The Best Fake Eunuch

Chapter 229 Surprising

"If Wu Luolan was a smart person, she would never do this. If I were her, I would rather choose to cooperate with the boss than Wanyan Pingqiu. If we are her enemies, then Wanyan Ping Qiu is her confidant's serious trouble! Two evils are in power, she will distinguish the pros and cons." Zhuge Xiaosheng said.

"Long-distance and short-distance attack are the rules of survival. If Wu Luolan cooperates with us now, there will only be benefits and no harm... In fact, she has already made a choice, otherwise she would not be able to sit down and negotiate with us."

Li Tanhua also changed his name to Xiao Chen as the boss, which is really a good name.

"Then let's proceed according to the original plan, go to Niutoushan first, gain a firm foothold there and then plan other things." Xiao Chen said.

"There is only one question now." Zhuge Xiaosheng frowned.

It is the problem of food and grass.

They only carry 2,000 shi of grain now, which is enough for about 20 days. Li Tanhua said that Niutoushan's grain and grass are basically exhausted. Adding their more than 1,500 people, they can only eat for about 10 days.

Since it is decided to stick to Niutoushan, the logistics and craftsmen must also follow, which will increase the population by several thousand.

And once the civilians captured by Wu Luolan are released, there will be tens of thousands of them! They also want to eat, so the food and grass can hardly last for ten days.

Of course they can be sent back, but tens of thousands of people can't be sent back in a short while, and even if they are sent back, they have to be paid for their travel, right?

Li Wanjiang's grain and grass were replenished on a daily basis, and what he promised was only a share of 5,000 people, he would not give any more, and if he wanted to send someone to ask for more supplies, I am afraid he would not give it.

The most wicked thing is that the household department will only transport grain and grass to Yanyun Pass, and Xiao Chen has to send someone to fetch it.

How much time would it take to go back and forth, how many mules and horses, how many peasants, how many guards, and how much risk would they have to take?

Wu Luolan retreated, and Yanyun County was only temporarily safe. Once Wanyan Pingqiu decided to go south, before his army was dispatched, he would definitely send a small group of troops to cut off Xiao Chen's food road.

Their northern Xinjiang cavalry is extremely fast, and they are the best at roundabout combat, they are simply impossible to defend against!

In addition, there are many bandit gangs in Yanyun County. These guys are elusive and ruthless. It doesn't matter if you are an officer or soldier of Dazhou or Xianbo's army.

They didn't dare to harass large troops, but they didn't have to worry about the convoy transporting food and grass. After all, winter was approaching, and the bandits didn't have any food left.

It is even more impossible for Qin Gang to send troops to escort him. He is now in a state of frightened birds, and he only wants to preserve his own strength, so he will never send a single soldier to step into a dangerous place.

But there is no other choice at present, and we can only take one step at a time.

First of all, the food road must be kept unblocked. No matter how weak Xiao Chen's troops are at present, he must send troops of at least 1,000 people to escort them.

It is also impossible to deliver every day, and the only way to deliver once is to wait for a certain amount of food and grass to be accumulated in Yanyun County.

This task is very important, Zhuge Xiaosheng temporarily appointed Yue Zhonglin as the grain and grass escort officer, and ordered him to lead two hundred musketeers and eight hundred light cavalry to take on this important task.

Yue Zhonglin took the order generously, please rest assured, General Zhuge, people are alive, and food is lost, people will die!

"Zhong Lin, we can get food if we run out, but you can't come back to life if you die. As the escort, you have the right to make a quick decision. If the situation is urgent, you can leave the food and grass and save our brother's life first, Qian Qian Don't make meaningless sacrifices." Xiao Chen said.

"Boss's words are also what I mean. I believe in Zhong Lin's ability and judgment, and I also give you the right to make your own decisions. As long as you feel that you can't keep the food even if you try your best, you can first seek self-protection." Zhuge Xiaosheng Also said.

"Yes, then I will do my best and adapt to the situation." Yue Zhonglin felt that working with such a boss and general was really refreshing.

"Old man, you are tired enough these days, you should go and rest early." Xiao Chen looked at Chen Jisheng, but saw that he had added a lot of gray hair to his temples these days, and he had also lost a lot of weight. Can't help feeling distressed.

"Why am I tired? I haven't fought or walked. Sitting in a big car all day is like enjoying a blessing. Even though I'm a little thinner, I'm in good spirits. But I really have to go to bed first, and I have to hurry tomorrow." Chen Jisheng said .

"Who said we'll leave tomorrow?" Xiao Chen was surprised.

"Hehe, if you don't leave, I have to go. Yanyun County is a mess now. I have to clean it up first. Now that the weather is getting colder and colder, the people scattered outside have nothing to eat or wear, and they have nothing to eat. Frozen and starved to death? They didn't even know that Xianbo would withdraw, and they couldn't go back home." Chen Jisheng said.

"I'm thinking about this too, but no one else can do it. You have to go, old man. It's just that you're old and have traveled so far. I want you to rest before talking..."

In fact, Xiao Chen also had this plan long ago, because Chen Jisheng had to do it to appease the people of Yanyun County.

"Pull it down, letting me rest is worse than letting me die! I can't do anything else, only this is barely okay. You charge forward, and the old man will help you clean up the mess behind us. We all do our part. .” Chen Jisheng said.

"But you have to give me some soldiers, otherwise my old man can't do anything with just a mouth. I don't think it takes much. One or two hundred is enough. In addition, you can also get Yan Yun In the name of the county governor, give me an order to make me an official first, so that I can do things in a righteous way."

"But..." Xiao Chen didn't want the old man to take risks alone.

"What else is it? You, the boss, can't even make a quick decision on this matter? Our cities in the east have not been lost yet, and there should be a lot of grain stored there. I have to take them in first. Only when we get food can we open porridge fields in various places in Yanyun County so that everyone can survive this winter first."

"In addition, I have to talk to those Ross people to see if I can borrow them... Ah bah! It was originally our downwind port to use, so that the food we raised from the south can be shipped directly by sea. .”

"The old man is really considerate!" Zhuge Xiaosheng was overjoyed when he heard the words. This old man is really resourceful and thoughtful. He wanted to say these words, but unexpectedly, the old man had already made up his mind and planned it out. up!

"It's just that those Ross people are greedy and ambitious. If your old man wants to negotiate with them, you have to be more careful." Xiao Chen said.

"Hehe, I'm not afraid that they are greedy, but I am afraid that they are not greedy! I am not afraid that they are ambitious, but I am afraid that they are not ambitious!" Chen Jisheng chuckled and spoke surprisingly.

Everyone expressed their willingness to hear the details, and listened to your old man's high-level remarks with all ears.

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