The Best Fake Eunuch

Chapter 316 Princess Capricorn

Xiao Chen and Chen Jisheng were quarreling happily, and suddenly Yan Luo came in to report, saying that there were two people from northern Xinjiang asking to see him.

Who is coming?

One is Dugulou, and the other woman said she was the princess of Capricorn.


Dugulou's sudden visit is enough to surprise Xiao Chen, why is there another princess?

She is really a princess, the concubine of Lord Mo Jie, Wanyan Pingqiu's biological mother, Qiu Ruolan.

Qiu Ruolan is about forty years old, with outstanding temperament, graceful manner, and extremely beautiful appearance, and her features are indeed very similar to Wanyan Pingqiu.

Facing the long bows of Xiao Chen and Chen Jisheng, he also gave a slight salute, and said with a smile, "Master Xiao, Lord Chen, you two are really too polite, I don't even dare to be a concubine."

The voice is soft and extremely pleasant, but it has a Jiangnan accent.

"You are a concubine, as it should be." Xiao Chen invited the two of them to sit down, and waited for Chen Jisheng to sit down, and he was the last one to sit down.

Dugu Lou was also slightly surprised when he saw it, he always felt that Xiao Chen was flamboyant, free and unrestrained, but unexpectedly he was so careful.

"Is the princess from Jiangnan?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Born in the southern country, wandering in the north, I haven't been back to my hometown for twenty years. Master Xiao, is the scenery in the south of the Yangtze River still the same as before?" Qiu Ruolan asked leisurely.

"The green hills are still there, and the sunset is red several times." Xiao Chen answered leisurely.

"The green hills are still there, and the sunset is red for a few times..." Qiu Ruolan followed in a soft voice, with mixed feelings in her heart.

"Han Zhong, I haven't seen you for many years. You have a lot of gray hair on your temples." Chen Jisheng stared deeply at Dugu Tower.

"Han Zhong is dead." Dugu Lou said flatly.

The original name of Dugulou is Fulou, and the word is Hanzhong.

He was loyal to the big man of the previous dynasty, but the big man couldn't help him.

So there is no need to mention the word Hanzhong.

He was an official in the same dynasty as Chen Jisheng back then, and the two of them, one literary and one military, were both outstanding men in the world. Although they didn't have any close friends, they admired each other very much.

When the Emperor of the Han Dynasty wanted to kill the whole family of Dugulou, Chen Jisheng even wrote a memorial to strongly oppose it, but it was a pity that the Emperor of the Han Dynasty was obsessed with ghosts and couldn't listen to anyone's words.

"Han Zhong is dead, but Dugu Lou is still alive, so it's good to be alive." Chen Jisheng sighed.

"That's nothing more than lingering on one's last breath. It's not as good as Mr. Chen, you are getting stronger and stronger, the more you live, the more energetic you are." Dugu Lou said coldly.

"Han Zhong, what do you mean by that?" Chen Jisheng also heard the sarcasm in his words.

"What I mean is that Li Chang died, Duan Pingzhang died, and Han Zhong died, but you, Mr. Chen, are still openly alive. You were still in the Great Zhou Dynasty as the censor of Zuodu, and after you were relegated to the people, you came to Yan. Yunjun's leftover heat... Isn't this weird and strange, an anecdote in the world?" Dugulou sneered.

"The emperor of the Han Dynasty is fatuous, and I, Chen Jisheng, have always looked down on him." Chen Jisheng said loudly, "If he listened to the old man, how could he be subjugated and die!"

Xiao Chen grinned while listening, old man, old man, look at what you said? Forget that I am the former prince!

The fatuous emperor you mentioned is my father!

"Li Wanjiang, a bastard, is not a conspiracy! You only know that he deposed me, but you don't know that it was not my old man who abandoned him!" Chen Jisheng betrayed the kings of two dynasties one after another, but he was still confident and confident, without any shame.

