"Don't worry about him, let's talk when we come, Cong Shu, which foreign devil is in charge of Shunfenggang?" Chen Jisheng continued the topic just now.

"The governor of Shunfeng Port is a man named Vladislav Peter Ivantorovsky. He is the cousin of the Queen of Ross and an earl. He is responsible for all affairs of Shunfeng Port, and the fleet also belongs to him. No matter, it has great power." Liu Cong said.

In other words, if you want to negotiate, you can just go to this Vladislav Peter... Count Peter.

You asked him what hobbies he has?

There are three things that the earl loves most in his life, the first is gold, the second is gold, and the third is also gold...

If there is a fourth thing to say, it is alcohol. This person is addicted to alcohol.

It is said that his drinking capacity is also quite invincible, because he has also been in contact with him before, and he has never seen this guy pass out.

The people of Ross are all fond of wine, and all of them are frightfully violent when they drink.

Earl Peter's speech and behavior were very rude, and his personality seemed careless. He looked like a reckless man, but in fact he was meticulous and extremely cunning.

They Ross people call him the big bad wolf in bear's skin.

It is also evident as a human being.

What about the people around him? By the way, he has a wife, right?

Of course there is a wife, named Yulia Larissa, whose name means curly-haired little fox.

Not to mention that she really looks like a vixen, not to mention she is very beautiful, her skin is really white, her waist is really thin, her smile is really sweet, her voice is really greasy, her chest What a...

Liu Cong's saliva is about to flow out, he is not greedy for fame, not for profit, but lustful.

So there is no perfect human being, and there will always be a little bit of flaws.

So what does this lady like not to know?

Like all women, I like expensive jewelry, gorgeous clothes, exquisite jewelry, and of course our Chinese silk.

And of course, handsome men.

It's like there is no vixen in the world who doesn't like fresh meat, right?

When Chen Jisheng convened the big guys to discuss matters, he looked at Ye Baiqing like he was looking at a piece of fresh meat. Ye Baiqing was all hairy. Why is there something wrong with my clothes today?

"Bai Qing, you're not married yet, right?" Even though it was a formal meeting, Chen Jisheng's opening remarks turned out to be small talk?

"The great cause has not been accomplished, so what is the family?" Ye Baiqing felt baffled, why does your old man want to marry me?

You are just such a goddaughter, Liu Xiangqin is already married to Yuntian, isn't she?

"That's good, that's good." Chen Jisheng nodded repeatedly to express his satisfaction.

Why not?

But soon Ye Baiqing's complexion became bad, because Chen Jisheng and Liu Congshu talked for a long time, as if they wanted to make friends with Duke Peter's wife?

There is no mistake!

Men and women can't kiss each other, and let's talk about that vixen... Larissa is a married woman.

It's not what you want to do, you guys?

In fact, let him take the route of his wife, get close to Larisa first, establish a good relationship with her, and find out Peter's situation. This is called knowing yourself and the enemy. After making sufficient preparations, we will take the initiative when negotiating with Peter. up.

The strategy is okay, but the question is why let me go?

Isn't Xiangqin here? She's still a girl, and she's so smart. It's a perfect fit to make friends with Larissa.

"This, this, is actually a trick used by Mr. Chen. We have so many thirty-six tricks in Huaxia, so Peter must use them all. I used this trick first..." Liu Congshu began to hint to Ye Baiqing.

"What's the plan? Turning against customers or taking advantage of troubled waters? Hmph, if it doesn't work well, it will become a surprise!" Ye Baiqing said.

"Hehehe, Big Brother Ye, think about it, how many of the thirty-six strategies are still defeating the battle?" Liu Xiangqin couldn't help it anymore, and trembled while covering her stomach and laughing.

"An intrigue? But what good is it to us to have them turn against each other? It's a bitter trick. I am willing to suffer. The question is, who will show the suffering? You can't play empty tricks with her as a woman, right?" Suddenly I was confused for a while.

But in fact, he can't be completely blamed for being confused, and he really didn't expect anyone to treat him as a beauty.

That's right, Chen Jisheng's plan is a beauty trick.

Strictly speaking, it's a beauty trick.

If it is said to be handsome, the most handsome among the big guys is of course the boss Xiao Chen, there is no doubt about it, who made him the boss?

The second most handsome must be Ye Baiqing. You can see that he is majestic, elegant, well-dressed, personable, with a face like a crown of jade, as beautiful as a spring mountain, and he is very talented and well-educated...

Who can compare here?

The conditions are here.

Unless Liu Xiangqin disguises herself as a man, she can stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

"Farewell!" Ye Baiqing's white face turned red in an instant, and then turned from red to white again, she got up angrily, and walked away!

"Baiqing, Baiqing, what do you think you are doing? If you have any opinions, let's discuss it!" Lin Yue hurriedly caught up and pulled him back, and pressed him on the seat, comforting him gently.

"Yes, Bai Qing, you are the most handsome here. If you don't go, who will you go to? I want to go, but they have to like me too?" Liu Mofeng also tried to persuade him.

"What are you discussing? There is no room for negotiation. This is the old man's order. It is related to the survival of Yanyun County. How dare you disrespect it?" Chen Jisheng is not used to anyone.

"Brother Ye, actually, this is a good thing. I heard Mr. Liu Congshu say that that vixen... ah no, that Larisa is so beautiful. I really won't lie to you. If you don't believe me, you can ask him." Liu Xiangqin She also joined in the fun, because she didn't think it was a big deal to watch the fun.

"Old man Chen, I will never forgive you for this!" Ye Baiqing was forced to obey humiliatingly.

"Hmph, don't take advantage of yourself, kid. If the old man didn't love you, how could I entrust you with such a good job? Could it be that Mo Feng can't do it? He really can't do it... Lin Yue is not as handsome as you ? Let me tell you that the dog is much more powerful than you." Chen Jisheng said.

Seriously, I think they are all better looking than you. This is what a man looks like. What's so good about you, Ye Baiqing, being like a woman?

Are you still wearing makeup and makeup all day long like a man!

The clothes are always clean and tidy, without any creases, the collars are always starched and stiff, the square scarves are always so straight, the shoes are always spotless, look at your combed hair, smooth and slippery, and flies fall on it All have to split.

My daughter Xiangqin is not as exaggerated as you!

If Liu Cong hadn't heard that that vixen liked you, I wouldn't have sent you there!

You have to complete this arduous task for me, and I will give you ten days to take her down.

No matter what method and method you use, and no matter how much money you spend, the more thoroughly you win, the better.

Do you understand what the old man means?

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