The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 204: The advantage is very big (2 in 1 six thousand characters

?Halloween is approaching. Halloween parades will be held in many big cities across the United States. Monsters and ghosts in different costumes have also begun to appear on the streets, such as Jason, Freddy, and the Skeleton Mask Killer, which can be seen everywhere.

The masks launched before Halloween in the "Human Elimination Project" series have also become popular products.

At many theaters, you can see fans wearing masks.

Together with other horror characters, these people make up the most fanatical and **** horror movie audience for Halloween.

But these people entered the theater and found that there were fewer horror films available for Halloween this year than before.

Like the "Halloween" series that will be launched every one or two years, this year it unexpectedly broke the appointment.

In the theater, a young man took off Jason's mask and asked, "Don't you have a screening of "Nickrey, Son of Satan"?"

"There is no schedule for this film." The conductor smiled and explained: "This film is a small-scale trial screening. Our theater has no schedule."

The man raised his head to look at the screening schedule, frowning: "Nor in "The Vampire King"?"

The conductor is very patient: "The two films you mentioned are both small-scale B-level films, and there may not be a film in the entire Los Angeles area." She recommended: "If you like to watch horror movies, you can try this " "Human Removal Project 2", a very high-quality horror film."

For many movie fans, just like watching family fun on Thanksgiving and Christmas, you should also watch horror movies on Halloween.

After so many years, it has gradually become a movie-watching tradition.

"Hey, do you want to buy tickets?" The person waiting behind became impatient and shouted to the ticket seller: "Give me three tickets for "Human Removal Project 2"."

The conductor quickly collected the money and issued the ticket.

Jason Masked Man looked at the schedule again. Except for the previous films, there are not many new films in this theater. They are basically "Human Removal Project 2" and "Return to Glory." The author is obviously not a horror movie.

Three hours later, there will be another "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily", which seems to be the only one today.

He had watched the trailer of this film before, and the director and heroine were very unfamiliar. It was still an Italian film, even if it was boring, he would never watch it.

With no other choice, Jason Masked Man said: "Give me a ticket for "Human Removal Project 2."

The films released in the past few weeks have already passed the hottest stage. The “Stealing and Kidnapping” released last week was a British film, and the response was relatively modest. Among the films released this week, “Human Elimination Project 2” was the only one. The large-scale horror film is also the film with the highest filming rate in major theaters.

High filming rate means more screens, and more screens have room to accommodate more audiences.

This traditional horror film strong file, "Human Elimination Project 2"'s biggest competitor turned out to be "Return to Glory", the audiences of the two sides are not the same.

If calculated according to the standard a few years later, the cast of "Return to Glory" is definitely a collection of superstars, with Will Smith, Matt Damon and Charlize Theron as the three main protagonists, but this movie is about golf. The sports inspirational film of China has been looked down upon by theaters. Even if DreamWorks hired Twentieth Century Fox as the distributor, there were only 2,000 cinemas in North America.

"Human Removal Project 2" is not only the largest film released on Halloween, but also the scale of promotion.

"A night of violence is naturally indispensable for various torture and massacre shots and scenes. At least in terms of visual effects, it is an indispensable standard."

"In addition to the overall upgrade of fighting skills and shooting skills, "Human Removal Project 2" also showed the appearance of many powerful weapons. For example, heavy machine guns mounted in trucks, various grenades, etc. In short, in terms of visual effects, "Humanity "Clear Project 2" is much more enjoyable than the previous one."

Promoting soft texts is a frequently used means for paper media.

The daylight on Friday passed quickly, and after the sun went down, the number of audiences in theaters across North America increased dramatically.

Even those who watch TV at home cannot escape the propaganda bombardment of "Human Removal Project 2".

As the time gradually approached midnight, Tom Cruise was sitting in the living room of the mansion without any intention of going to sleep.

Penelope Cruz is beside him, watching TV with him.

"It's an investment of 1.5 million US dollars." Penelope Cruz was a little disapproved: "Does it need such constant attention?"

Tom Cruise shook his head: "This is the first time I have worked with Ronan."

Penelope Cruz said: "Is he really as good as you said?"

Tom Cruise suddenly laughed: "Who is the most iconic commercial producer in Hollywood today?"

"Hmm..." Penelope Cruz thought for a while and said, "Jerry Bruckheimer?"

