The Best Director

Chapter 494: Open the curtain

November 25th is Thanksgiving Day, and one month later Christmas, the joyous holiday has caused problems for the crew of "I am Legend", because the streets will soon be hung with Christmas decorations, lights, Christmas trees, garlands, etc., dark hunters can But Christmas.

It stands to reason that the crew should take the time to finish all the location tasks. The problem is that everyone needs to take a holiday during the holiday. No one hopes that the "plane, train and car" will be released in real time; and Wang Yang will have to rush to complete the "Dead". Shed, so the crew had to continue to the normal rhythm. Fortunately, the location of "I am Legend" has already been filmed almost. It is expected that the street shots will be completed before Christmas decorations can be seen everywhere. Otherwise, people have to wait for the Christmas and New Year. Then you can spend a lot of time to clear the decoration and then shoot. [.]

Do not let people and businesses hang decorations? Santa Claus can only get the middle finger. Because of the blockade of shooting, New York ’s public complaints are growing, especially the residents of Greenwich Village, the main location, if "I am a Legend" is not expected to be announced. In mid-January next year, they will march and demonstrate.

On the first Thanksgiving in life, Ke Ke and her family gathered for the holiday. She was naturally the most shining little princess in the audience, but she did not wear a princess laurel headdress, but an Indiana-style colorful feather crown.

Ke Ke saw the turkey feast for the first time. Although her main staple food is milk powder, vegetables and other special dishes for babies, she also ate several pieces of turkey meat. Everyone was very happy. With a child sitting at the dining table with a flick of feet, Wang Yang cut the plump turkey and felt particularly sensational. He couldn't help but look forward to the Christmas, New Year and Spring Festival coming soon. Many festivals are good! And Jessica, who hosted this turkey feast after a while, watched them eat happily, listened to the praise, and rubbed the greasy mouth of Ke Ke, she felt particularly fulfilled!

"We filmed in a real morgue, that feeling was too weird." The overall evaluation was warm and happy. In fact, it was full of yelling at the time, and Joshua was talking about the production of "Undead" on the dining table. Happening. He also happily told what the real morgue was, but Ke Ke couldn't understand it anyway. Jessica said coldly: "I feel very strange now." She is not interested, but not now! Wang Yang nodded at the same time, "This is a good publicity stunt."

Several elders also found it boring and nobody talked. "Don't talk about work!" Jessica was about to continue to talk about Ke Ke's anecdote, Joshua calmly said: "This is not work. This is sharing." Wang Yangzheng was about to say, Jessica glared at him and continued to cry. : "It's not a good topic." She suddenly shouted again! I saw Ke Ke feeding a green vegetable to Danny, and her small face was full of sweet smiles. When she heard her mother's voice, she quickly replaced the rest Stuck it in his mouth. ...

When November 24-30 passed, the next week's "Happy Bigfoot" won the box office with a total of 41.73 million. It was a small upset, it was completely caused by the 75 million-cost new film "Time and Space Trail" starring Denzel Washington, it was only 55% fresh, and this week's box office was 24.98 million; as for others like Fox "Shiny Christmas", Warner's "Treasure Source", and the new line of "Stubborn d: Fateful Pick" have no good performance.

Warner Bros. has already messed up two businesses in Darren-Aronofsky. "Treasure Source" does not sell seats (pd35 million, 9 days 6.45 million box office), but only 51%

26% rotten tomato freshness, a criticism of the mainstream media cut off its hope of impacting the award season. Although Darren had previously received a nomination for the Golden Lion Award at the Venice Film Festival.

It's also the end of the year, and like the summer vacation, the December film market is not as full of attention and topics as last year. There is no "Narnia Legend", "Harry"

O special "," King Kong "like special effects blockbuster, there is no controversial film like" Broken Mountain ".

"The Birth of Christ" (pd35 million), released on December 1, has the opportunity to become the focus of controversy. This week's new film also has "Fatal Magic" with a production cost of 40 million, "Nightmare in the Jungle" of 10 million, and "King of Repetition" 2 "; on the 8th, the action adventure film" Revelation "(pd 40 million) directed by Mel Gibson, the romantic comedy" Love Holiday "(pd 85 million) directed by Nancy Meyers, Martin Scorsese The directed "Blood Diamond" will appear.

The fantasy movie "Dragon Knight" with a cost of 100 million yuan can be regarded as the special effect blockbuster for Christmas today. It will be released on the 15th; the 85 million-cost remake of the family comedy "Charlotte's Web" has been pinned by Pella méng, and the performance of the cute pig will not be announced until the 15th.

