The Best Fake Eunuch

Chapter 287 Open Rebellion

Wu Luolan led the army back to Xianbo, and when it arrived more than ten miles away from the capital city of Hexi, Bu Lugen, the eldest prince of the Tuhun ancient sect, led 3,000 elite cavalry to send an order, ordering the army to station on the spot and wait for resettlement.

Only Wu Luolan, Qiu Muling, Aluheng, and Mo Yu were allowed to enter the city to have an audience, not a single soldier was allowed.

Tuhungu's blade had already reached their necks.

"Bulugen, these are all under my command, where are you going to put them?" Wu Luolan has no relationship with this half-brother at all, maybe the brothers and sisters of the emperor's family are like this Bar?

The two were originally a family, but they were not half happy when they met, on the contrary, they were like enemies meeting each other.

"This is my father's royal order, and I'm just here to carry it out." Bu Lugen's face was ashen, and his tone was stiff.

"Hehe, Eldest Prince, don't you want to dismiss us?" Qiu Muling sneered.

"Our expedition this time has no merit, but hard work. The Tuhungu prince didn't say to reward us, and he wouldn't send the eldest prince to Xingshi with troops to question us, right?" Mo Yu said in a deep voice.

"The rabbit is dead and the dog is cooking, the bird is dead and the bow is hidden, and the donkey is killed!" A Luhuan was also unceremonious, blunt, and copied all the words Li Tanhua said that night.

do my best.

"Wuloran resisted the king's order. The crime is heinous, and you are all accomplices! Hehe, since the big guys are tearing their skins apart, I'm not afraid to tell you that your family members are now waiting for you in the city of Exi. Go back and send it to the prince!" Bu Lugen pressed the handle of the knife with a murderous look on his face.

"At that time, the situation was so complicated, how could it be said that the troops would be withdrawn as soon as they said they would retreat! Besides, the generals will not accept the orders of the kings outside the country, and our Tuhungu princes don't even understand this truth?" Qiu Muling wanted to argue with reason.

"Hehe, I see that you arrogant soldiers want to rebel? Come on, take them all!" Bulugen yelled loudly, and dozens of menacing soldiers immediately swarmed outside the tent. Will.

Dozens of Wu Luolan's personal guards also drew their knives out of their sheaths with a swipe, and stared angrily.

"Maybe I have no merit, but I am not guilty. It is unfair for my father to treat me like this. I am his daughter. No matter how he treats me, I have nothing to say, but the generals who follow me are definitely not convinced. They just What's wrong with following my order?" Wu Luolan narrowed her eyes.

"Wuloran, I knew you wanted to seek power and usurp the throne a long time ago, hehe, your ambitions have always been so big, let me tell you the truth, not only did I bring 3,000 soldiers here, but I also have 30,000 troops behind me. Come one after another! Father has an order, if you refuse to obey the order, you will all be killed without mercy!" Bulugen said angrily.

"Then kill!" Qiu Muling suddenly strode forward, grabbed Bu Lugen's neck with his left hand, and directly inserted the steel knife into his chest with his right hand, with such force that the tip of the knife came out from his back!

Mo Yu, A Luhuan and dozens of soldiers also attacked together, chopping all Bulugen's men who hadn't reacted to the ground like melons and vegetables!

They really didn't expect that the little prince Moro would dare to rebel?

"Qiu Muling, who asked you to kill him!" Wu Luolan was also taken aback by Qiu Muling's actions, she said she had caught him, why did you kill him?

"Little prince, since we have done this, we must do it thoroughly, leaving him behind will be a future trouble!" Qiu Muling did this because he didn't want Wu Luolan to embarrass him.

Outside, Wu Luolan's 10,000 subordinates have also surrounded the 3,000 elite cavalry led by Bu Lugen.

Holding the bloody steel knife in one hand and Bulugen's head in the other, Qiu Muling strode out of the tent.

He shouted loudly, "Brothers, Tuhungu treated us unfairly! We refuse to accept it! Today is the same! We are all Xianbei people and should not kill each other! Those of you who are willing to serve the little prince should lay down their weapons. family."

"Qiu Muling, you are so courageous, brothers, kill these rebels for me!" The generals leading the army are all Bu Lugen's confidantes, and when they saw the head of the eldest prince, all their eyes were tearing apart. , drew their swords and shouted loudly, the three thousand cavalry under his command could only obey orders, slapped their horses, and charged over.

There was only a sharp sound of breaking the wind, and countless tiger-headed crossbows shot out, instantly shooting the hundreds of people in the front into skewers!

This is the dozens of crossbow carts that Xiao Chen gave Wu Luolan to show their power!

Thousands of Xianbo cavalry had never seen such a terrifying weapon, and they were all stunned for a moment, and those generals were all shot to death by a round of crossbow arrows. Now that the group of dragons has no leader, they don't know whether to continue to charge or surrender. ?

Because the big guys are all from Xianbei, Bulugen is certainly the big prince, but Wu Luolan is also the little prince, and their family members are killing each other, so we soldiers don't seem to have to follow our lives, right?

"Everyone get off your horse and surrender!" Urolan raised her arms and shouted loudly. Without any hesitation, thousands of people dismounted from their horses, put down their weapons, and fell to their knees.

Sure enough, there are 30,000 troops outside the city of Hexi. These were assembled by Tu Hungu a few days ago to demonstrate against the Mojie country. The original purpose was to rescue Wu Luolan, but now they are used to deal with her.

It was easy to deal with them. A Luhuan and Mo Yu pretended to be Bulugen's envoys, broke into the Chinese army's tent, and killed the leader of the army.

Then she came out holding her head up to announce the news that the little prince Moro had rebelled, and now she was leading the army to come.

Now you have two choices, one is to kill each other until we kill each other!

The second is to all be loyal to the little prince Moro, follow us to fight back to Hexi, let the foolish Tuhungu abdicate, and support the little prince as the king of our Xianbo tribe!

This is actually a very good choice, because no one wants to kill each other with their brother troops. In fact, there are many family brothers in the camps of both sides. They are not enemies of foreign races, so why risk their lives?

Bu Lugen is also dead, the prince is still in the city, and now the little prince Moro is the biggest, and the big guy has always supported the little prince, so what else can I say, let's go with you...

Tuhungu also underestimated Wu Luolan's determination, thinking that she would not dare to make a mistake when she came back with such a small number of troops.

Also, he thought that he had detained Qiu Muling and other generals' family members, but he expected that they would not dare to mess around, so they could only obediently arrest them with nothing.

I didn't expect this to happen.

If he had personally been in charge of the army, these 30,000 people would never turn against each other, and it would be Wu Luolan and the others who were wiped out.

It's not that he's old and lazy, but because he's been so exhausted these days, he's been shocked three times a day, so much so that he's been bedridden and unable to get up because of the cold.

Originally, wind and cold were not considered a serious illness, but all the doctors in Aixi City couldn't cure him well.

Because the root cause of his illness is not the wind and cold, but the tiger and wolf medicine that Sheertu gave him, which has corroded all his internal organs...

When he learned the reason, he was furious and sent troops to kill all the disciples of She'etu!

However, it has not helped.

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