Tom Cruise said faintly: "I worked with Jerry Bruckheimer on "Top Rising Clouds", let alone when I just entered the production industry. Not comparable to Ronan now."

Although knowing that Tom Cruise admired Ronan Anderson very much, Penelope Cruz was still very surprised: "This is too exaggerated, right?"

Tom Cruise simply explained: "Jerry Bruckheimer can go to the present, Don Simpson played a key role. In Jerry Bruckheimer's early production career, Don Simpson gave him windshield Rain, stopped most of the trouble, including project selection, it was Don Simpson who really played a decisive role."

He smiled: "Look at Ronan again, no one will give him directions, no one will shield him from wind and rain, and no one will choose projects for him. He must rely on his own analysis and judgment for all major decisions. The greatest pressure is also on himself. With all his strength, he can have today not by the help of others, but by himself."

"But he also has a failed project like "Ace Agent"!" Penelope Cruz retorted.

The smile on Tom Cruise's face is even stronger: "The "Ace Agent" failed? You don't understand..."

He didn't continue to explain. For a woman who didn't know how to make a film, explanation was unnecessary.

This film failed at the box office, but anyone who knows the operation can guess that Ronan and his company are the winners of the project.

If the movie fails, the company that makes the movie may not lose.

These are too complicated things, there is no need to tell a vase woman.

She may not understand it.

Just like Penelope Cruz, a woman who can only use her body to climb up, she never understands the meaning of a succession of successful young producers.

Not everyone can win his Tom Cruise friendship.

A lion will never be friends with an antelope.

For some reason, Penelope Cruz has a feeling, as if in Tom Cruise's eyes, that Ronan Anderson is much more important than her.

Penelope Cruz doubted whether the two men had any hidden secrets.

Suddenly she felt that "Human Removal Project 2" failed the best!

Penelope Cruz has seen the premiere of this film. The film has no artistic content at all, it is plain and vulgar, and it is a natural failure.

Shouldn't bad movies hit the street at the box office?

While thinking about it, Penelope Cruz quietly looked at Tom Cruise and found that Tom Cruise’s attention was not on her at all, but instead watched the TV report about "Human Removal Project 2" .

"As a horror film, the first series of the film has a slightly smaller format, mainly focusing on the motif of good and evil. It is not limited to a single family, and the extension is only a little bit of hatred for the rich caused by the gap between the rich and the poor. "

The comments and reports in this TV show seem to be belittling, but in fact they are trying to suppress.

"In "Human Removal Project 2," in addition to the visual effects of violent scenes, the humanistic theme of the film also has a great extension. The line of arming the male protagonist mainly emphasizes whether we should use violence in the face of unintentional harm from others. The theme of violence control. The young couple section is a sublimation of abandoning emotional entanglement before the crisis. The most important theme is naturally the main line of the black mother and daughter, which is seamlessly connected with the plot design, and the entire removal plan Rise to the height of political conspiracy."

Penelope Cruz couldn't help but sneer in his heart. With this kind of film, I am embarrassed to talk about human subjects?

"It is conceivable that the creators of the "Human Removal Project" series do not seem to want to just occupy the genre of horror and thriller films. It obviously has greater ambitions to extend the life of the series as much as possible..."

The TV was still playing, Tom Cruise's cell phone rang, Penelope Cruise picked up the remote control for the first time and turned off the TV sound.

It just so happened that this made her uncomfortable flattering voice disappear.

Penelope Cruz went to see Tom Cruise who was on the phone, his eyes swept over the wall clock on one side, and before he knew it, it was already midnight.

"Well, I see." Tom Cruise was obviously in a good mood, his handsome face almost smiled: "You keep paying attention to the film, so be it."

Seeing Tom Cruise hang up, Penelope Cruz asked caringly: "What's the matter, dear?"

Tom Cruise put down his phone and said directly: "Today's North American box office statistics have come out, and "Human Elimination Project 2" won $13.6 million on the first day of its release!"

Penelope Cruz’s face was going to collapse in an instant, but she is a long-tested veteran actress. No matter what she thinks, she immediately squeezed out a happy smile and stood up to hug Tom Cruise: "Tom, you The investment films are selling big, congratulations!"

Tom Cruise patted her on the back lightly, calmly: "Unexpected success."