"I, Chen Jisheng, do things openly and aboveboard. I can bear these two harsh words of your boy, but I don't know if you can bear them if I give you a few words, old man! You, Fu Hanzhong, have been subservient to Capricorn Xiaobang for more than ten years. , alive and not alive, dead and not dead, in vain as an official of the Han Dynasty, like a prisoner of Chu, neither repaying favors nor paying revenge, people are not people, ghosts are not ghosts!"

"You!" Dugu Lou was furious and jumped up against the case.

"I can't take it anymore? I still think you can bear it. You have endured for more than ten years in Capricorn, but it's just for a woman? Hehehe... You look down on me, but I look down on you even more!" Chen Jisheng touched sneered with a beard.

"Don't talk nonsense." Dugu Lou's originally livid face suddenly turned red.

"Am I talking nonsense?" Chen Jisheng continued to sneer, "Or is it Li Tanhua talking nonsense?"

As soon as these words came out, Qiu Ruolan's face turned red.

"Old man, don't say a few words." Xiao Chen sighed.

"No matter what he does, Fu Hanzhong is still a hero in the world. My old man only said a few words about him. If he is a good-for-nothing bastard, I would be too lazy to talk about him!" Chen Jisheng said.

"Mr. Dugu, why don't you say a few words?" Qiu Ruolan said softly.

Dugu Lou snorted, and shut up obediently.

Xiao Chen told the truth, there is something tricky between the two of you!

At that time, Li Tanhua mentioned this matter when he talked about Dugu Tower with Xiao Chen and Chen Jisheng.

It is said that the reason why Dugulou was willing to stay in Mojieyi for decades was because of that princess Qiu Ruolan.

A person like Li Tanhua would never talk in a whimsical way. If he said there was, then there must be. As for how he knew, he didn't say anything.

It probably involves the privacy of Lonely Building and Qiu Ruolan, so he can't speak up, right?

But Dugu Lou personally told Xiao Chen that his lower body was seriously injured, and he was no longer a complete man like Gong Shouli, so what could be going on between him and Qiu Ruolan?

Wouldn't it be platonic love?

Changing the topic, Xiao Chen asked why the princess and Mr. Dugu came here to find me?

Probably not for tourism.

Dugulou said that it was ordered by King Wanyanhong of Capricornus, and came here to thank Governor Xiao for helping Capricornus through the winter crisis, and formally invited Governor Xiao and Master Chen Jisheng to meet with Capricornus in their spare time.

In addition, there is also a memorial to Emperor Li Wanjiang of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and Xiao Chen is requested to forward it on his behalf.

The content is nothing more than explaining the purpose of my ordering Wanyan Pingqiu to unite with the tribal army. In fact, it is not to go south to fight against Da Zhou, but to help the Emperor of Da Zhou get rid of the little prince Xianbomoluo. In fact, we are also under the Yin Mountain They fought a battle with the Xianbo cavalry, and finally beat them back to their hometown...

It's obviously nonsense, Li Wanjiang definitely doesn't believe it, and he Wanyanhong himself doesn't believe it either, but this is not the point, the point is that you must have this attitude.

Xiao Chen naturally thanked Bumin, and readily agreed.

Ask about Wanyan Pingqiu, is my brother okay?

Dugulou said that your brother has now been relieved of his military power and is studying at home and thinking about his mistakes.


Because he is disobedient, why else?

He sent troops this time to offend Da Zhou and his allies. The little prince Xianbo Moluo killed his father and brother and seized the throne. Such an act of common anger, the big guys should join forces to attack her, but Wanyan Pingqiu did not go through the prince. If you agree, you will publicly express your support for Mo Luo...

It can be seen that he is young and energetic, and impulsive, so I suggest that the prince should put him under house arrest for three to five years to sharpen his temper.

I rely on you, you can't do this to my brother!

Believe it or not, I led an army to attack Capricorn and rescued my brother?

"Mr. Dugu is Ping'er's teacher, and he did this for Ping'er's benefit." Qiu Ruolan looked at Dugu Lou with strange eyes.

That's fine, since you have said so, Wangfei, as Wanyan Pingqiu's brother, I can only sigh for it.

And wish him luck.

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