The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 312: Courageous

When living on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, "The Lord of the Rings" or "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy was Ronan's favorite movie.

Although this series has many shortcomings, such as lengthy, slow-paced, prejudice, and overly clear black and white, it does not prevent it from becoming a classic.

Anyway, when Ronan last lived there, the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy is still the insurmountable pinnacle of magical movies.

Even Peter Jackson's "The Hobbit" trilogy is far from it.

Ronan’s crew has been filming at Warner Studios. Through the relationship with Warner Bros., it is easy to get the premiere invitation from the Warner subsidiary.

Moreover, he and many people in New Line Pictures are also old acquaintances, and he personally visited Robert Shay back then.

The Hollywood Chiefs Rock Theater was crowded with people, and the main entrance road was tightly blocked. Before entering Hollywood Boulevard, Ronan's Bentley Yazhi turned a fork in the road and drove toward the left door of the theater.

Through the car window, Anne Hathaway, who was accompanying Ronan, could vaguely see the flashing lights on the side of the red carpet. It seemed that even the sun turned to the west had lost its brilliance in the light.

"Aren't we walking the red carpet?" Anne Hathaway asked suspiciously.

Ronan said, "It's messy over there today, so don't join in the fun."

Anne Hathaway was somewhat disappointed, thinking that Ronan would take her over today and walk the red carpet together.

Ronan glanced at Anne Hathaway. It's one thing to get along with Anne Hathaway in private, but it's another thing to go on the red carpet together.

Hollywood producers or directors, such as Jerry Bruckheimer and Michael Bay, are not fuel-efficient lamps when it comes to women, but who has ever seen them walk the red carpet holding the hands of female stars?

That is asking for trouble.

Besides, at the entrance of the premiere theater, today is not quiet at all.

Ronan lowered the car window slightly, and the huge sound of protest spread here like a howling hurricane, which shows the loudness of the protest.

This is obviously a premiere held amidst protests.

It's not that Peter Jackson or the crew did anything irritating, but Tolkien's book fans are protesting collectively about the adaptation of the film.

In fact, the criticisms about the film adaptation of "The Lord of the Rings" have not stopped in the past two years, and countless book fans are worried that the film adaptation will destroy the original work.

Even book fans from North America organized specifically to find the crew to protest in New Zealand where the film was filmed.

To be precise, film adaptations and cartoon adaptations are destroying the original work.

For example, if many people’s childhood works with infinite memories are adapted into movies, no matter how they are adapted, there will be many people chanting to destroy their childhood.

The once "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, from "The Fellowship of the Ring" to "The Return of the King", has been accompanied by protests from many book fans. These protests have always come because they are really dissatisfied with the adaptation. It's not clear, but in the end, the trilogy used excellent publicity and the hard power of the film to crush all obstacles.

After getting out of the car and entering the theater from the side door, Ronan looked at Anne Hathaway, whose interest had been significantly reduced, and asked, "Did you show it to you?"

Anne Hathaway said: "I have finished reading that "Summer in Jeans", the story between four young girls and a pair of flying jeans." She asked concerned: "Is there no script?"

Ronan shook his head and said, "Not yet."

Anne Hathaway took Ronan's arm and asked as she walked: "You haven't started writing yet?"

"I can't adapt this script." Ronan saw someone say hello, smiled and nodded to Anne Hathaway, then said to Anne Hathaway: "This is a typical girly theme. If I make an adaptation, it will definitely mess up. I have already found a screenwriter, but she is working on the finishing touch of another project, and it is estimated that she will be able to switch to the script adaptation of "Summer of Jeans" this month."

Anne Hathaway is the kind of bold and unrestrained woman with a rough personality, and she is not polite with Ronan, saying: "I look forward to this script very much."

Ronan smiled and said, "Annie, this is what I prepared for you. You will be an absolute heroine."

This was the famous work of Blake Lively in the previous life. Is Blake Lively still a kid?

This girl who can put her idol Leonardo DiCaprio to sleep is quite difficult. It is estimated that without "Jeans Summer", she can find another way to fame.

In the previous life, the so-called Hollywood four little girls seem to be the best of the Blake-Leverley mix.

While Ronan and Anne Hathaway were talking, they entered the VIP room, where familiar figures could be seen everywhere, and many people took the initiative to greet Ronan, many of whom were acquaintances a few years ago.

"Hello, Ronan." A middle-aged blond man in his thirties came over.

Ronan shook his hand. "It's been a long time, Deron."