The production cost of this film is 6 million U.S. dollars, and the opening day in North America alone received 13.6 million U.S. dollars. What about overseas regions? Can the investment be recovered on the first day?

Ronan is really amazing!

He picked up his cell phone and dialed Ronan's phone. This guy has been busy with work lately and should not have a female companion to do sports.

Penelope Cruz heard what Tom Cruise said on the phone that the production cost was $6 million, and his face suddenly became hot.

A film that cost 6 million US dollars to produce, got 13.6 million US dollars in the box office on the first day it was released. Isn’t that an exaggeration?

What will the final box office be? Is the production cost ten times or more?

Penelope Cruz finally understood why Tom Cruise valued a mere US$1.5 million investment.

On Saturday morning, when Ronan had just arrived at the office, Assistant Connie put the first-hand information of "Human Removal Project 2" compiled from various aspects on his desk.

With a box office of 13.6 million US dollars on the first day of the show, it was no surprise that it overwhelmed all the films screened in the same period and won the single-day box office championship.

Moreover, "Human Removal Project 2" has a very big advantage. The second-ranked "Return to Glory" has a box office of only 3.85 million US dollars on its opening day.

Ronan knows very well that, if nothing else, the box office of "Return to Glory" over the weekend will not reach 13.6 million US dollars. "Human Elimination Project 2" has already locked the box office champion this week in advance.

Like this typical commercial movie, if the box office is outstanding, then the number of movie theaters will increase or remain unchanged, but if the box office is not good, then some movie theaters may reduce the number of movies, so the box office Less.

The most test of the first week's box office is the film's pre-marketing and public opinion popularity.

Like a sequel movie, the influence of the previous movie can also continue.

According to the first-line market data obtained by the research company hired by Ronan, a live sample survey in the theater showed that among the audience who went to watch "Human Removal Project 2" yesterday, nearly 75% had watched the first film. The proportion of male viewers is as high as 67%, and the proportion of viewers under the age of 25 is 59%.

In other words, the promotion of "Human Removal Project 2" has played a role, and young men under the age of 25 constitute the main audience group of this film.

The commercial power of the sequel movie is also evident.

In another statistics, there are also word-of-mouth statistics after the first day of the film.

The website of Rotten Tomatoes currently collects the film reviews of 37 professional film critics, of which nearly half are bad reviews. Even if they are good reviews, the critics do not score high. The freshness of "Human Removal Project 2" is inevitably marked as rotten, only Fifty-eight percent, film critics rated an average of 5.4 points.

Compared with professional film critics who always treat commercial films with harsh eyes, ordinary audiences judge films based on their most intuitive likes. On the IMDB website, more than 1,500 users have rated them, with an average score of 7.2.

In addition, MetaCritic included 35 media reviews, with an average media score of 6.3.

Most media gave praise.

""Human Removal Project 2" effectively and fully exploited the settings in the first part, and brought us more heartfelt excitement than the first."

-"The Hollywood Reporter"

"Director James Huang doubled, and sometimes tripled, emphasized the dominant theme of social power in the story through "Human Elimination Project 2," and the violent and transparent ideas of these ideas can resonate."

--"New York Times"

"The main creators of the film try to give the action thriller the importance of the plot, although it makes us addicted to violence. But the film still uses high-strength weapons, armored vehicles, vigilantes, and marauders with clown masks. We are alert to violence and the cruelty of government organizations."

-"Los Angeles Times"

In a country full of violence like the United States, anti-violent themes like the "Human Removal Project" seem to be very popular.

As for film critics, many commercial films can ignore them.

After looking at the statistics, Ronan called the Embassy Pictures and asked the Embassy Pictures to continue to promote the promotion, and according to the plan, one after another the remaining $2 million in the promotion budget was used where it should be used.

This film, there is no suspense in North America, it is bound to be a success.

Ronan is more concerned about overseas markets. What will happen overseas?

Near noon, data from overseas markets came back. As a foreign film, "Human Removal Project 2" was not the largest movie released in many countries and regions. Some countries will also push their own horror during the Halloween period. sheet.

The United Kingdom, Germany, Brazil, Mexico, Australia and other places have faxed relevant information. According to the statistics of their own sample surveys by local offices, the attendance rate of the "Human Eradication Project 2" is generally good, but the specific box office data is late It will take a few days to count.

Hollywood movies in overseas markets, of course, cannot be as convenient as in North America.

