Captain Jack took the gold and left. It is said that he was going to deal with the debt, and he will come back to meet Xiao Chen after the deal is over. Please wait for me here.

"Boss, you know he's lying to you, right?" Wilson said suddenly.

"Hehe, I know." Xiao Chen smiled lightly, calmly.

"Then why did you give him so much gold back? I bet you that he will never come back again!" Wilson said loudly.

"It doesn't matter whether he comes back or not. We have an old saying in Huaxia, that is, a thousand pieces of gold buys a horse's bone, and it starts when you stay in Taiwan." Xiao Chen said with a smile.

This allusion is too profound, and it condenses the wisdom of ancient Chinese people, but it is not known to Wilson.

It was Fu Yan who saw Wilson's confused face and gave him a brief explanation.

The story of buying horse bones with thousands of gold happened in the distant past. It is said that there was a monarch who liked BMW very much and wanted to spend thousands of gold to buy horses.

Later, a small official volunteered to uncover the imperial list and got the job, saying that he would go to the far western regions to buy a legendary hard-blooded BMW. The king loved horses so much, he agreed and gave it back to him. Lots of gold.

After this little courtier arrived in the Western Regions, he really found the legendary bloody horse. Unfortunately, the horse was already dead and turned into a white skeleton.

But the little minister still spent a lot of gold to buy this pair of horse bones, and brought them back not far away.

When the monarch saw the horse bone, he was furious and severely reprimanded the little minister.

I asked you to buy a thousand-mile horse, but you were lucky enough to spend thousands of dollars to buy me a pair of horse bones. Isn't this a crime of deceiving the emperor? According to the law, it should be cut, and the corpse should be divided into five horses.

But the little minister calmly asked him to appease his anger, the gold is not for nothing, you think, you are willing to pay a high price for a dead horse, after the news spreads, the big guys will believe you He really loves good horses and will give money according to the price, so someone will take the initiative to bring a thousand-mile horse to you in the future.

It turned out to be the case, and the monarch got the coveted BMW.

This allusion is about Guo Kui, a native of Yan State during the Warring States Period, who was a guest of the King of Yan.

When King Yan wanted to summon the heroes of the world, he asked him what to do? He said, 'Please start with Kai'.

It means that if you want to recruit talents, King Yan, you should start with me. If you treat people like me with respect and courtesy, then people who are stronger than me will naturally come to you. King Yan listened to his advice, Later, many heroes came to vote, the most famous of which was Le Yi...

"Oh... your Chinese culture is really extensive and profound!" Wilson praised after hearing this, and even drew inferences, "So that Captain Jack is the Mr. Guo Huai in the story, right?"

"Wilson, you are really smart! That's what you mean." Fu Yan smiled, "Just learn it, it will definitely be useful to you in the future..."

Sure enough, it is very useful.

Soon, several pirate leaders took the initiative to talk to Xiao Chen. These Wilsons all knew each other and introduced Xiao Chen.

A bearded man named Nelson, a fierce-looking man named Suarez, a scarred face named Brinton, and a small dwarf named Morag.

Although they come from different countries all over the world, but fortunately they all speak English. Although Xiao Chen can’t understand some old and jerky words, basic friendly communication is still no problem. Besides, there are two translators, Wilson and Linger What about the assistant?

They all expressed great interest in Xiao Chen's business, because recently many merchant ships were equipped with powerful firepower, and the merchant ships carrying valuable cargo all traveled in groups, and some even hired warships to escort them at large sums of money.

So now this business without capital is not easy to do, and the pirates have no surplus food at home.

They are all desperadoes, and they earn money every day they live in the world, so no matter how much wealth they plunder, they will spend it in the shortest possible time... and the consumption level of Paradise Island is really too high .

Falk squid ah that damn Nintendo!

But they also have a concern, dear Mr. Xiao Chen, how do you prove that you don't want to destroy us?

You can't even prove that you are a real Chinese. If you are from Dongying, we really can't trust you.

Because many freighters and merchant ships in this waterway are going to or coming from Japan, so you know how much they hate us, right?

In fact, they sent an ocean-going fleet to destroy us, and our poor friends died at their hands...

"If we want to cooperate, I have to tell you one thing, my friends. The joint battle with the Ross people this time also includes the Dongpu Fleet. I hope everyone can temporarily abandon their hatred for them..." Xiao Chen didn't agree. Knowing that they still have enmity with the Dongying people, this is another extremely difficult thing.

"Damn it! I knew that all Orientals are unreliable. This guy must have set up a big trap, trying to catch us all!" A foreigner with a red beard on the next table got up and walked over, viciously Staring at Xiao Chen, "Do you dare to say otherwise?"

"I'm also very happy to see you." Xiao Chen was not angry, and nodded at him with a friendly smile, "I dare say that's not the case, I'm here to make friends with the big guy with full sincerity... …please sit down and have a drink.”

"Fake squid, you nasty yellow monkey!" The red beard was probably a little drunk, and his words were quite rude, which aroused Ling'er's great dissatisfaction.

Xin said that you look like a monkey, look at the red hair on your face, it is obvious that you have not evolved yet!

If we're monkeys, you're a gorilla!

In addition, if you don't believe us, don't cooperate with us, why do you scold people when you come up, and scold people so badly!

If it wasn't for my brother who was pulling me, I'd just be fussy about it!

This red-bearded man was actually lucky, because Linger, who had a violent temper and would hurt others at any time, was held tightly by Xiao Chen, and Xiao Ye, who had no temper and would kill anyone at any time, could not understand his words at all, otherwise...

"Hey, damn guy, please watch your words!" The good-tempered Wilson became irritable, which meant that his hands were wrapped in gauze and he couldn't hold a gun, otherwise he would have to fight him because he insulted his friend like this !

"Fack squid!" The red beard was obviously also a violent person, and he stretched out his hand and pushed Wilson to the ground!

"Hey, Avid, are you drunk?" Suarez responded, "If you are drunk, get out and sober up, and don't disturb our conversation."

"Suarez, I'm also a squid!" Redbeard Avid said angrily, "You dare to fight against me, do you want to die!"

"Fack squid! Avid, you are provoking me, I will kill you bastard!" Suarez pulled out a musket from his waist and pointed it at Avid's nose.

The seven or eight people at the table with Avid also drew their muskets and scimitars, and surrounded them aggressively.

Group fights are imminent.



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