The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 383: Unbelievable

In the hotel's reception room, several lawyers are finalizing the contract to be signed. Harvey Weinstein sat on the sofa and carefully considered the next process. He was confident.

In the hands of Hollywood giants like him, the producers of these weak overseas films are just plasticine that is kneaded at will.

Throw a little bait, and it will come up obediently.

Harvey Weinstein has already learned in detail, that director Zhang has an unusual obsession with Oscars.

As if getting an Oscar can complete the transformation of life and become a top international director.

Harvey Weinstein finds it difficult to understand this mentality. Oscars are simply Hollywood self-supplied awards. Do you need foreigners' recognition as a top oriental director?

He really couldn't understand.

However, this obsession is a good thing for Miramax. With a little operation, Miramax can make good use of it and get a certain amount of benefit from it.

A middle-aged man entered the room at this time and came to Harvey Weinstein's side.

"Boss." The middle-aged man looked very respectful.

Harvey Weinstein nodded slightly, then asked, "Are you all gone?"

The middle-aged man quickly replied: “The British and Canadians left Shanghai the day before the end of the film festival. Europa Films left on a flight on the night of the end of the film festival. Ronan Anderson and the people from Relativity Entertainment left yesterday. I I asked someone to find out that the private business jet leased by Relativity Entertainment took off yesterday afternoon."

"Good." Harvey Weinstein got the ideal good news: "Now we can talk to the producer again."

He walked out of the reception room in a very good mood, and under the leadership of his assistant, came to the room where Zhang Baimao and others were.

As at the previous auction, Harvey Weinstein is still prepared.

Zhang Baimao saw Harvey Weinstein immediately greeted him, and even Zhang Guoshi put down his work and looked over there with attention.

They have already contacted the media, and as soon as the contract is signed, the news will be released immediately, and their wealth will increase.

This is an era when everything is looking at money, even in the movie industry.

"Mr. Weinstein." Zhang Baimao smiled all over his face. From the end of the auction, he was fortunate that he had not traded privately with Relativity Entertainment, otherwise, where would the $25 million be? He saw Harvey Weinstein's face covered with green dollars, and he couldn't help saying: "Shall we sign the contract?"

Zhang Guoshi also came over and said, "There are still media reporters waiting for interviews."

Originally, he and Zhang Baimao planned to hold a signing ceremony in front of the media to increase their momentum, but Harvey Weinstein refused.

Harvey Weinstein walked over with an interpreter and said with a smile: "The contract must be signed. However, there is a clause that we need to discuss again."

Zhang Baimao gave a thud in his heart, with an unpleasant feeling, but thought that the other party would immediately pay a deposit of 2.5 million US dollars, and then he relaxed and asked, "Which clause?"

Harvey-Weinstein said lightly: "I went back and considered it carefully. The $25 million buyout price is too high, which is very likely to bring losses to Miramax. Therefore, we need to reset the price. "

Zhang Baimao's face changed in an instant, and he asked a little bit, and said: "Mr. Weinstein, we have already set the price, why should we change it? We must abide by the verbal agreement reached!"

Harvey Weinstein didn't take this to heart at all, and said casually: "This kind of bidding will be a formality. It is a common international practice. The specific price needs to be negotiated."

Zhang Guoshi already has a very bad feeling, this Hollywood **** has no words!

Compared with Zhang Guoshi, Zhang Baimao is more tolerant. After all, $25 million is indeed a bit high. He doesn't want to offend major international publishers. He simply asked: "Mr. Weinstein, how much do you reprice?"

"Old Zhang." Master Zhang couldn't help it.

Zhang Baimao made a look at him, indicating Shaoanbuqi, twenty million dollars is not unacceptable.

Harvey Weinstein said directly: "The buyout fee is $2.5 million, and we just sign the contract directly."

"What?" Zhang Baimao couldn't believe it: "2.5 million dollars?"

Harvey Weinstein said of course: "This is in line with the value of your film."

"How can you do this!" Zhang Guoshi was a little anxious for a moment: "How can you be like this as a human being? There is no faith in words! There is no faith in words!"

The interpreter looked at him and did not speak.

Zhang Baimao stared at Harvey Weinstein, as if he had met the famous international film merchant for the first time, and the anger in his heart continued to accumulate, like a repressed volcano.

How can one be so shameless? How can you be so shameless? Sure enough, imperialism will never die! The lackeys of capitalism are not credible!

Is this the true face of Hollywood?