And North America is the largest and most mature film market in the world, from law to system to commercialization.

On Saturday, "Human Removal Project 2" remained an independent theater in North America, and received another 14.2 million US dollars that day, making it the biggest winner of the Halloween schedule without any suspense.

Ronan's road to serialized films has also taken solid steps.

Looking at the world film industry today, the sequel to the big-selling film is undoubtedly the commercial film with the least risk.

"Ronan, "Reaper is Coming 2" will be on the agenda as soon as possible."

George Clint, who has just returned from Europe, is very concerned about the progress of serialized films: "Sequel films are too easy to succeed compared to original films."

Ronan was calm, and said, "I'm already looking for a suitable director."

James Huang signed a contract with Sony Entertainment's Revolutionary Film Studio. It is impossible for him to return in the short term. Ronan would not wait for him. Without James Huang, he would always find other suitable directors.

"Don't worry." Ronan said again: "We have plenty of time."

George-Kling said, "I think, "Reaper is coming 2" should be given priority, like "Underworld" should be temporarily pushed back."

Ronan smiled: "George, how did we make a sequel without a successful first?"

"That's right." George Clint has been too busy recently and said, "I have been so busy these past two days."

Ronan asked, "What happened to "The Bourne"?

George Clint replied: "Paul Greengrass has moved into post-production and is undergoing preliminary shots. You can rest assured that it will be completed as planned."

Ronan thought for a while and said, "You take the time to contact Roland Emmerich's assistant Ron Wiseman and see if he wants to direct the movie alone."

George Clint took note of the incident: "Well, I will contact him as soon as possible."

Before long, George Clint left. Connie entered the office and sent Ronan's schedule for this period of time to let Ronan make the final decision.

The filming of "Fatal Bend" has started, Ronan must go to Louisiana to see the situation. "Twilight: Twilight" was officially published in November due to several revisions. Random House also needs to talk to him. Here's the follow-up matters.

"Underworld" is also preparing to start preparations...

In addition, Robert Lee's negotiations in New York were not very smooth, and the other party wanted to meet Ronan in person.

This matter is related to future plans. Ronan must go to New York next month.

Now that the stock market has plummeted, causing an economic crisis, and many companies are in trouble, it is the best time.

It will be ten times more difficult for these companies to slow down and get some film rights in their hands.

Ronan is also looking forward to this trip to New York.

He thought for a while, personally made a call to the Indian Mountain Foundation, and communicated with Roshan's uncle and nephew that "Underworld" needs an investor.

Uncle Rothkhan will come to Los Angeles some time later to discuss reinvestment.

There are also offline channels, and Netflix's information is constantly being passed on. The collapse of Internet stocks has made Netflix more and more dismal, but it has not yet reached the point of exhaustion.

According to Ronan's first-hand information, you can wait.

The weekend before Halloween in 2000, the movie market belonged to the "Human Elimination Project 2", but compared with previous years, the market dominated the situation, also indicates that this is the most deserted Thanksgiving holiday schedule in the movie market in recent years.

A movie, despite the bleak screening of other films, is thriving, and it always attracts the attention of many people.

On Monday morning, in Glendale, Los Angeles, Steven Spielberg specially appointed Jeff Katzenberg to his office.

The Big Three of DreamWorks has split, but the general direction and the big interests are always the same.

Unfortunately, David Geffen has decided to fade out of DreamWorks, and the Big Three has gradually become the situation of the Big Two.

"Have you seen the box office statistics last weekend?" Spielberg Katzenberg shook his head: "Before I can see it, I came to you at work. He asked: "I remember that DreamWorks had a live-action movie premiered last weekend, right?"

Spielberg pushed down the round glasses and said, "Yes. "Return to Glory" starring Matt Damon and Will Smith."

Upon hearing these two names, Katzenberg asked for granted: "Have you won the box office champion?"

"No." Spielberg's old face is not very good-looking: "I didn't win the box office championship, just the second place in the box office."

At this stage, Katzenberg has been staying in the DreamWorks Animation Studios to study the latest computer animation technology. He has not paid much attention to the situation outside DreamWorks, and can’t help asking: “Not all low-cost horror movies are released during Halloween. Isn’t the film starring Matt Damon and Will Smith losing to those B-level horror movies?"

Spielberg had no light on his face and could only say: "I really lost to a low-cost horror movie."

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