The Best Director

Chapter 476: The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility

"No, this is ridiculous!"

Under the dark lights of Brooklyn, New York, a loud rage sounded in the spacious living room. Looking at the angry Michelle, Heath was a little annoyed. I did n’t expect her reaction to be so great. He spread his hands: "What is it? Ridiculous? You understand what it means to enter the corner, I just want to do this thing! "Michelle still expressionless, opposed:" I am not referring to your method, it is the thing itself ... "

"This is work, this is serious business!" Heath interrupted her loudly, why she didn't understand! He grabbed his hair and walked a few steps, glancing at Matilda sitting in the baby chair over there. His blank face was still so cute, and it made people feel sweet. Heath lowered his emotions and said softly: "Michelle, I must do that, I must! This horn" color ", this horn" color ", I have lived for so many years, I waited for him, you understand His? His pain, his heart ... Everything is too "fascinating"! I can't stop thinking. "He looked up at Michelle:" Do you understand what I mean? "[.. | m | ]

"Let's come, Heath! You will say this every time." Michelle tried to control her emotions, exhaled, and said softly: "I am worried about your mental state."

Heath grunted humorously: "I have no problem with my mental state!" Michelton sneered in response: "No problem? Is it really okay to take the sleeping" medicine "every day? Or now? If you enter the 'than Li ', how do you fall asleep Mr. Ledger? Increase the amount of "medicine"? It's time for us to solve it! "Heath waved his hands impatiently:" Don't come to that set! I'm fine ... these don't need you tube."

"I'm your fiancee !!" Michelle was gasped by him, and tears almost burst out, every time he quarreled, he was like this. It was really uncomfortable to be "sexual", brutal, and childish! Heath closed his mouth and didn't speak, and Michelle stared at him silently for a few seconds. He suddenly walked to the coffee table and picked up his phone. He selected a contact and called him. Looking at her fierce light, Heath couldn't help but break the silence and asked, "Who do you call?"

Who do you call? Michelle is still silent.

"I'm not there", which was originally filmed in July, invited two people to star in. Ledger refused because of "Dead", so Michelf sang "Women" to refuse, and turned to compete for the role of "Dead" psychologist, can work together You can look after him again, of course she lost in the end. At this time, Michelle was really angry and wanted to scold the man. Does he know Heath's mental condition? He also stuffed "Chen Yongren" with him, and stuffed him with "clown". Isn't it clear that he already depends on "medicine"? If Heath is crazy and the family is over, she ...

"La La La La La!" Los Angeles at night, laughter in the elegant living room, Wang Yang and Ke Ke sat cross-legged on the sofa face to face, as soon as he laughed, Ke Ke smiled and waved his hands. , Shouting clearly: "Dada Da Da Da Da Da-" As soon as he stopped, Ke Ke also stopped quietly, slightly opened his small mouth, staring at him with clear eyes. Wang Yang applauded, Ke Ke laughed again, he couldn't help but laugh, Xiao Tianxin laughed louder, he smiled and said: "Look at her, how clever and cute!" Holding a dv machine on the sofa shooting Jessica nodded and smiled, "Yeah!"

Both voices exuded a sense of pride and love, Ke Ke is their greatest treasure.

Keeping the growth path of the baby is naturally extremely important, especially for people who are addicted to the director. In addition to the usual photography, they have already started shooting Ke Ke at the same background and positive angle every once in a while. Do a quick after a long time The clipped growth record image, from birth to 18 years old, how interesting it should be! But this is a super long process, the film's circumference is 18 years.


