In any case, the two chatted quite harmoniously.

Monk Hand Chime was originally very good at talking, but now that he knew he was going to die and drank a lot of wine, it was normal for him to talk a little more.

"Do you have any last wishes, great monk? As long as I can do it, I will definitely do it for you!" Xiao Chen slapped his chest loudly, as if he really cherished each other with his palm chime.

"You want me to teach you the spell of ecstasy, don't you?" Monk Zhangqing took a sip of his wine and said calmly.

One word hit Xiao Chen's heart.

He is really envious of this old monk's magic spells, and he also wants to see if it is possible to persuade him to teach him a sentence or two with a three-inch tongue. Can you summon the ghost soldiers?

Thinking about it feels awesome.

In addition, Xiao Chen also wanted to find out some information about Monk Nemo from the mouth of the old monk. This monk's apprentices are all so powerful, so isn't his own ability beyond the sky?

This time, I have formed a relationship with him. Although I have tried my best to transfer the conflict to Li Wanjiang, there is no guarantee that this monstrous monk will not come to trouble me in the future.

So it is still necessary to guard against it, at least to find out the details of the other party so that you know it well.

Fu Yantie Kunlun and the others don't know much about the details of this demon monk Nemo. Even Monk Hand Chime, his own disciple, knows very little about him, so it feels very mysterious.

Xiao Chen already had enough enemies, but there was one more for no reason, and he felt quite a headache.


"Of course not!" He denied it at first, but then said, "If you must teach me, I am willing to be taught."

"Okay, then go and get my hammer and wooden fish." The monk chime promised.

"Stop making trouble, if I fetch your magic weapon, you will curse to death several times." Xiao Chen felt that this old monk was quite interesting.

"Then there is no other way, if I don't personally give you a drill, how can you learn it?" Arhat Hand Chime said that there was nothing he could do.

"I don't believe that your master knocked your soul out of you when he taught you!" Xiao Chen didn't believe his words.

"Nemo didn't teach me this at all. I accidentally got a broken page of a heavenly book. I learned it after decades of cultivation and comprehension. Hehe, Nemo accepted me as a disciple, not for the purpose of teaching, but for It's to learn art from me, otherwise I don't have any skills, why would he accept me?" Zhang Qing said.

"So that's the case, then aren't you stronger than your master Nemo?" Xiao Chen felt even more itchy when he heard it.

"Of course he is better, but he doesn't know my spells, because when I taught him, I hid my hand, hehehe..." Monk Chime Smiled triumphantly.

Since they are masters, they are still so suspicious, it seems that the relationship between the gangs is not good.

"You don't even teach your master, so it seems that you won't teach me anyway?" Xiao Chen laughed.

"I'm a dying person, how can I have any secrets? It's just that this spell is not righteous, it's very evil, and it won't do you any good if you learn old do you think I am?" the monk chime asked suddenly road.

"Uh... It looks like he's seventy or eighty years old, so it's considered a long life." Xiao Chen said.

"Hehe, actually I'm only forty-two years old this year!" Monk Hand Chime smiled wryly.

"Ah? No way?" Xiao Chen was startled, you don't look like that either.

"That's because every time I use this spell, I will age for three years. I only used it ten times after I learned it, which means that I have lost thirty years of my lifespan. Hehe, like this, can't you still learn it? "The words of the master chime sound like they are true!

"If that's the case, forget it." Xiao Chen sighed, his mood was bleak.

"It's really like this, so it's best to die with me for this kind of spell that harms others and yourself. Didn't you just ask me what my last wish is? My last wish is to put my key hammer and wooden fish together. If you are all buried with me, it will be a kind gesture." Monk Zhangqing said.

This is quite possible, because his two magic weapons must not be kept, they must be destroyed, and it is not impossible to bury them with him...

"You want the key hammer, and the wooden fish will be buried with you, right? Well, I promise you!" Xiao Chen agreed generously, but pay attention to his words, here he is talking about the key hammer wooden fish being buried with the hand chime, but he didn't say yes He was buried with his own wooden fish and key hammer with the palm chime. Oh, there is a big difference here.

Xiao Chen is a literati, so he likes to play this kind of word games.

Naturally, the hand chime didn't hear anything wrong, and expressed his satisfaction, thanking Xiao Chen repeatedly.

Satisfied with wine and food, the monk who held the chime was slumped and passed out. Looking at this state, he couldn't wake up even before he died.

After Xiao Chen came out, he immediately found Chen Ming, and asked him what he had found on this monk who held the chime.

Is there such a thing as a scrap of paper?

Chen Ming said no, when he was arrested, he dismantled all the clothes and shoes on his body and checked them carefully. The monk had nothing but a stick and a wooden fish, and only some broken silver and a few pieces of gold. up.

"Is there any mark on him?" Xiao Chen still didn't give up.

"No." Chen Ming shook his head, "Boss, what are you looking for?"

"Give me this mallet and wooden fish." Xiao Chen said, "You can find another set to be buried with him later, I promised him just now."

"Boss, this thing is very evil, what do you want it for? I think it will be burnt later!" Chen Ming said.

"Let's think about it, after all, if we don't know each other, it can be regarded as an encounter." Xiao Chen said.

"Boss, you are really serious, what kind of friendship are you talking about with a bald donkey!" Chen Ming's arrest action damaged several brothers, and he hated the palm chime to the bone.

"By the way, I have some money here. Go back and help me buy some burning paper for those brothers who died in the line of duty." Xiao Chen took out a silver ingot and a bank note from his arms, "You can buy this money for me. Passing it on to the families of the brothers is a little bit of my heart."

Xiao Chen really has nothing to say to his brother.

"Okay, I'll thank the boss for them." Chen Ming accepted.

"This old monk is quite wicked, you guys have to deal with him tonight, don't get into trouble with cheating corpses." Xiao Chen didn't forget to remind Chen Ming.

"Understood Boss, this is not the first time we have killed this kind of monster. What do you think the boars and black dogs raised in the backyard of our Jinyiwei are for? They belong to the Nightmare Suppressing Monster. When we catch him, wash him first. Take a pig's blood bath, and drench his dog's blood when beheading, and he won't be able to use any spells." Chen Ming was confident.

"Damn it, it's no wonder I smell blood on his body, and thought it was you who beat him, so it's pig blood?" This is really the first time Xiao Chen has heard of such a thing.

Before, he only knew that human urine could ward off evil spirits...

Because Wen Shanchang used it when he was in Myanmar, and he felt that it was very effective, but it turns out that pig blood and dog blood can also be used.

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