The Best Fake Eunuch

Chapter 167 Why doesn't the boy wear Wu hook

While everyone was talking about it, the Recruitment Office was officially established.

There are two couplets with wet ink dripping on the gate of the temporary building. The first couplet says why don’t the man wear a Wu hook, and the second couplet says, Recover the Eighteen States of Yanyun!

A large black flag was hoisted high and fluttering in the wind, and the word 'Xiao' dancing on it sparked a new round of discussion.

"Which general is Xiao?"

"I knew someone named Xiao Xinghan."

"Don't be silly, this is Da Zhou's recruitment office, Xiao Xinghan is the leader of Tianxuan Society, he is a big traitor!"

"But I haven't heard that there is a famous general surnamed Xiao in Da Zhou."

"I've heard of the eunuch surnamed Xiao."

"You're talking about Eunuch Xiao, can't you? He is a Wenqu star descending to earth, how can he still lead troops?"

"You don't know that, do you? Eunuch Xiao is not only a star of Wenqu music, but also a martial artist. He is the one who helped King Zhongcheng settle down Myanmar."

"That Siamese Prince Saiba is the incarnation of a demon. He has the courage of a man, and there are two thousand demon soldiers under his command. Gained the supreme supernatural powers, and turned them all into powder!"

"I heard that Eunuch Xiao is the god of fire. At that time, he was attacked by Japanese devils at sea. When he was furious, he showed his supernatural power. He spewed fire from his eyes and nose, and burned all the little devils into fireballs!"

"Anyway, Eunuch Xiao must be a god. I heard from a few fellow villagers that he didn't do anything when he suppressed the bandits on Heihu Mountain. The roar made him paralyzed from fright, foaming at the mouth, and the prototype appeared, but it was a dead tiger..."

Word of mouth is solid and vivid, even Lin Yue and others seem to have something to do with it.

"The big guy guessed right. The marshal leading the troops this time is Mr. Xiao Chenxiao! The big guy wants to make contributions with him and seal his wife and son. Please sign up to join the army quickly. Mr. Xiao can only recruit Such an opportunity is rare, don't miss it and regret it!" Lin Yue announced loudly.

"Listen well, Ang, as long as you meet the requirements in all aspects after signing up, Mr. Xiao will immediately reward you with fifty taels of settling allowance, and cash it out on the spot. Have you seen those big boxes? They are full of the best quality official silver! But our Lord Xiao only recruits a thousand people this time, don't need any more..." Yue Zhonglin also shouted.

In fact, of course Han Xin ordered troops, the more the better, but Yue Zhonglin deliberately did the opposite, just to stimulate the big guys.

Sure enough, the big guy was stimulated, what the fuck is it really Xiao Chen and Eunuch Xiao who are the generals? Then don't say that he really did it, the old man is a god, and he can't go wrong with a god when he goes out to fight.

In addition, there is fifty taels of settling fee? If so much money is really given, let alone go to war, even if it is to die, we are so willing!

However, Eunuch Xiao wants elite soldiers, and he only needs a thousand soldiers, but he doesn't know what kind of conditions are qualified?

it's actually really easy.

All you need to do is complete the three tests.

The first test is to draw the bow. A hard bow with eight forces must be fully drawn to be considered qualified. Of course, there is no need for archery, because no one can shoot without asking.

The second test is Wudao Dao, a Daguan Dao made of pure iron, weighing about 80 catties, as long as you can pick it up and dance a few knives, you will pass the test, and you will not hurt yourself.

The third test is to lift the stone lock. A stone lock of 200 kg can pass as long as it can be lifted one foot off the ground.

Soon some people signed up to participate, and they all successfully passed the three assessments. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, they took away fifty taels of silver!

Fifty taels of silver really give it away? The big guys, including the people who got the silver, thought this was too unbelievable. I heard that Dazhou recruited soldiers only gave a few silver coins for the settlement, and they didn't cash it out on the spot. This guy gave fifty taels? It's still a full ten official silver...

As the saying goes, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Is this money filled with lead?

Lin Yue saw the hesitation of the big guy, without further ado, he ordered someone to cut a few ingots of silver in half, only to find that the inside was full of silver without lead.

He opened all those big boxes and asked the big guy to randomly select a few volunteers. He randomly selected ten ingots of silver from the box, and cut them open in public. There is no problem with the pure silver!

In this way, the applicants immediately rushed like a tide, scrambling to be the first, because General Yue said that only 1,000 people are accepted, if you miss this village, there will be no such shop...

Seeing this situation, Xiao Chen expressed his relief. It seems that there should be no problem in recruiting one or two thousand people.

Letting Lin Yue and Yue Zhonglin stay, he planned to go back first, there are so many things waiting for him to do at home.

Lin Yue wanted to send someone to escort him, but Xiao Chen refused. It's only a few tens of miles away from the capital, so how could he encounter bandits and enemy troops?

Lin Yue thought about it, so he didn't insist anymore.

Xiao Chen led Xiao Chen, Duan Ling'er, Liu Mofeng, and Yan Luo to walk back slowly, chatting while walking.

Xiao Chen liked Yan Luo, a mighty and majestic big man, so he took him on errands for the past few days and took a look around, and found that although this kid looked rough, he was very careful.

Sometimes as long as he winks, he can immediately understand... Kid, what a talent.

So he directly wanted to be his own soldier and asked for his opinion.

Yan Luo was already a school lieutenant in the army, but he was just a soldier following Xiao Chen, but he readily agreed, the reason being that the boss thinks highly of us, so we can't help it!

What can you do if you just be the boss and your personal soldier for the rest of your life?

"Boss, can you send me another errand? I don't want to be an inspector captain in the army. I have nothing to do all day long!" Liu Mofeng complained to Xiao Chen.

"I also don't think you are suitable for this job. Many of our Xichang brothers are not suitable for serving in the army. I have talked with Xiaosheng. We still have the establishment of the West Factory, and you are still in charge of the work of the detective factory." Xiao Chen said.

"Without your boss, our West Factory would exist in name only. I heard that Jin Yiwei is going to take over and annex the West Factory into a department under them, but Gong Shouli also wants it, and the two of them are quite unhappy about it." Liu Mofeng said.

"Hehe, they have a good idea. Although I am gone, the title of factory owner has not been withdrawn yet. Just wait and see, as long as I live for one day, the emperor will not abolish the West Factory." Xiao Chen said.

"Boss, I heard that Concubine Liu Gui has a women's army in Burma, is it true?" Duan Linger suddenly asked.

Originally, she still called Xiao Chen Cousin, but she felt that calling Xiao Chen was not smooth at all, and then she simply followed the big guy and called Xiao Chen the boss.

She can also be regarded as Xiao Chen's subordinate, so it's not too abrupt to call her that.

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