The Best Fake Eunuch

Chapter 259: They Are All Family

Aluheng's 6,000 people suffered heavy casualties. Even though the big guys tried their best to fight to the death, the number of the enemy's opponents was too many, and one group was killed and another group came again, which was almost endless.

The horses were almost dead and injured, and now the big guys are using spears to fight the opponent on foot. The infantry is still outnumbered against the cavalry. One can imagine the situation of the battle.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer soldiers around, it seems that there are only about 2,000 people left, and they are still rapidly reducing their numbers.

He couldn't help but looked up to the sky and sighed, it seemed that everyone was going to die here today.

In desperation, he saw a sudden commotion behind the enemy army, which was as tight as an iron barrel, and then saw a large area of ​​the enemy army in front of him crashing down like cut hay.

In the midst of panic, I saw a skinny boy rushing in waving a blood-red banner!

The strangest thing was that he was riding a juicy little girl on his shoulder, waving the small blade in his hand and screaming excitedly!

Isn't this General Xiao and Miss Ling'er?

You two are...

The heavy cavalry and monk soldiers who followed closely killed all the surrounding enemies like chopping melons and vegetables, leaving only two thousand fresh soldiers like blood gourds standing in place, in a daze.

"General Aluheng, can we still fight?" But Xiao Chen immediately slashed his sword and smiled at Aluheng.

"Can fight! Marshal Xiao, why is it you?" Aluheng was surprised and delighted when he saw Xiao Chen.

"Good job! Stop gossiping, let's kill the enemy together!" Xiao Chen raised his arms and shouted, "Kill!"

"Kill!" Aluheng's confidence suddenly increased, and he shouted loudly while waving his bloody machete. The morale of the two thousand soldiers was greatly boosted, and they also waved their swords and shouted loudly to kill.

By the time they joined Mo Yu's 3,000 people, the entire team had grown to more than 10,000 people, and their morale was so high that they were crushed, and within a short while Wanyan Pingqiu's 100,000 people rushed to pieces, and they were completely defeated!

In fact, both sides belong to the coalition, but Xiao Chen and Wu Luolan's subordinates are all fighting side by side, regardless of you and me, while Wanyan Pingqiu's side has their own stomachs, with ghosts in their hearts. Seeing the fierce battle, both sides are saved Selfishness to preserve one's own strength.

There were even two tribes who saw that the situation was not good, and quietly left the battlefield without even saying hello.

The others didn't know the truth, and thought that the army was retreating, and they all ran back desperately. The 100,000 army ran away for a little while, and Xiao Chen and the others were too strong, and they really couldn't stand it.

Wanyan Pingqiu had no choice but to retreat.

Here, Zhuge Xiaosheng also hastened to pass down the order, don't chase after the poor!

This battle was a complete victory. According to the most conservative estimate, at least more than 20,000 enemy troops were wiped out. There were more than 10,000 horses gathered on the battlefield alone!

These are still live horses, and there are more than 10,000 dead horses. The horse meat alone is enough for them to eat for ten days and a half months...

There are countless swords, guns, weapons and armor, and more than a thousand wounded soldiers were captured, all of whom were too wounded to escape.

They thought they would die, but they didn't expect that the other party not only didn't kill them, but also had a very kind attitude, saying that the big guys were strangers to each other, had no grievances or enmities, and the reason why they fought to the death was a last resort.

So we are mortal enemies on the battlefield, but we are brothers after the battle, don’t be afraid, we will help you recover, and we will let you go back when your injuries are cured. Your parents, wives, brothers and sisters are also looking forward to your return right?

"Are you teasing us?" The wounded soldiers didn't believe such nonsense at all!

"Of course not. You are all brave fighters. I admire you all too late. How could I tease you?" The man who spoke was a very handsome young man. sincere.

Can't help people don't believe it.

"Are you from Huaxia?" The wounded soldiers were dubious.

"Yes, which tribe do you belong to?" the young man asked with a smile.

"I'm a Capricorn."

"I'm from the Wuhuan tribe."

"I'm from the Yanmu tribe."

"Yeah, they're all a family." The young man didn't know where the so-called family started?

"What's your name, little brother?" asked a wounded soldier of Capricorn.

"Oh, my name is Xiao Chen." The young man said.

"Xiao Chen, it's the same surname as your Marshal Xiao." Seeing that he was so friendly, the wounded soldier spoke more casually.

"A bunch of idiots, he is our Marshal Xiao!" A tower-like man next to him spat with a smile, "What little brother?"


The wounded soldiers were shocked when they heard this, and they struggled together and fell to their knees.

"Yan Luo, why are you so loud? It shows that you have a loud voice!" Xiao Chen muttered dissatisfiedly, and motioned everyone to get up quickly, sit when they should sit, and lie down when they should lie down. Our medical soldiers will come later Now, they are busy saving our own people first, this is the order of our General Zhuge, and they dare not disobey..."

Let's just talk about Xiao Chen's tone, attitude, and harmless smile, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the Marshal Xiao who killed the world just now.

"Brother, what are you doing here? Brother Zhuge is looking for you." A skinny boy swayed over, and after talking to Xiao Chen, he stretched out his sleeve and wiped his nose. He was sweating like a murderer just now , I found a bubble bath and took a bath, maybe I was a little bit windy, and my nose couldn't stop sniffling.


When a group of wounded soldiers saw this person, it was as if they had seen a ghost, their eyes were straightened, and their faces were pale.

Isn't this the invincible little killer?

Don't think that we won't recognize you if you change your clothes, we will recognize you even if your boy is turned into ashes!

"Don't wander around, you kid. Help me take care of these brothers here. I will arrange them properly later. Find them a few tents at night. It's getting colder and colder today. Talk It's going to snow..." Xiao Chen said hello to the wounded soldiers and walked away.

"Are you a god?" a wounded soldier asked Xiao Ye cautiously.

"No." Xiao Ye sat down on the grass, stretched out his fingers to pick out a piece of horseradish, wiped it casually, and put it in his mouth to chew.

This is a kind of wild vegetable on the grassland. The stems and leaves are not edible, but the root is edible. It tastes a bit like green radish, slightly spicy, so the locals call it horseradish.

"Then may I ask your Gao surname?" The wounded soldiers were in awe of Xiao Ye, even more than Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen is a very charming person, but Xiao Ye is a god with infinite power.

"My name is Xiao Ye." When Xiao Ye is not killing people, he is like a boy next door.

"Are you Marshal Xiao's younger brother?" The wounded soldiers scrambled around and looked up at Xiao Ye with infinite admiration.

"Yeah, he's my brother, what's that hanging around your neck?" Xiao Ye saw a white tooth hanging around a wounded soldier's neck, and couldn't help being curious.

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