This year has the same characteristics as last year, so the theater owners are very at ease and do n’t worry about the desertion of the cinema, because there is a magical Yang! And two! On the week of 15-21. The long-awaited biographical feature film "Director of Magic" (pd50 million) directed by David Finch will be released on the 20th! When the trailer was well received and the pre-sale tickets were very popular, no one doubted whether it could sell a seat, no one doubted the popularity of idol directors, what everyone guessed was just the box office?

On the 22nd of the new week, Wang Yang directed the new work "The Dead" to the big screen! Everyone knows what that means. In this day and age, every magical movie is a festival of carnival.

Since everyone is aiming for Christmas these days, there will always be a head-on collision, and the "Dead" is not a comedy, so the 120 million-cost family adventure comedy "Museum Wonderful Night" is definitely on the 22nd, in addition to Stallone's "Rocky 6: The Forever Fighter" (20th, pd 24 million), "We Are Marshall", and the thriller drama "Shepherd" directed by Robert De Niro (22th, pd 85 million).

If there is any opponent in Infernal Affairs, the most suitable one is Universal Agent's "Special Agent" (the-d-shephe)

d, literal translation of Shepherd), the two films are definitely in conflict!

"Shepherd" put the story of Edward Wilson, one of the founders of the Central Intelligence Agency, on the screen, trying to present a true, three-dimensional hero to the audience. This is the second film of De Niro's career. The last "Bronx Story" was released on October 1, 1993. At that time, it received 17.28 million box office, and now the rotten tomato index is 96%



80 points on the net, and the main characters of "Shepherd" are Madam-te méng and Angelina-Julie, these two big names make its card is not low, plus the global promotion of it is strong, how will this be A battle?

When it comes to the week of the New Year from December 29 to January 4, but there is no new film worth mentioning, the r-level horror film "Desperate Christmas Eve" on Christmas Day 25 is not optimistic; Alfonso- Although the production cost of Karon ’s new sci-fi "Son of Man" is as high as 76 million, due to its poor performance in overseas markets, it has been released on September 22 and has only had 26.85 million box office. Returning to North America, Universal dare to arrange it In the first week, 16 theaters started to play famous halls.

In fact, the overseas evaluation of "The Son of Man" is very good. The media movies are all clapping and crying, why is the box office so miserable? This is the disadvantage of not having a cast, although Alfonso-Karon is "Harry

O special 3 "director, but who knows who is the director of" Ha 1 "," Ha 2 "," Ha 4 "? Not to mention that "Ha3" is the bottom of the box office in the series, it is better to call him "the director of" The Lost Paradise "; starring Cliff Owen, Julian Moore, Michael Kane ... they 'S acting is great, but which of the three old guys has box office appeal?

You should know that the sci-fi blockbuster of "The Son of Man" is different from the small film like "Little Sunshine". The audience's impression on it is completely different; what is more fatal is that Universal has made a faint move. When counterattacking North America again, I did not expect that overseas did not make a fortune, and North America was also delayed.

However, this winter will still be brilliant, and there will be no shortage of big stars, only the actors: Hugh Jackman, Christopher Bell, Jude Law, Jack Black, Leonardo DiCaprio, Heath Ledger, Michael Pitt, Jack Nicholson, Ben Stiller, Sylvester Stallone, Matt Dameng, Scarlett Johansson, Cameron Diaz , Kate Winslet, Julia Roberts, Dakota Fanning, Keira Knightley, Natalie

o Terman, Angelina-Julie ...

Who will smile at the box office rankings and major awards ceremony? The Christmas War of 2006 is starting slowly.

The low-cost "Magic" performed quite impressively and became a great example of the movie; now the mid-cost "Fatal Magic" has landed in 2879 North American theaters.

"Sucking up" the shortage of Bowei's distribution, Wang Yang solemnly told the distribution department to highlight the magic selling point of "Fatal Magic ~ ~ literally translated as fame", "the-st" The success of the division) is inseparable from the title of the film. If it is not adapted from the fantasy masterpiece of the same name, Flame will definitely put the-p

ge changed; but in other respects, regardless of the poster cover or trailer, the flames focus on the promotion of magic and unique timing atmosphere, of course, did not forget the biggest point of shouting "suspense" loudly.

The content and narrative structure of "Fatal Magic" are destined to be not mainstream popular movies. The key to wanting a good box office is how to tap its potential to the extreme and attract the same audience who are interested in it to the maximum extent, just like The release of "Memory Fragment" and "Magic" is the same.

What kind of performance will this movie have? What kind of results will Christopher Nolan, the director of "The Dark Knight" scheduled by Wang Yang, repeatedly receive? Can Scarlett Johansson, who just suffered the fiasco of "Black Dahlia", stage a major performance reversal in 2006? Can Flame Movie continue to maintain the unbeaten super miracle at the box office? Warner Brothers and other filmmakers, media, film, parties ... everyone is paying attention.

On this day, audiences who love suspense films poured into the theater, and "Deadly Magic" was released! ! .

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