Zhang Baimao's eyes widened: "We can't accept US$2.5 million!" He reminded: "Europa Films and Embassy Pictures bid far more than US$2.5 million!"

"Really? Then you can contact them." Harvey-Weinstein looked particularly confident: "They won't even pay 2 million dollars now."

He said faintly: "Mr. Zhang, do you think they will come back to buy your film after they fail to bid and leave Shanghai? Even if they come back, they won't pay a higher price than mine."

Harvey Weinstein has played similar tricks many times, first squeezing out competitors with a high price, and then backing out a low price.

It's not that the producers did not contact other distributors, but when the distributor heard that Miramax was only willing to pay a lower price, those companies were not willing to pay a higher price.

In more cases, once international filmmakers leave the country where the producer is located, they will never come back in a short time.

Harvey Weinstein has determined that all the companies that were interested in this film have already left, and these people cannot be called back by Zhang Baimao at all.

Moreover, like Embassy Pictures and Europa Films, which can really compete with Miramax, there is no shortage of film releases.

"Don't sell it!" Zhang Guoshi was quite angry: "We don't sell it!"

After listening to the translation, Harvey Weinstein said calmly: "Mr. Zhang, Director Zhang, Miramax is a world-renowned film company, and its head office is Walt Disney. If Miramax claims your The film has major flaws and is not suitable for the international market..."

While in Shanghai, he could not do anything to lock up Zhang Guoshi, but he also showed the strength of international distributors: "Can your film be sold in the West? You can only hold the international copyright in your hands in the end. "

Zhang Guoshi was almost mad. This was the first time he saw the shameless face of a Hollywood studio.

Zhang Baimao's expression is also green. The influence of these international publishers is indeed great, and he is not sure about the specific situation. If it really becomes a reality, the loss will be too great.

"We have always been in contact with Ronan Anderson." How could Zhang Baimao get caught with nothing, and is still striving for favorable conditions: "It is not difficult to contact Ronan Anderson..."

Harvey Weinstein did not waver at all, and said, "Ronan Anderson? Do you know who Ronan Anderson is? A super-rich with a net worth of nearly one billion dollars, do you think that a person like him will be one. A film of limited value, will you come back specifically?"

Zhang Guoshi held back the tone in his heart and whispered: "I will contact Xiao Zhang later, she has a good relationship with Ronan Anderson."

Harvey Weinstein knew that he could not blindly high-pressure, and said at the right time: "Two, this instinctively becomes a win-win cooperation. Miramax can make a profit, and you can also make a profit."

Zhang Baimao almost spit out blood. The shamelessness of this Hollywood boss completely refreshed his knowledge.

"Do you know what Miramax and I are best at?" Harvey Weinstein asked.

Although Zhang Guoshi really wanted to scold him, he was concerned about international influence and could only mutter to himself: Of course what he is best at is shamelessness, shamelessness, and no bottom line...

Originally, he thought his movie circle was dark enough, but now looking at Harvey Weinstein, he feels that the gap between the two sides is as big as the difference in the strength of the film industry.

Who is he? Let me say that Hollywood is pure and there is no mess, I spray him! Zhang Guoshi was angry.

Harvey Weinstein didn't need these two to answer, and said to himself: "I am the best at running Oscars."

Hearing the word Oscar, Zhang Guoshi's expression suddenly changed.

"Best actor award, best director award, best picture award, I have all worked." Harvey Weinstein is confident: "I have won these important awards more than once."

Zhang Guoshi's anger suddenly disappeared. Thinking of Harvey Weinstein's Oscar record, I don't know why, I feel that Harvey Weinstein's fat face looks so pleasing to the eye.

Harvey-Weinstein continued: "This film has the strength to win the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, and Miramax and I will do our best. Two people, if the film is nominated or won the statuette, you will not only Just fame and real profits. Think about "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and Ann Lee..."

Hearing these words, Zhang Baimao gradually calmed down and analyzed the possible pros and cons.

If you can really get the Oscar, it will definitely explode in China!

Zhang Guoshi looked at Zhang Baimao frequently, and the Oscar statuette seemed to be hanging in front of him, dangling constantly.

Harvey Weinstein sneered in his heart, knowing that the situation was under control, he couldn't help but think of Ronan Anderson.

That young man is indeed very powerful, but compared to a veteran in the industry like him, his experience is far worse.

"Lao Zhang..." Zhang Guoshi just said, suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Zhang Baimao turned his head, with a trace of displeasure, and said, "Please come in."

The door was opened from the outside, and his deputy came in and said, "Mr. Ronan Anderson is here and wants to see you."

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