.

Why do you want to do this?

It is because some poor people look down on doctors when they are sick and cannot afford medicines. The main target of our clinic is them.

Of course, it’s not about taking medicine for nothing. If you have to charge a certain fee, but the fee can be lower, you can treat the disease first and pay later... These specific rules need to be formulated slowly, but in any case, We have to do it first.

You can choose any location, even if it is a new building, but the scale should be larger, because the population base of our Changshan Prefecture will definitely increase significantly in the future.

You are also responsible for the infrastructure construction. You can just ask Xu Wenzhou for how much money you need.

The pharmaceutical factory is also run by you. We still have some medicine reserves in Changshan Prefecture. You can go back and have a look. If you lack anything, you can make a list. If Yanyun doesn’t have it, I will let them go to the south to buy it. The more complete the better, don't be afraid to spend money, it doesn't matter how much you spend.

But this is a meritorious deed of curing diseases and saving people, and you must not think about embezzling money from it, otherwise not only Mr. Chen will punish you, but God will not let you go!

Shangguan Qiji really didn't think about greed for money, what he was thinking about now was the clinic described by Xiao Chen... It turned out that it could still be done like this, not to mention it is really a great thing that benefits the country and the people!

But as for how to do it, I really have to think about it.

Xiao Chen really has too many things to do, he even wants to open a brewery, but now the top priority is not these, but to take back Shunfeng Port first.

Kudo Nako was still so beautiful, when Xiao Chen saw her, his mood brightened at first, and it continued to shine on his face.

"Nako, we met again, are you okay?" If it weren't for the fact that there were three strangers around Kudo Nako, Xiao Chen really wanted to hug her warmly and softly, he was indeed a little impulsive...

"I'm fine, and thank you, Mr. Xiao, for your warm hospitality." Nako Kudo said with a little anger, which meant to challenge reason.

We traveled thousands of miles to look for you, but your people locked us up, is it plausible?

"Hahaha, Naiko, they don't know you, and the situation is so tense now, so I have to be cautious. I think you can understand this. I just came back to Changshan today to see you. Isn't this sincerity enough?" Is it?" Xiao Chen smiled.

"Xiao Chen-kun, your eloquence is very good. I can't say enough about you. Let me introduce you. This is Mr. Miyamoto Gozo, and this is Kinoshita Yoshiro-kun." Nako Kudo stepped aside as she spoke, revealing the two behind her. out.

"Miyamoto Musashi, meet Mr. Xiao." Miyamoto Musashi was probably in his early forties, with fair skin, a straight nose and square mouth, no beard under the chin, a pair of slender eyes like a phoenix, a calm demeanor, elegant and elegant.

"Mr. Xiao Chen, it's really an honor to meet you!" Kinoshita Yoshiro was born extremely ugly, with protruding browbones, raised chin, and hairy face, really seems to be an undeveloped animal. It looks like an ape, but a pair of small eyes are extremely energetic, looking forward to the extreme, and shining brightly.

Both of them spoke fluent Chinese.

Xiao Chen bowed his hand to return the salute, and greeted politely, thinking that there are still some masters in Dongying, just these two are ten times stronger than those of Nishimura Zhicun and the others!

Really extraordinary.

But the most honorable of the three is obviously the Sato Yokoji who has been silently looking at Xiao Chen, because when Kudo Nako and the others faced this person, they all bowed their bodies slightly and lowered their heads, not even daring to look at him...

There was nothing unusual about this person's appearance, he was short in stature, with a dark complexion, but there was deep melancholy in his eyes.

"Xiao Chenjun, this is my uncle, Mr. Shaoyan Mingguang, I'm sorry I lied to your people... Uncle, he is Xiao Chen." Kudo Nako said softly.

It turns out that this Sato Yokoji is the brother-in-law of Emperor Kanteru, the princess's husband, the Dai Nayan of the Dongying court, and the Naval Minister Shohiko Namitsu!

This was really beyond Xiao Chen's expectation.

"Xiao Chenjun, it's really great to see you." Shaoyan Mingguang also spoke Chinese dialect, which was very standard and full of magnetism.

"Mr. Shaoyan Mingguang, I really didn't know that you would come here in person. It's really unexpected... and it's really rude!" Xiao Chen expressed his deep apology.

"It's Xiao Chenjun who is too polite." Although Shaoyan Mingguang has a high status, he is polite and extremely humble, and said in a negotiating tone, "Can I talk to Xiao Chenjun alone?"

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