The Best Fake Eunuch

Chapter 231 The Spirit of the Lark

"Grandpa, what kind of piano is this?" Duan Linger expressed curiosity about his broken piano.

"Matouqin." Mo Gan said.

"Ah, it's so broken, can it still be played? We have a lot of skilled craftsmen here, why don't I ask them to help you repair it?" Duan Ling'er said.

"People are getting old, so the piano is naturally old, no matter how you repair it, it can't be renewed!" Mo Gan said casually, but it also implied a lot of truths in life.

"Your Chinese language is really good, but you look like a freshman." Duan Linger is just a chatterbox.

"I'm originally from Xianbo, but when I was young, I lived in Jiangnan, China, for a few years. It's very beautiful there, but it's not as desolate as the north."

Old man Mogan was actually not good at words, but when facing such a cute and cute little girl like Duan Linger, he started to talk a lot.

"Jiangnan is so good, why do you want to come back?" Duan Linger said.

"The south of the Yangtze River is very good, but the north is my hometown. Floating weeds, leaves falling to their roots, this old bone will eventually be buried on the grassland." Oh groom.

"But you are so old, why do you still want to fight and suffer with them?" Duan Linger really had a lot of questions.

"In life, no matter where you are, you are suffering, so what's the difference?" Mo Gan said.

"Huh? Grandpa, what you said is so profound, I can't even understand it." Duan Linger thought to herself, Grandpa, can you have a good chat?

Talking like this is like my crazy boss.

"You'll understand when you get old." The wrinkles on Old Man Mogan's face were slightly unfolded, and it looked like he was smiling.

"Ah...Actually, I'm a fool. I'm afraid I'm still confused when I'm your age." Duan Ling'er sighed, and suddenly said, "Huh? Why didn't I see you yesterday?"

Her thinking jumps because there is no rule at all, and she can say whatever she thinks.

"I'm going to graze the horses. The weather is getting colder and colder, and the horses will have nothing to eat!" Old Man Mogan didn't take it seriously, and he answered whatever he asked.

"Grandpa, why do you think our two families have to fight?" Duan Linger said, "You hit me today, and I'll hit you tomorrow. Fighting back and forth, so many people died, but it was all in vain. died."

Duan Ling'er is a very contradictory girl. She is the daughter of a general, so she has always been brave and fearless, and she will not even blink when she kills.

But she is very kind at the bottom of her heart. If you ask her to kill wolves, tigers and leopards, fierce enemies, she will never be soft-hearted, but if you want her to kill chickens and sheep, or old women and children, then she will say nothing. .

She didn't think about these things at first, but after following the boss Chen Jisheng and Zhuge Xiaosheng for a long time, she always listened to them talking about these things, and in her little heart, she occasionally pondered for a while.

It's like Li Wanjiang took over the world of the big man, killed so many people, including his own family, girl, I really hate him to the bone!

But the emperor of the Han Dynasty and his parents and brothers had killed many people before, and the world of the Han Dynasty was also taken from others.

In the end, it seemed that nothing changed except for the change of dynasty, except that so many soldiers and ordinary people died.

Now the elder brother and the eldest brother are going to rebel again, no matter whether they succeed in the future, many people will definitely die...

The boss is a good man, and he must be a good emperor if he becomes an emperor, and he will definitely be well received by the common people, but what about in the future? Will his son and grandson still be good emperors?

At that time, there will be rebellions again, and the dynasty will change again. Everything will start again, the tragedy will end, and the cycle of reincarnation will never end.

You can't think about this kind of problem, and you will get confused when you think about it.

But the boss once said that if he becomes the emperor, he will pacify the whole world, including the Western Regions, the Southern Border, the East China Sea, and the North, in short, the ends of the earth.

In this way, all people will become one family, and from then on there will be peace and harmony, as close as brothers, and there will be no more wars.

It feels so magical... Nervous.

In short, she couldn't figure out these things, and she didn't quite understand them.

Old Man Mogan couldn't answer her either.

But the look in her eyes was very strange, as if she didn't expect this yellow-haired girl to ask such profound words.

"Grandpa, are you willing to fight? And did you fight when you were young?" Duan Linger retreated and asked the second.

"No, don't you see that I'm a hunchback and disabled? But I can't join the army to fight, and we are ordinary people, so of course we don't want to fight." Old Man Mogan felt that Duan Linger's question was becoming more and more difficult to answer.

"Actually, I hated you Xianbo people quite a lot at first, but later I heard from Mr. Chen and the others that we didn't kill people from your tribe back then, and it seemed that we killed you very badly, so now I don't want to kill you." How can I hate you, but if there is a fight, I will kill you!" Duan Linger said that her position has not changed.

But many of her previous thoughts were unconsciously and gradually changed by the boss Xiao Chen...

"What's your name, little girl?" Elder Mo Gan already looked at Duan Ling'er with admiration.

"My name is Duan Linger, the spirit of the lark." Duan Linger hurriedly said.

"Well, your voice is really as sweet as that of a lark, do you know? According to legends outside, larks are the messengers of peace. Whenever their cries resound on the grassland, everyone They will put down their guns..."

Old Man Mogan stared at the sky with cloudy eyes, as if a lark was flying quietly in the distance.

The negotiation between Xiao Chen and Wu Luolan went very smoothly, maybe because of being disturbed by Sheertu yesterday, both Wu Luolan and Qiu Muling felt sorry for Xiao Chen, so they made a big concession when negotiating terms.

In other words, they all saw the current situation clearly.

But at the moment they can only talk about the retreat of Xianbo and the handover after their retreat. As for the future trade, Wu Luolan said that it is still uncertain.

Because her father's attitude towards her is very ambiguous now, I don't know what will happen to me after I go back, maybe I will directly remove her military power and abolish her title of prince.

She can only try her best to persuade her father, but presumably this kind of thing that is extremely beneficial to both parties, her father will agree.

Wu Luolan promised to return all the plundered common people to Xiao Chen, as well as more than half of the property and food, which was already hard to come by, and Xiao Chen and the others were basically satisfied, and did not put forward other conditions even further.

Out of consideration for the current complicated situation, the two parties did not sign any written treaty, but only formed an oral contract.

The Xianbo people attach great importance to the contract, and once they make a promise, they will never go back on it.

The next step is to discuss details such as the time and place of the handover. Both parties feel that the sooner the better, it is best to complete the handover today.

Because everyone wants to act quickly, and no one wants to delay too much here.

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