"Bai Qing, you are really... a bad person!" Dugu Lou finally came to his senses at this moment, and his face flushed instantly. It seemed inappropriate to laugh, but it felt real if he didn't laugh. very funny.

"I... I'm sorry." Qiu Ruolan also blushed, bowed her head to greet the big guy, got up and left.

Dugu Lou hurriedly followed.

"Bai Qing, look at what you've done, you bastard! You've offended Mrs. Ruolan, right? Why don't you hurry up and apologize to her!" Chen Jisheng said loudly.

"Yes yes yes!" Ye Baiqing agreed with a smile.

Before he could go out, she heard Qiu Ruolan's coquettish laughter from outside the door. It turned out that she was not angry, but also thought it was funny, but she didn't have the nerve to laugh out loud in front of everyone. The reason why she ran out was because she couldn't help it up.

"What's going on!" Ling'er didn't know why her elder brother, Mr. Chen and sister Xiangqin laughed so hard.

"Put your ear close and I'll tell you." Liu Xiangqin whispered to Ling'er.

"Brother Baiqing, you villain!" Duan Linger blushed when she heard this, and flew to Ye Baiqing's side, punching and kicking him, causing Ye Baiqing to yell and run around the room.

Ye Baiqing was actually joking with Dugulou and Qiu Ruolan.

Lou Xu Xunlan is three-point white, which means that Qiu Ruolan's skin is whiter than Dugu Lou's. This is already a joke, but the latter sentence is even more extreme.

Lan has lost the building for a section of length. I don't need to explain which part of the Dugu Building this so-called "one section of length" refers to, right?

But any adult should understand, do you understand?

Although Ye Baiqing's joke was slightly vulgar, it was elegant in its vulgarity. Dugulou and Qiu Ruolan are both gentlemen, so naturally they wouldn't take offense.

But behind the scenes, I still complained deeply to Ye Baiqing, it's all his fault, our stomachs hurt from laughing! It still hurts for several days, because I can't help laughing when I think about it!

"Bai Qing, you shameless literati!" In the end, everyone except Xiao Ye understood, and Tie Kunlun finally recognized Ye Baiqing's face, you are a gentle scum, you!

"Hahaha, Kunlun, would you like me to give you a song too?" Ye Baiqing laughed.

"No!" Tie Kunlun sternly refused.

"Then how about I give you a song?" Xiao Chen said suddenly.

"Boss, you are not going to joke with me, are you?" Tie Kunlun knows himself as the boss well, and he is quite shameless sometimes.

"Nonsense, although my boss likes to joke around, I am serious about writing poetry!" Xiao Chen said.

Then ask the boss to give a poem.

"Tie Kunlun is a weight!" Xiao Chen said it was serious, but he was not serious when he said it.

"Hahaha, boss, what a poem, isn't Tie Kunlun just a big iron weight!" Ye Baiqing laughed wildly.

Three black lines on Tie Kunlun's forehead...

"Iron Kunlun is a weight. So what if Changhong makes a pole? The crescent moon in the sky makes a hook, how much is my country!" Unexpectedly, Xiao Chen's painting style changed suddenly in the next few sentences!

"Kunlun, are you willing to be the boss's weight?" Xiao Chen looked at Tie Kunlun and said.

"Kunlun is willing! Just use my weight to help the boss weigh the world, how much!" Tie Kunlun's heart surged with pride.

"Old man, you are my anchor!" Xiao Chen turned to Chen Jisheng.

"Yes." Chen Jisheng nodded and smiled.

"What about me, what about my brother!" Ling'er said that I would also like to be a star.

"You are my little lucky star." Xiao Chen said with a smile.

"Then I will also be a birthday star!" Wen Shan said long.

"Then I'll be a lucky star. I want to be promoted and get rich!" Ye Baiqing said, "Xiao Ye must be the Pojun star, and the good man is the Tianliang star. Is there any objection to this big guy? Xiangqin is the same star , Kunlun is the Heavenly Killing Star, the lunatic is the Tianxuan Star, and Baili is... what kind of star are you?"

"Broomstar." Baili Qingyun smiled faintly.

"By the way, Baili, you haven't written a poem yet. You are too low-key. Sitting here without saying a word is like the air. Everyone is happy today. You can't just write a poem while you are depressed. Are you listening?" Ye Baiqing said.

"Okay." Ye Baiqing was joking with him casually, but Baili Qingyun did not expect Baili Qingyun to agree.

"Get on the horse without catching the whip, turn the willow branches back, sit on the seat and play the flute, worrying about killing travelers!" Baili Qingyun chanted, took out a jade flute from his arms, put it on his lips and began to blow.

The sound of the flute is beautiful and low, like a lover whispering, and suddenly the tone is obscure, like a choked sob.

After playing the song, he stood up and slightly cupped his hands towards the crowd, and floated out.

"Hey, hey, why are you going?" Duan Ling'er wanted to chase after her, but Xiao Chen stopped her.

"He's gone." Xiao Chen sighed, "It's not easy to keep him for so long."

"I think he's more insane than a lunatic." Ye Baiqing said.

"Actually, neither lunatic nor Fuhai is crazy. It's just because of his personality. Baili's temper is actually very normal. He's just withdrawn, not good at speaking, and not good at getting along with others, but he is also a sentimental person. , you listen to the meaning in his song, is it full of lovesickness?" Xiao Chen said.

"He still understands lovesickness?" Ye Baiqing grinned.

"Mostly it's still unrequited love." Xiao Chen said.

"I really want to know what kind of girl makes someone like him miss her?" Liu Xiangqin put her hands on her chin, feeling that there might be a romantic love story about this mysterious Baili.

"Don't you all look at me, what does it have to do with me? I know him, but he was a child at that time, and he was also a child, but he was quite normal at that time. I relied on him not to Do you like me? No, he never told me." Duan Ling'er panicked when she saw that everyone was looking at her.

"Don't worry, Baili is so smart that he won't like you, a silly girl!" Xiao Chen said with a smile, "Everyone just wants to know if you know who the girl he likes?"

"How would I know that!" Duan Ling'er laughed heartlessly, "I'm still a child, so I don't understand these messy things about love."

While chatting and laughing, I suddenly heard a muffled sound from the roof, as if something heavy had fallen?

"What's the situation?" Ye Baiqing was taken aback, "Is it because Yan Luo and the others are having a snowball fight outside?"

"Impossible." Tie Kunlun also wondered, the guards outside were brothers Yan Luo and Xiao Qiwei, and they were all loyal to their duties, how could it be possible to have a snowball fight?

"Go out and have a look." Xiao Chen was feeling the heat and stuffiness in the room, he pushed the door and went out, only to see heavy snow blowing outside, snowflakes hit his face, he felt a sense of coolness in his heart.

Yan Luo and several Xiaoqi guards were looking up at the roof, with quite puzzled expressions on their faces.

They also heard movement, but they didn't see any figure.

If there are some assassins and burglars attacking, then this person's lightness kung fu is probably even better than Duan Ling'er!

Suddenly saw a few figures floating down from the roof, they were brothers of the Flying Wing Guards, they went up to the roof to check just now, only saw a thick sheet of white snow, but found nothing else.

Isn't this the hell?

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