The Best Fake Eunuch

Chapter 114 Governing a big country is like cooking a small fish

Xiao Chen was so forced by Zhuge Xiaosheng that he had no choice but to tell him the truth.

Xiaosheng is a brother, so you can't make him feel uncomfortable.

"Oh, so that's the case." Zhuge Xiaosheng suddenly realized that it was really a personal matter.

But the relationship between the two is so close, but it's not a good thing!

But I don't know if Nanfeng is playing with Li Wanyun, or is it sincere?

Xiao Chen said this, how could I know, you didn't look at Nan Feng so embarrassed, why should I ask him?

However, Zhuge Xiaosheng felt that it was better to ask clearly. It would be the best if it was just a joke, and he could use this relationship to use Li Wanyun in the future.

If it is true, then persuade him to wave the sword of wisdom as soon as possible, and cut off the thread of love, so as not to get entangled and hinder our major events!

"How can we intervene in this kind of emotional matter? I think Nanfeng can still distinguish between public and private, you boy, don't mess around." The murderous aura that Zhuge Xiaosheng inadvertently emanated just now couldn't be hidden from Xiao Chen's eyes.

"Boss, you are a person who is going to do big things, you must be able to make decisions, if you don't stop making decisions, you will be subject to chaos!" Zhuge Xiaosheng said.

"Let's not talk about it, how about you come and taste this?" Xiao Chen took out a small cloth bag, but inside was slowly brown powder.

"What is this?" Zhuge Xiaosheng twisted a little and put it in his mouth, "Huh? It tastes so delicious!"

"Really?" Xiao Chen was very proud, "This is a condiment developed by your boss myself. It's called monosodium glutamate, which means the essence of monosodium glutamate. Do you know how many good things are used to make this monosodium glutamate? Shrimp, dried abalone, crab roe, isinglass, dried shiitake mushrooms..."

Xiao Chen thought about inventing monosodium glutamate as early as when he was in the palace, because he always felt that those meals lacked a little fresh seasoning, especially the soup, which always tasted bland.

Don't think that the meals in the palace are all delicious, in fact, they taste very ordinary.

Although there are more than one hundred kinds of dishes, they are strictly regulated. When the chef cooks each dish, there is someone to supervise and record it.

How long does it take for the dish to go from the pot to the turntable, how hot it is during the cooking time, which ingredients to put in, and the amount of each item must be weighed with a scissors.

The condiments allowed in the palace are extremely limited, the main ones are salt and sauce, and the only auxiliary ingredients are onion, ginger and garlic.

In this case, no matter how good your chef is, you can't make delicious dishes.

Anyway, day after day, month after month, these more than one hundred dishes are served in turn, saying that you want to add a new dish? That's very difficult. First of all, the procedures are very complicated.

It must be reported to the head of the imperial kitchen, and after the head agrees, it will be reported to the eunuch in charge, and the eunuch will then report to the eunuch above, and the eunuch above will also report to the governor of Jinyiwei and the commander of the imperial army for review.

The respective departments have to send people down to strictly check the ingredients of the dishes. Finally, everyone agrees and finally report it to the emperor, and notify the queen mother, the queen...

It will take at least half a year for a fucking dish to be approved, and if there is something wrong with this dish, for example, the queen eats a bad stomach, the emperor chokes his throat, then from top to bottom, everyone can hardly excuse it blame!

Who the hell do you think would be such a fool?

So it doesn't matter whether the emperor eats well or not, what matters is safety.

This is also the first principle of doing things in the palace, not seeking merit but seeking no fault!

Do you think the emperor can eat whatever he wants? He thinks beautifully!

For example, Li Wanjiang likes to eat fish, especially stewed sea bass, but since he became emperor, he has never eaten it again.

It's not that there are no fresh sea bass in Fengyang City, but because the sea bass is thorny, what if the emperor accidentally gets stuck in the dragon's throat?

So don't do it!

Li Wanjiang is from the right side of the mountain, one day he suddenly recalled the delicious oat noodles in his hometown, and couldn't help the bottom of his tongue salivating, so he ordered the imperial dining room to get some to satisfy his hunger.

Once the decree was issued, there was no movement...

It wasn't until half a year later that Li Wanjiang had long forgotten about it, and suddenly saw a plate of exquisite-looking pasta on the dining table one day, but he didn't recognize it.

After asking, I realized that it was the oat noodles that I used to eat when I was a child. Why is it like this?

I tasted it and said it was sweet or not, salty or not, and the taste was not right at all. This is not the noodles from my hometown at all!

Everyone hurriedly explained that it might be because the emperor lived in poverty at the time, so he felt that this food was delicious, but now that the living standard has improved, so it is not the same taste as before...

Li Wanjiang said fart! Do you think I am a fool? Do you know what it tastes like when you are a snack?

It was only later that I found out that the Imperial Dining Room had spent half a year tossing and spending several thousand taels of silver just for such a portion of oat noodles, which alarmed hundreds of officials on the right side of the mountain, and spent countless thoughts from top to bottom...

From then on, Li Wanjiang never said what he wanted to eat.

It's tears when you say it, and what a fart!

Moreover, most of the meals in the imperial dining room are warm-fire meals. What is warm-fire meals? It is the kind that has been made in advance and kept warm in a cage or crock.

Because you don’t know when the emperor will eat it, and some dishes take a long time to prepare, such as bear paws, it takes at least five days from soaking hair to stewing, and you can’t let the emperor Wait five days?

It has to be done well in advance.

Do you think this kind of food can taste good?

Li Wanjiang could bear it, but Xiao Chen couldn't bear it!

Birds can fade out of my mouth every day...

There are many kinds of dried seafood in Jiangnan County. When Xiao Chen saw it, he immediately thought of inventing monosodium glutamate. After several experiments, he was a great success.

Zhuge Xiaosheng didn't take this very seriously, "Boss, what's the use of all your efforts to get these things? You should think more about our important issues!"

"Look at what you said, governing a big country is like cooking a small fish, the reason is the same." Xiao Chen thought that Zhuge Xiaosheng would praise himself for being smart, but he didn't expect to blame him, and he felt very unhappy.

"Boss and the women's products you bought, I also think it's inappropriate. It's nothing to look at now. If we make trouble in the future, it will be a joke if it spreads out, which will be very bad for your reputation." Zhuge Xiaosheng said.

"Isn't that also for the benefit of many female friends in the world? This should be regarded as a blessing to the world, how can it be called a joke?" Xiao Chen argued.

"Anyway, I think Boss, you're just playing with things and losing your mind when you engage in these strange tricks!" Zhuge Xiaosheng scolded him unceremoniously.

"What strange skills and ingenuity? This is called invention and creation!" Xiao Chen expressed his disappointment with you, Xiaosheng!

I thought you knew me best, but now it seems that you don't. Your tone is more and more like that old man Chen Jisheng.

"Well, but then again, it doesn't matter whether it's a feat or an invention, boss, it's good for you to do it occasionally, at least it can deceive people into thinking that you have no ambitions and only like to play these tricks. "Zhuge Xiaosheng changed the topic again.

"That's right, that's what I mean." Xiao Chen also replied angrily.

Does he mean it?

But not necessarily.

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