The Best Fake Eunuch

Chapter 513 Nikaido's Art of War

Qianye Ling is the descendant of a mysterious kendo school in Dongpu. This kendo school is called "The Art of War of Nikaido".

Some people say that it was created by Nakajo Liuwu, a master of swordsmanship in Japan, while others say that it was created by a monk named Nakazeng Mingjian.

But these are all legends, and no one can verify them, and the "Nikaido's Art of War" has long been lost. Even in Dongpu, it is also a legendary sword method.

It can be seen how mysterious it is.

The so-called 'Nikaido' means that this kind of swordsmanship is divided into two levels.

The first level is soul-hunting technique, and the second level is swordsmanship.

Once you use your eyes to lock or absorb the enemy's mind, then the next step is a fatal blow!

The magic and essence of it is to use strong willpower to restrain the enemy, and after training to the most powerful state of "one of the hearts", it can control the minds of almost everyone, and it's not just one person.

According to legend, in order to prevent a battle between the shogunate, Zeng Mingjian once came to the front of the two armies alone, and used the "one of the hearts" to charm tens of thousands of soldiers on both sides, forcing them to put down their weapons. Make peace with each other!

It's that awesome.

But no matter how awesome he is, he is not as awesome as Xiao Chen.

So when Qianye Ling's gaze met Xiao Chen, trying to confuse him, he was instead fascinated by him...

"Are you really not Guan Zhilin?" Xiao Chen pulled Qianye Ling directly into his sea of ​​consciousness, and the first sentence he asked was so unwilling.

I really hope it's her.

"I told you I'm not!" Qianye Ling's big eyes were filled with deep shock, "Who are you? How can you know the art of war of Nikaido?"

"I don't know what Nikaido is, but I know telekinesis, tsk tsk, your telekinetic power is really powerful... Who did you learn from?" Xiao Chen started the chat mode.

"You haven't answered my question yet, who are you!" Chiba Ling said angrily.

It has to be said that she is really a big beauty, especially her pair of smart big eyes, which will really make all men fall in love with her.

Master Huang once said a word back then, 'This lively beauty, her eyes can discharge, as long as she glances at you, eleven out of ten men will be confused and pretend to be passionate'.

Especially when she was angry, it looked like she was flirting.

"I said my name is Xiao Chen." Xiao Chen kept staring into her eyes, "Your eyes are really beautiful."

He said so on the lips, but he was thinking about another thing, that is, the famous golf incident...

You can't think about this kind of thing, and when you think about it, you will be distracted and distracted.

Forget business.

Suddenly felt that the scene in front of him changed, but it was a verdant bamboo forest?

This was Qianye Ling taking advantage of Xiao Chen's unpreparedness and pulling him into his sea of ​​consciousness.

"It's quite beautiful here, where's the person?" Xiao Chen didn't see Qianye Ling, he was wondering, suddenly felt a gust of cold wind blowing in the back of his head, he quickly lowered his head, dodging Qianye Ling's sneak attack in the blink of an eye !

Fuck you Dongying people like to sneak attack!

Turning around, he saw Qianye Ling holding a dagger in his hand, looking at him coldly and murderously.

"Hey, a gentleman uses his mouth but doesn't move his hands. If there is anything we can talk about, what are you doing with a knife?" Xiao Chen said.

"I have nothing to talk to you about!" Qianye Lingjiao scolded, and stabbed with a sword!

But it was stabbed in the air, and the bamboo forest in front of him disappeared, but he came to a boundless desert...

It was Xiao Chen who pulled her into his sea of ​​consciousness again.

Qianye Ling grasped the sword and looked around in a daze, when suddenly a sandstorm rolled up under her feet, she hurriedly took two steps back, a human figure gradually formed in the rapidly rotating storm...

"Let's have a good talk, can't we?" It was Xiao Chen himself who appeared in the dust, and when he spoke, the sand in his mouth was still falling down.

"Damn it!" Qianye Ling gritted her teeth, white light flashed in her eyes, and pulled Xiao Chen into her own sea of ​​consciousness, but it was a warship that was ups and downs in the wind and waves.

"This is your boat?" Xiao Chen looked around, "It looks good, by the way, are you interested in cooperating with me?"

"Cooperate for what?" Qianye Ling asked loudly.

"Cooperate to fight the Ross people, I will pay you 10,000 gold coins..." As soon as Xiao Chen was distracted, Qianye Ling's short sword pierced his throat.

What the hell! Ang!

You have a dagger, don't I have a sword?

Turning his head to avoid her thrusts, he quickly pulled out his precious saber, and slashed at him head-on!

In fact, if the two of them fought in the real world, if Xiao Chen didn't use the Flame Palm, he wouldn't be Qianye Ling's opponent at all!

He doesn't even know how to use a knife, okay?

But his willpower is much stronger than Qianye Ling, so in the sea of ​​consciousness, his ability has almost reached the point where he can do whatever he wants, Qianye Ling is far from being an opponent...

It's as quick as lightning with just a single stroke!

"Ah!" Qianye Ling was caught off guard, and couldn't guard against it. She screamed and closed her eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already lying on a big bed...


What is this place?

"This is my bedroom." Xiao Chen beside him smiled shamelessly, "It's not bad, is it?"

"You!" Qianye Ling wanted to jump up, but was hugged by Xiao Chen, and wanted to kick him, but was held down by Xiao Chen's stretched legs, unable to move for a while.

"What do you want to do?" Qianye Ling's big eyes showed a trace of panic.

"I am a man, you are a woman, and this is my bedroom, and we are lying on the bed together, what else can we do?" Xiao Chen laughed.

"Jamaicai!" Chiba Ling screamed loudly.

"Hey, calm down, okay?" Xiao Chen listened happily, but frowned, "You were the one who invaded my sea of ​​consciousness first, and I didn't force you to come, it seems like I was the one who made such a fuss. I really want to do something to you!"

"Then let me go!" Chiba Ling said.

"No, if I let you go, you'll stab me with a short sword again... Where's your sword?" Xiao Chen groped her body, but it wasn't entirely frivolous, he really wanted to find her murder weapon .

But nothing but boobs.

"You bastard, you, you, you... let me go!" Qianye Ling's face flushed red, her delicate body writhed desperately, but she couldn't break free from Xiao Chen's clutches, on the contrary, she was so excited by him...

"Huh? Why don't you wear underwear?" Xiao Chen took advantage and acted like a good boy, "Where's your sword? Could it be hidden in..."

While muttering, he continued to grope downward.

"It's not on me, stop it, you idiot!" Qianye Ling felt goosebumps all over her body, feeling his claws reaching her waist, and hurriedly confessed honestly.

"I don't believe you." Xiao Chen's warm and fragrant nephrite touch was refreshing, and it was impossible to stop.

"I, I, I, I have given in to you, will you spare me?" Qianye Ling finally gave in.

It's okay not to give in, because I feel that this bastard will really do more obscene and shameless things!



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