"Of course you don't care if you are so thick-skinned! You will kill everyone!" Qiu Ruolan would act like a girl in front of her sweetheart, but she was a little worried, "Then they won't tell it?"

"No, they are all heroes, and they won't do this kind of thing." Dugulou looked at Qiu Ruolan differently from before.

It was pure love before, but now it is hot love!

"Look, you're sweating profusely, go in and take a shower, ah, look, they have a shower, and a big bathtub, and the room is warm, do you feel it? Go I'll show you around!" Qiu Ruolan dragged Dugu Lou to the bathroom, and happily showed him.

"There is also a toilet that can be flushed over there, my God, Xiao Chen is such a genius!" After seeing the bathroom, he wanted to show him the toilet again.

But he was grabbed by Dugulou, take a bath with me first, okay?

Well, look, they still have this kind of fragrant soap, which was also invented by Xiao Chen.

By the way, there are so many foreigners in Ross in Shunfeng Harbor. Those women have so fair skin, they dazzle their eyes when they look at them, and they dare to wear anything, even if they wear skirts and show their legs, they are not afraid of being seen. Hey... and Do you think they are not afraid of freezing in such a cold day?

What are you doing? Don't do it in broad daylight!

Xiao Chen will definitely arrange a dinner later, you see I bought a lot of clothes, help me see which one to wear later?

The silly Qiu Ruolan was still immersed in the joy of shopping just now, and the fog in the bathroom didn't notice that a certain part of the naked Dugu Building had undergone earth-shattering changes.

It wasn't until Dugulou hugged her to the bed involuntarily, and after drawing the curtain, she suddenly realized that there was a scream, full of unspeakable joy.

More than ten years of vicissitudes, the stubborn rocks are covered with moss, only two hearts are not dead, longing for freedom, freedom...

The next day, to be exact, it was the afternoon of the second day, when Dugu Lou walked out the door proudly, with his head held high.

The haze outside has dissipated, and there is a round of warm winter sun in the sky.

Squinting the bloodshot eyes, I feel that life is so beautiful, the future is so bright, my mood is so bright, the circles under my eyes are so dark, my legs are so weak...

Xiao Chen strolled over with his hands behind his back, and couldn't help laughing when he saw him, "Mr. Dugu, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Dugu Lou's voice was several times louder than before, so hearty.

"Is the princess all right?" Xiao Chen smiled.

"She's still there...Prince, stop joking!" Dugu Lou shyly smiled.

"Are you hungry? I'll ask someone to get some wine and meat, let's chat while eating." Xiao Chen pulled him into his room, and asked someone to get some dishes to serve.

A dish of boiled bullwhip, a dish of dried seahorse, a dish of donkey, and a plate of steaming bastard soup.

The wine is naturally tiger bone wine, scalding hot and full of fishy smell.

"Prince, you see you are joking with me again!" Dugu Lou was happy in his heart, but complained bitterly.

"That's not what I mean, it's the medicinal food specially prepared by Shanzhang for you, you can eat it at ease, I will let Xiangqin send someone to deliver the food to the princess." Xiao Chen laughed.

Dugulou was really hungry. After devouring the meal, he felt that his appetite had never been so good!

I don't dislike the fishy smell of tiger bone wine anymore. I drink it by myself. My forehead sweats when I eat it, and I feel hot all over after drinking it. It's just two words, comfortable!

"Prince, please find another room for us. We can't always occupy Miss Ling'er's room." After eating and drinking, Dugulou said casually.

"Ling'er's room is too small, and you two really can't live there. I prepared a small courtyard for you by the west wall. It's not too big, but it's quiet and tidy. The bathroom and heating are all installed. It's just that the room is too small, there is only one bedroom, and the bedroom is not big, it can only fit a big bed..." Xiao Chen said.

"That's okay." Dugu Lou was shy again.

"I asked Gongsun Ban to build this big bed. Don't worry, it will be absolutely sturdy." Xiao Chen laughed.

"Prince, how can you repay your kindness?" Dugu Lou suddenly got up and knelt down in front of Xiao Chen, ignoring Xiao Chen's obstruction, and actually kowtowed three times.

"Sir, let's cancel our grievances." Xiao Chen picked him up and sighed softly.

"I have no grievances with you. In fact, I don't have any grievances with the late emperor. If there is any grievance, it is the prince who repays the grievance with virtue." Dugulou said in a deep voice.

"Then let's not mention the past." Xiao Chen said, "What is your plan for the future, Mister?"

"Mojie, we can't go back. If the prince doesn't give up, Hanzhong is willing to join the prince's family, to serve the work of a dog and a horse, and to repay the kindness in case." Dugu said.

"Sir, I don't intend to force you to stay at all. You may return to Capricorn or your hometown, no matter where you go, I will let you go." Xiao Chen said.

"The peace of mind is my hometown!" Dugu said.

"Since this is the case, Xiao Chen is really happy!" A big stone in Xiao Chen's heart finally fell to the ground with a bang.

Dugulou and Qiu Ruolan definitely won't go back to Mojie, even if they want to go back they won't be able to go back.

The reason is very simple. If they go back, it is impossible for the two of them to live together openly. That is definitely not acceptable. Now their relationship is quite warm, and they can't bear it at all if they don't see each other...

This is second.

What if Qiu Ruolan becomes pregnant with his seed from Dugulou?

One must know that Wanyan Hong hasn't been lucky enough to visit Qiu Ruolan for many years...

It's nothing for the two of them to live and die together, but the bloodline of the descendants of the Fu family must never be broken!

Besides, Huaxia is the hometown of the two of them.

The only question now is how to get out? Don't let Wanyan Pingqiu be implicated.

But these are all small problems, he Dugulou has a lot of clever tricks, and there are so many smart people here in Xiao Chen, the big guys can fool Wanyan Hong by just thinking of a trick.

But Dugu Building has something to say.

"Prince, I have been in Capricorn for more than ten years, and Prince Wanyan Hong has treated me very well, so I want to ask the Crown Prince to promise me one thing. No matter how the situation changes in the future, don't send me to attack Capricorn." .” Dugulou is a person who knows how to repay kindness.

"Okay!" Xiao Chen promised without hesitation, "Actually, I don't want to be an enemy of Capricorn either. Don't be offended by the big talk, Brother Han Zhong, his little Capricorn is not qualified to be mine at all." Enemy, my strong enemy is not in the north, but in the south."

"What the prince sees is very true, but at present we don't have the strength to be an enemy of Da Zhou. We can only try our best to fight against them and try our best to deal with them. You'd better not be anxious to become king, as long as you can take the Yanyun county prison first. Just hold it firmly in our hands." Dugu said.

"I think so too, accumulate food widely, build walls high, and become king slowly." Xiao Chen said.

"This is really a good idea. I'm afraid that if you are anxious and unable to hold your breath, the prince, then we will not be able to achieve any great things." Dugulou expressed his relief.

Guess I'm not mistaken.

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