The Best Fake Eunuch

Chapter 147 The Situation in Northern Xinjiang

Of course Wei Yuntian didn't need to borrow money, because the boss had already given it.

Before Liu Changan died, he left a will, asking his wife and daughter to bury him on the spot without sending him back to his hometown. Liu Xiangqin didn’t want to make a big fuss, but just asked the monks in the temple outside the city to do a ritual, and chose a nearby place with beautiful mountains and rivers. The precious land will bury the two together.

In order to give Wei Yuntian a chance to perform, neither Xiao Chen nor Chen Jisheng participated, so they let the young couple discuss it on their own.

The funeral was over soon, but the wedding couldn't be done right away, because Liu Xiangqin had to keep mourning for his parents for three years.

During this period, the two theoretically could not meet each other.

Being able to be together at a funeral is called being in a hurry, but staying together after the business is done is unethical, morally corrupt, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is adultery...

Just ask if you worry about people?

Therefore, the poems of the ancients are actually full of life. What does it mean to be full of water, and unable to speak?

This is the current state of Wei Yuntian and Liu Xiangqin.

That night, all the big guys gathered in Xiao Chen's room for a meeting again, and the content of the meeting was the completion of matters assigned by Xiao Chen a few days ago.

Wen Shanchang bought a full ten carts of medicinal materials, and found a pharmaceutical factory to process them into powders, ointments, and pills. The budget may cost more than 30,000 taels of silver. let me get some more...

Surgical loopers are very easy to make, as long as you buy some sewing needles and modify them slightly, but there are not so many catguts, so Wen Shanchang directly chose a stronger fishing line to replace it, which is also possible.

He also made a lot of coarse gauze used to wrap the wound, and some elastic tendon ropes that can be used to bind and stop bleeding. Xiao Chen didn't explain this, it was his own idea.

Xiao Chen expressed his satisfaction that Shanchang did a good job.

Liu Mofeng went to the Bingzhan Bureau and checked their inventory. There were more than a thousand large and small firecrackers in them, but due to disrepair and poor maintenance, only three to four out of ten seemed to be usable.

He picked a few good ones and brought them back to Xiao Chen to see, Xiao Chen sighed after seeing them, what the hell is this thing a firearm, it's just a fire stick!

The current firearms are still very clumsy, and the craftsmanship is quite backward. The whole body is made of cast iron, and each one weighs more than 30 kilograms, so it is extremely laborious to hold it!

When firing, it is necessary to fill the gunpowder from the front of the barrel in advance, first tamp the gunpowder, then put an iron projectile, and then ignite the kindling rope, commonly known as the gunpowder twister, which can only be fired after the matchlock is burned...

The process is extremely cumbersome, and it takes a long time to reload after each round of shooting, even if there is no malfunction.

Faults also occur frequently, such as the amount of gunpowder is small, and the projectile only shoots more than ten meters or even shorter.

Or the amount of gunpowder is too large, which directly causes the chamber to explode, or the gunpowder is wet and cannot be ignited at all, or there is something wrong with the gunpowder, and it can't be burned inside for half a day. When you want to check it, it may explode...

Many front-line soldiers hated this thing, saying that it was very powerful, but even if it could injure the enemy by a thousand, it would injure itself by eight hundred!

It is the basic quality of a soldier to be brave and not afraid of death, but it would be too useless to die under the weapon in his own hand.

The main reason is that it is not practical. In addition to frequent accidents and various conditions, daily maintenance, storage, safety, and transportation are all big problems.

It is not as good as bow and arrow at all.

At the beginning, there was a Musket Battalion in the Palace Guards, but because of too many casualties during training, it was simply abolished.

At present, border troops still use them outside, but relatively few of them are used. They are generally used for castle defense operations, and are rarely used for offensive operations.

The steward of the Military Warfare Bureau listened too much and said that Mr. Xiao is interested in this thing, so please pick whatever you want with a wave of your hand! I'll wait for your Xichang brothers to pick out the rest, and then I'll give them away!

If it's this kind of crap... then let's keep it, at least it's better than nothing.

Chen Xiaohu went to the horse farm outside the city, but there were quite a lot of horses there. There were only more than 80,000 horses in total in several horse farms, but half of them were ponies.

Because there are no grasslands and pastures around Fengyang City, the fodder needs to be transported from other places.

Moreover, the feeding of war horses is different from that of ordinary pack horses. It needs to add a lot of concentrated feed, such as soybeans and black beans.

The officer at the racecourse heard that Mr. Xiao, the Duke of Xichangchang, wanted horses. He immediately said that if he rides himself, the brother can choose one or two horses for him. There is no problem, but if there are too many, it will not work.

Because our war horses are extremely scarce now, we must report to the Ministry of War for approval.

The arsenal of the Ministry of War is sufficient, and all kinds of weapons are also well maintained. There is no problem with winter coats. Zhang Dafu’s Shangyi Supervisor does not have so many stocks, but he can contact the garment factory outside the palace, and they can rush to make them in a few days. To come out, of course you have to ask for money.

Zhuge Xiaosheng got the latest map of the northern border, and asked for some maps left by the big man before, all of which were hung on the wall, and pointed with a long bamboo stick in his hand, which is quite a bit of modern military strategy. It means fighting.

There is a natural barrier in the northern border of the Great Zhou Dynasty, that is the Yanyun Mountain Range that stretches for 800 miles, and one of the majestic passes is the world-famous Yanyun Pass.

The reason why it is famous all over the world is because since the establishment of this pass, it has never been breached by the enemy from the north... The surrender of the guard or the instigation of rebellion does not count.

Yanyun Pass has always been the gateway to the Central Plains, because from the south of Yanyun to Fengyang City, it is all flat terrain, and there are no natural dangers to guard against.

To the north of Yanyun Mountain is Yanyun County, with a total of 18 state capitals, known as Yanyun Eighteen States.

Yanyun County is nominally the territory of the Great Zhou, but in fact more than half of it is controlled by the major tribes and clans in the north.

The five cities that Xiao Chen won back actually belonged to the former tycoons, and they were unable to take them back after they were forcibly taken away.

In short, these are all problems left over from history, and they are all marked in red on the rigorous military maps.

Even if Xiao Chen didn't know much about military affairs, he still looked at his head, "There are no mountains in a large area?"

There are, but there are none that can be regarded as natural dangers. Almost all the cities in Yanyun County are located on the endless plains.

Therefore, the population of Yanyun County is pitifully small, and only a few hundred thousand people are registered in the household department, which is about the same as a prefecture in Jiangdong County.

If it weren't for the imperial court's strict order not to allow them to enter the customs, they might have all run back long ago...

Now not only is Xianbo sending troops to harass, several other tribes are also ready to move, wanting to seize the opportunity to occupy the territory and rob the population... The situation can be said to be quite serious.

Under this situation, even Fengyang King Li Feng or even Zhongcheng King Li Wanyun might not be able to go.

If Li Wanjiang really sent Xiao Chen there, then he really answered Chen Jisheng's words.

You will die if you go here!

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