The Best Fake Eunuch

Chapter 282: Andy's warrior guards all directions!

Fu Yan should be the first to find this big granary.

Xiao Chen specially set up a table of wine and banquet, and personally toasted him with the first glass of wine. Instead of the soldiers, thousands of people in Yanyun County thanked him.

Fu Yan was not hypocritical, he drank it all in one gulp, laughing loudly.

In fact, he is a person who loves to talk and laugh, otherwise he can be the dean of Wanchun Courtyard?

It's just that during the Tianxuan meeting, I always feel a lot of pressure, and a string in my heart is always tense. Although I can laugh, it's not sincere.

Ever since I came to Xiao Chen's side, although I have experienced life and death, and my future is unpredictable, I feel very calm in my heart. I feel that the relationship between the big guys is like brothers and a family. You don't have to hide from anyone. with.

They also do great things, but the way they do things is very different from Tianxuanhui.

Because the boss is Xiao Chen.

At first glance, Xiao Chen didn't look like someone who would do great things. Speaking of which, the big guys gathered around him, devoting their energy and energy to the ultimate goal of helping him restore the country and let him ascend to the throne of emperor that belonged to him.

But he himself doesn't seem to care much, and he is not happy when it comes to making him the emperor.

He kept saying that he only wanted to be a king of ease and freedom.

in your dream!

But he's also really mean to his brother.

In Duan Linger's words, the boss is not a good boss, but he must be a good brother!

If he were Xiao Xinghan, when he suddenly got so much food and supplies, the first thing he thought of would be to use these supplies to expand his troops and strengthen his power, and he would never try his best to distribute the food to the people like him.

Seeing how he is dancing and smiling, he seems happier than being an emperor.

The second glass of wine was for Gongsunban. Gongsunban was originally an ordinary craftsman who was selected to work in the Ministry of Industry for food.

Unexpectedly, after being spotted by Xiao Chen, he would rely so heavily on him. Not only did he make him a captain of Qinglong, but he was also lucky enough to sit and drink with so many big men.

Let’s just say that the person toasting himself is the first-rank eunuch of the dynasty, the kind that even Ma Wuming, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, calls him brothers and sisters.

And since they arrived in Fengyang City, the biggest official they saw was the head of the Ministry of Industry with eyes on the top of their head...

Don't say anything, don't say anything, boss, you can do whatever you want, I did it, everything is in the wine.

After finishing this glass of wine, I have to go one step ahead. There are quite a lot of things to do over there. Boss, when you came back to me, I thought I had some important business to order, but it turned out that it was just drinking. Isn't this delaying things!

Xiao Chen ordered someone to send a batch of horse meat to the craftsmen brothers who worked overtime day and night by the river. They must have meat to do such a heavy job. Horse meat is very hot, and it is the best to keep out the cold.

In addition, send some wine, you are not soldiers, besides, the situation is special, it is cold at night, drinking some hot wine can warm you up.

Xiao Chen also lived on the construction site for several days, and personally gave a lot of technical guidance, and even took Xiao Ye, Tie Kunlun, Yan Luo and the others to do a lot of strenuous work with the big guys.

He didn't do this on purpose to show the big guys, but he couldn't help but help when he watched from the side.

Xiao Chen himself thought it was natural, and the big guy didn't think it was awkward. The longer he spent with him, the more he felt that he was really amiable, without pretensions, and his words and deeds were all natural, not buying people's hearts, and not at all. Not hypocritical.

He is very kind to the big guy, but why don't you say it when he scolds? Open your mouth to scold when you see something that is not pleasing to the eye, the vulgar words of the trash dim sum, the big idiot, the bastard, and I am really convinced U, etc., the ones who scold are full of tricks.

Sometimes it takes a long time for a big guy to react after being scolded by him...

People say that an official must not be angry and arrogant, but our boss is not angry when he is angry, but the big guy is very willing to be scolded by him, does he feel so refreshed?

Don't you think about who our boss is scolding?

Grand eunuch Gong Shouli of palm printing, Minister of household affairs Chen Wenqi, great Sima Lu Jing, little prince of Mojie Wanyan Pingqiu... and my brother.

If you don't do your best to work with such a boss, you really can't justify it. Besides, the boss also pays overtime pay! It's too much to give...

This time, I was really scared when I came out, but I really made a lot of money. In such a short few months, I made money that I couldn't make in a few years!

In addition, what Mr. Fu Yan said is also reasonable, what the brothers did is a good thing.

The more you sweat here, the more people in Yanyun County can be saved. They are all hungry and looking forward to this food...

The third cup of wine is toasted to Li Tanhua. Niutou Mountain is too important. Xiao Chen thought about it, and he was not at ease who he sent to guard it. He still had to hand it over to Li Tanhua. Even if you kill him, you can't shake it in the slightest!

Although we have formed an alliance with most of the tribes in the northern border, we still have to be wary of the harassment from the nomadic tribes in the west. They were restricted by the old master Murong Heng in the western region, and they couldn't use it. They have long wanted to go east to find trouble...

Li Tanhua readily agreed, but there are too few generals under his command.

Before that dead girl Wu Luolan came to attack, I was only passively defended and beaten because of insufficient troops, and dared not go out to fight her decisively!

As long as you can give me enough soldiers and horses, boss, then gods will kill gods, and Buddhas will kill Buddhas, no one is used to it!

Xiao Chen also generously agreed, and left him two thousand cavalry, one thousand infantry, five hundred musket battalions and some craftsmen and civilians.

Including the previous garrison of Bull Head Fort, there are also 5,000 people.

There are armor weapons in the warehouse, and two thousand light cavalry can be upgraded to heavy cavalry. Because it is mainly for defensive operations, heavy cavalry armed to the teeth has a greater advantage than light cavalry with strong mobility.

Among the five hundred monks, Li Tanhua did not keep any of them, because he had already said before that no one could have such a private weapon.

Xiao Chen still left him two hundred monk soldiers. After all, they have been here for a long time, and they are very familiar with the mountains and terrain, as well as the situation in northern Xinjiang. In addition, they were scattered and assigned to various troops to be junior lieutenant officers. It will greatly enhance the combat effectiveness.

Now Xiao Chen's food and grass problem has been solved, but the soldiers are in short supply again, almost not enough for use.

There were only more than 10,000 people in total. In addition to the battle reduction, Li Tanhua left 3,000, Lin Yue took away 1,000, and Yue Zhonglin's 1,000 grain transportation team. Now he has less than 5,000 soldiers left.

Yanyun County is so big, it can't be defended with only this mere military strength.

And he doesn't know how many enemies he will face in the future?

From the north, from the west, from the east, and from the south...

So drunk, Xiao Chen made a song on the spot to express his heart.

"When the wind blows, the clouds are flying, Yanyun County is the hometown, and the warriors are safe... guard the four directions!"

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