The Best Fake Eunuch

Chapter 184 The king is the biggest

"My lord, this is embarrassing my minister." However, Xiao Chen was still humble first.

"You don't want to come with this vain one, hurry up and make one for me, waiting to be used." Seeing Xiao Chen's humble appearance, Li Shi knew that he was pretending.

"My minister thinks that the prince and the crown prince are brothers, so don't write the elegiac couplet too solemnly. Although the rites of a monarch and his ministers are important, the brotherhood is also deep." Xiao Chen suggested.

"It's Xiao Chen, what you said won my heart deeply. Those cleaners in my house don't understand this truth, and the things they write are too rigid." Li Shi nodded and sighed, deeply agreeing.

"The soul is back, the shadow of the flowers on the Yeyue Tower, and the sound of partridges in the wind and rain." Xiao Chen came casually.

He remembered that Li Wanjiang was from Chu, always boasting that only Chu has talent...

The couplet is simple and easy to understand, both elegant and vulgar, and also sad and moving, expressing the grief of losing a brother vividly.

Li Shi looked at it for a long time, feeling sad in his heart. Although he and the prince had always been at odds, and they were not very close at ordinary times, they were the same flesh and blood after all. Not to mention the deep brotherhood, blood is thicker than water.

In particular, that sentence of "I can't do it" deeply moved him, his eyes were slightly red, but the emotion at this moment was rare and real.

His sadness has another meaning, that is, the sadness of the death of the rabbit.

The elder brother of the prince was killed by his father himself. If he is dead, how long can he live?

So not only hurt my brother's death, but also hurt myself.

"My lord, I would like to express my condolences." Xiao Chen said.

Li Shi wiped his eyes and talked about business.

"Xiao Chen, the prince's death has affected many officials in the court. Many of them are actually innocent, and they are not princelings at all. They just communicated with the prince through letters, and some of them have little relationship with the prince. No, but he was also imprisoned for trumped-up charges..."

"The emperor is venting his anger on others. It must be said that the death of the prince was caused by them. Now everyone in the court is in danger. They don't know when it will be bad luck. Everyone has no intention of doing something wrong, but the investigation There is no intention of stopping, so how can we go on like this?"

"So I'm going to talk to the emperor and ask him to stop the investigation. With the heart of all officials, now that no one else dares to talk to the emperor about this matter, then I'm the only one here." After Li Shi said, he was deeply moved. He sighed, looking like he was concerned about the country and the people.

This is also the result of a long discussion between him and his subordinates. Everyone thinks that once the prince dies, the opportunity will come. Because according to the sequence, he should be the king of Jiangdong, Li Shi, who will inherit the crown prince!

A country cannot be without a king for a day, nor can it be without a prince for a day. After the prince's funeral is over, I'm afraid it will be on the agenda.

Now the emperor is wantonly investigating and cracking down on the princelings, which has spread too far, causing everyone to feel in danger, because the emperor is in pain of hurting his son, and none of the princes and ministers of the Manchu Dynasty dare to speak to dissuade them, so it is up to you, the prince.

First, doing so can buy people's hearts and lay a solid foundation for them to support you as the prince in the future. Second, it can also show your decisiveness in major matters and make the emperor look at you with admiration.

All in all, this is a matter of great benefit and no harm.

But Li Shizong felt that this matter was a bit inappropriate, so he hesitated, and today he called Xiao Chen, asking him to make an elegiac couplet was false, but asking for his opinion was true.

"If the prince decides to do this, then the minister will not leave." Xiao Chen said.

"Huh? Why?" Li Shi was stunned.

"Simply wait a few more days to attend your funeral!" Xiao Chen sneered.

"What are you talking about!" Li Shiwen was shocked and angry, what do you mean, kid?

"Anyone can speak out about this matter, except you, my lord, you can't! Don't think about the imperial court, all the officials, or the world, lord, haven't you figured out who is the biggest?" Xiao Chen said bluntly.

The emperor is the biggest!

The emperor is not crazy, nor is he stupid, what bad consequences will he bring if he does this?

Knowing that it is not good to do so, but still insist on doing it, why?

It is to establish the majesty of his emperor!

He had tolerated all the officials for a long time before, but this time it was the one who broke out, as if the Yellow River broke its embankment, and no one could stop it.

Whoever blocks will die!

So you can't build a dam to block it, but you should dredge and communicate, so that the flood can vent freely. You can do this in secret, and you don't have to tell the emperor, anyway, he knows everything.

In the final analysis, it is to follow his will, not to be hard, but to be gentle.

The emperor hates forming cliques for personal gain the most. The prince has a princeling party. Doesn’t your lord have a princeling party? Your majesty has just settled a princeling, but you want to take the opportunity to win people's hearts and strengthen your party?

Don't listen to the nonsense of those dead-headed people, what is more important than the king... No matter what time it is, the king is the most important!

Of course Ming Jun is excluded, but is Li Wanjiang Ming Jun? Obviously not.

Chen Jisheng said that the first-class kings rule the country with wisdom, the second-class kings rule the country with benevolence and trust, and Li Wanjiang belongs to the third-class kings who rule the country with majesty.

"Xiao Chen speaks thoroughly!" Li Shi's back was covered in cold sweat, but the problem that was pressing on his heart was also solved.

Because Xiao Chen's thoughts are exactly the same as his.

Boy, national scholar.

"This is just a little humble opinion of the minister, but it comes from the heart, and I dare not hide it from the prince, but what to do, the prince has to decide by himself." Xiao Chen said.

"Well, this king has already made a decision." Li Shi looked at Xiao Chen's eyes now, and if this kid can really be used by him, he can definitely be his right-hand man.

"By the way, there is one more thing. The lord thinks, after the death of the crown prince, who can succeed him as the crown prince?" Xiao Ye suddenly said.

"Huh? This, this..." Li Shixin said such a sensitive question, how would you ask me to answer it?

If you tell the truth, then naturally I am the king, but if you tell lies, I am not willing.

Now the only one who can compete with me for the position of crown prince is Fengyang King. This is a choice between the two. Guess who I will choose?

"My lord, why are you still hesitating? Of course it's King Fengyang!" Xiao Chen said loudly.

"Ah?" Li Shixin said what the hell are you kid?

"If the emperor doesn't ask you, then forget it. If you want to ask you, you must strongly recommend Li Feng. If the emperor hesitates, you will force him to die. If necessary, you can hit the wall. The maximum speed of this wheelchair is comparable to that of a running bull. It's definitely not a problem to hit your head and bleed." Xiao Chen said.

"You kid is really..." Li Shi was not used to Xiao Chen's direct remonstrance, wouldn't it be you who couldn't be more tactful? It's not that I don't understand!

"Also, I heard that you are neither greedy for money nor lustful, how can you do this? Don't hide it from me, a eunuch like me is still dreaming about the Duke of Zhou all day long. Your prince is a big man, how can you be so lustful? ? You are not lustful, and you are not greedy for money, so what do you want?"

Xiao Chen's question can be said to be quite sharp.

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