A few years ago, when looking for a distributor for the "Human Elimination Project", he had dealt with this new line of film selection staff more than once.

Deron smiled and said: "It's only been more than two years." He looked at Anne Hathaway next to Ronan, with a bit of surprise on his face: "This is...Miss Hathaway?"

Anne Hathaway politely stretched out her right hand and shook him, and said with a smile: "I am Anne Hathaway."

Delong said quickly: "It's very nice to meet you."

His gaze turned to Ronan, all of which was envy.

However, in a little more than two years, a small person whose status in the circle is lower than himself has suddenly become a rich man with assets of hundreds of millions, and he has also become a young and beautiful female star like Anne Hathaway.

It's really enviable and jealous.

Ronan didn't remember the people who rejected him back then. After chatting with Deron, he went to other places.

Because of the deep impression of the melee mage in the previous life and the huge network influence, Ronan found Ian McLean to talk a few words.

In the previous trailer, Gandalf was the invincible mage with a wise staff in one hand and a sword in the other.

Perhaps one of the best things Peter Jackson has done in the movie is to deify and demagicize. Gods appear in the movie, which is really uncoordinated.

For example, Gandalf fought against the Balrog. After the Balrog was killed, Gandalf ran out of mana.

But after Gandalf's death, his soul did not return to Amen Chau, but was sent directly outside Yiya, in front of Iluvita (the father of all living beings), and he was given greater strength by Iluvita. And return to the original dead body to be reborn.

Gandalf replaced the betrayed Saruman and was promoted to a white robe, the head of the five witches.

In the movie, Peter Jackson simplifies the process and takes it here.

As for low magic, Gandalf is a lighting unit in the movie.

It is said that Gandalf will launch an infinite number of flashes when he initiates a rush to explode the dog's eyes of the orcs.

Isn't the mage always holding a hammer and a wheel against the wheel?

After talking with Ian McLean, Ronan met the elven prince, and Orlando Bloom took the initiative to greet him.

Ronan smiled and said: "In the trailer, Legolas is very brilliant, it seems that the role is more important."

Orlando Bloom has a little British pride: "This is the opportunity that Director Jackson appreciates and gives me. I am very grateful to him."

Ronan sighed: "Unfortunately, we can't cooperate this time."

What he was talking about was naturally that he had asked Orlando Bloom to play the little blacksmith Will Turner. The crew had already signed an actor contract with Christian Bale.

Orlando Bloom seems to be quite serious and said: "It's really a pity that we can't cooperate with Shahai Entertainment. Mr. Anderson, I hope we will have opportunities to cooperate in the future."

Although there is no chance of cooperation between the two parties except for the role of the little blacksmith, Ronan still said quite politely: "I hope so too."

When Ronan and Anne Hathaway left, the smile on Orlando Bloom's face instantly disappeared.

Vigo Mortensen walked over at this time, wrapped Orlando Bloom's shoulders very skillfully, and asked, "What's wrong? His complexion isn't very good."

Orlando Bloom's voice is a little cold: "It's nothing, but some people are a little bit self-righteous."

Vigo Mortensen looked in the direction where Ronan was leaving, and asked curiously: "Ronan Anderson? The producer who invited you for the role some time ago?"

"It's him." Orlando Bloom also looked over there.

"How?" Vigo Mortensen asked, "He doesn't cooperate with you?"

Orlando Bloom said: "The invitation was not sincere. After talking to me twice, there was no sound. Then I chose Christian Bale."

Vigo Mortensen patted him lightly on the shoulder: "Don't mind, this movie is hot, you have a chance."

Orlando Bloom snorted and said, "Don't worry, I never cared. Vigo, do you know what project Ronan Anderson invited me to?"

There is more disdain in his and gloat: "Pirate theme! The project is called "Pirates of the Caribbean"!"

Vigo Mortensen laughed: "What a courageous and excessive producer."

Orlando Bloom added: “There are still people who dare to invest more than 100 million US dollars to make pirate movies. They really think too much! And that Christian Bell, who has a pure head, went to pick up a pirate movie. protagonist."

Vigo Mortensen said: "Orlando, you are right to not answer."

Orlando Bloom said with confidence: "Not every British actor is that stupid."

He believed that not taking the role of Will Turner was just as correct as he took over the fairy prince Legolas.

Ronan went to talk to Robert Shay for a few more words, and at the same time tried out about the DVD authorization of the movies in the New Line Films library. From the words of Robert Shay, we can talk about it later.

Later, he and Anne Hathaway entered the theater.

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