The Best Fake Eunuch

Chapter 290 Vigorous

"Master, aren't you playing tricks!" Wen Chengxu turned his head and questioned Huiwu, his expression extremely ugly.

"Here we come, everyone, hurry up and get ready to collect food!" Hui Wu yelled as he jumped on his feet.

Suddenly, densely packed big wooden houses floated up from the upper reaches of the river...Is there a flood in the upper reaches of the winter I rely on?

Otherwise, why would the whole house be washed down!

Wen Chengxu and others were still in a daze, but the craftsmen had already ordered the peasants to take out the special big iron hooks, selected several river bays with slow water flow, put out the hooks, and hooked the big wooden houses to the shore.

Wen Chengxu walked over and looked at it suspiciously, "Isn't this a wooden house?"

Because there are no doors and windows, everything is closed.

"It's a wooden boat, and it's also a grain boat." Hui Wu waved his hand with a smile, "Open it and let Brother Wen have a look! Otherwise, he won't believe what I say."

The inside is full of sacks, and because it is waterproof, it is not damp at all. If you cut a bag at will, the rice inside will flow out.

Wen Chengxu squatted down, grabbed a handful and put it in his mouth to taste. The expression on his face was very wonderful, and he suddenly jumped up and shouted happily, "Rice, it's really rice! Hahaha!"

Not only rice, but also black beans, sorghum, corn, soybeans, honey, dried meat, dried fish, dried cakes, various tools...

Anyway, the big guys just salvage casually, even if they are caught, they don’t know what’s inside, just like opening a blind box, every time you open it, there are new surprises.

As long as there is food, everything will be easy, not only food, but also money. There are several carts in the convoy of monk Huiwu full of white cash!

Wen Chengxu was still worried, and when he took over, he ordered people to cut open one by one to check the quality. Anyway, the money is too big, and it will be broken up when the salary is paid in the future.

It turned out to be pure pure silver...

As soon as the announcement was posted, the gate of the county government office was completely surrounded. Fortunately, there were more than a hundred soldiers brought by Huiwu to maintain order, otherwise the county government office would have been overwhelmed by the excited crowd!

The big guys came to sign up on their own initiative, for fear that they would not be in their turn if they came too late.

Wen Chengxu repeatedly said that we will use a lot of labor this time, everyone will have a share, our county government has few people, and the registration is too busy, so don't wait here, it will not be too late to come back tomorrow.

However, the big guys refused to leave, and regardless of the cold wind howling at night, they all huddled up on the street outside the county office and waited bitterly.

Wen Chengxu had no choice but to register and make a book overnight, but all the literate children in the yamen were assigned, but the registration was not completed until midnight.

Fearing that the common people would freeze to death, they ordered people to light a bonfire on the street, set up an iron pot, and boil hot porridge to warm the big guys.

I heard that there is porridge to eat, many big girls, young daughter-in-laws, old people and dolls all flock here, and some of them are holding their children, which is very sloppy.

Seeing that the people in the county government were too busy, the women offered to help wash rice and cook porridge, and even brought their own pots and pans...

The big guys drank hot porridge, chatted and laughed, just like Chinese New Year.

Speaking of which, it has been a long time since Bailong City has been so lively and festive...

After a busy night, the big guy managed to register thousands of people, and lay on the bed exhausted. After less than an hour of rest, they heard the commotion outside again.

However, after the city gate was opened, the common people outside the city also came after hearing the news, and they all dragged their families along. They didn't know that they were recruiting migrant workers, and they thought it was the county government opening a porridge factory.

I heard that migrant workers are being recruited, and all of them are required to sign up. Now it is freezing outside, and there is no work to be done, and there is not much food. I am worried that I will not be able to survive the winter.

Now that we have work to do, we still take care of the food, even if we don’t pay money, we will do it... No

How much silver can you give a day?

Why don't women? Are women not human? If the man can do it, we can do it too!

Isn't it just to make sheepfolds? We are all from northern Xinjiang, and this is what we do best. We can't carry wood or pull a big saw, but weaving wicker for the head office, right?

Besides, with so many of you, don't you have someone to cook, don't you have someone to deliver food, water, and laundry?

Are there still so many cattle and sheep that don't want to eat grass and drink water? In a few days it will be time to pick up the lambs, don't we need manpower? Do you know how to milk? We can all do this.

It also makes sense.

Moreover, the general residents of Bailong City are from the northern Xinjiang tribes, and they are professional in serving cattle and sheep, both men and women.

But on the third day, there was still an endless stream of people who came to sign up. These were not people from Bailong City, but ordinary people from other towns and villages, as well as displaced and homeless refugees...

Kneeling outside the county government office, weeping loudly, begging the Lord Qingtian of Bailong City to show mercy, we don't need salary, as long as we take care of food and housing, we can do it!

Of course, it would be better if you give money.

The bank of the Bailong River, which was originally bleak and desolate, suddenly became lively. Countless simple wooden houses rose from the ground, as well as all kinds of strange-shaped thatched houses, leather tents, felt houses, and even hundreds of cellars were dug out in the shelter under the hillside. son……

This is no longer a construction site, it is simply a town, and its population is much larger than that of Bailong City.

It's also fortunate that Wen Chengxu is able to manage so many people's eating, drinking, and messing in an orderly manner. If Huiwu were to take care of it, I'm afraid it would have been messed up long ago!

He is the general leading the troops, but he doesn't understand local affairs, so he simply handed over everything to Wen Chengxu, and he was only in charge of law and order.

There are more than 10,000 people, there are no big things every day, but small things keep going, and the project has just started, how many people are arguing about all kinds of trivial matters, and they are beaten to death...

It's easy for a reckless man who makes trouble, and he'll be so honest if he grabs a whip, but what are you doing with those big girls, little wives, old men and old ladies?

You can't fight, you can't scold, you can't persuade, you can't listen to you...

In the end, Wen Sung-wook came forward to solve the problem.

Fuck, old man, your errand is really not done by humans!

I didn't take Wen Chengxu, a small local official, in my eyes, but now I know how capable he is!

He is the one who watches over the major projects, and the tens of thousands of civil servants are under the supervision of others, and he has to worry about these trivial matters!

It's really not easy to govern a place, it's much easier to lead troops...

But Wen Sung-wook was so busy that he didn’t go to sleep until midnight, and he woke up early the next morning before dawn, washed his face with cold water, picked up a dry biscuit that could barely move after soaking all day, and gnawed on it. Then he came out to inspect the construction site.

The mountains and plains are full of smoke, and the voices of people are buzzing for several miles. It is really a thriving scene.

There are so many people and so much power. In just a few days, stretches of sheep pens, stables and cowsheds have been built, and the hay harvested by the rush is piled up everywhere like hills.

There are also dozens of temporary granaries, full of black beans and soybeans, which are prepared to fatten up the war horses that are about to be transported.

But why haven't the promised cattle and sheep come yet?

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