-e, thats-d-ugh-

-me, c-is-

-e, thats-d-ugh-

-me, c-is-

-e, thats-d-ugh-

-me, oh! e, e, e-sta

ts-th-c ... "

The phone on the coffee table rang suddenly, and after hearing the song "Sesame Street", Ke Ke burst into laughter with a bang, since Wang Yang set the ringtone to "c-is-"

After "e", she didn't expect great popularity. Every time someone called, she would be amused by the sweet cookie! Looking at the smiling face of the little sweetheart's angel, Wang Yang deliberately made the phone ring for a while and sang together with a thick throat: "e, e, e-sta

ts-th-c! "Jessica" Lo "who continued to film smiled and said:" Will the first word the baby learns is a cookie? " "

"Cookies-!!!" Wang Yang smiled and picked up the phone. It seemed that the electric man was Michelle Williams. It was a little rare. He turned it on and laughed in a sweet cookie tone: "Hey , Michelle! "Along with Ke Ke's crisp laughter, he heard a scream from his cell phone:" Wang Yang, do you want Heath Ledger to die? "Wang Yang froze:" Uh ...? "Michelle continued to scold without pause:" Aren't you his mentor ?! You won't persuade him, how can you treat your family better !? "

"Michelle, Michelle !!" Hearing her shouting "Wang Yang", Heath shouted immediately, and rushed anxiously and surprisedly: "Don't, what are you crazy about!" Increasingly fierce, Matilda finally narrowed her mouth and started crying: "Woo wow wow wow wow—"

Michelle didn't want to do anything. Her emotional out-of-control behavior was just that. Heath easily grabbed the phone. She shook her head and said, "I don't know, I can't convince you, but I can't watch you go bad all the way." ... "

! Heath pinched his forehead almost syncope. What's wrong with Magic Yang? How grateful he is for the opportunity to appear in "The Dead", and thanks for Yang's trust and attention, it is really embarrassing now! Not knowing what to say, Heath smirked: "Haha, Jan! Sorry, Michelle is a little crazy, no, she's kidding." Michelle shouted "He's crazy--!" And walked to Marty Hilda, Sistanran laughed: "We quarreled, I'm sorry to bother you ... I'll call you again later."

"Hess, everything is easy! Remember, she loves you." Wang Yang reconciled a few words. It was not the first time that someone's love and marriage problems caused him to quarrel. He knows how to deal with it. Hess is a lot calmer After saying "I understand", he ended the call and shrugged at Jessica who had stopped shooting.

Jessica's eyes widened slightly in confusion, and she sat down on the sofa and asked, "What's wrong?" Wang Yang also scratched his head: "Hess and Michelle quarreled, she called me, and I dominated. Her fiance. "Jessica responded:" Oh, dru. "Ke Ke looked at the two of them aloud, and Wang Yang told them something. He already guessed the approximate reason and continued:" It should be It was Heath who had to lock himself up for a month in order to get into the drama better. He told me. "

"I understand." After hearing the retreat for a month, Jessica suddenly looked down. "I understand Michelle's mind. A month is actually not very long, but ... Is there no other way? Every time in the future? It ’s all like this? Is this an attitude, can I leave my family aside for work? ”Ke Ke continued. With a voice, Wang Yang stroked the little angel ’s head:“ I wo n’t do that. ”

Jessica rested her chin on her back with her fingers and looked down, like a thinker sculpture, she thought: "If you need to do that ... I still support you, because I know how much you love family We, but I ca n’t, I mean, if you ca n’t take care of your family, it does n’t make sense to succeed in your personal career! ”In her mind, the first one will always be this family.

"Well, yes ..." Wang Yang nodded and couldn't help pushing the archangel's head.

What is the force that supports his non-stop action? What is there now? Is it just enthusiasm? He knew it was not, it was her power! She put all her thoughts on the family. She did the family things he wanted to do, not to be missed, not to be missed, but did not have so much time to do, so that he could work hard out wholeheartedly, then return home, always see She can always enjoy her tenderness, her heart, and the love of this family, completely relaxed, just like a rechargeable battery, her energy is given to him, she sacrificed a lot for him.

So he didn't shut down. He knew that shutting down would stop him. He needs to see their smiling faces and hear their laughter every day, and then he will be full of energy the next day! Wang Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will talk to Heath."

"Ok." Jessica ended the sculpture posture, turned to hug Ke Ke, got up and walked, and whispered to her softly: "It's time to sleep! The baby must have enough sleep time to grow up quickly ..." Ke Ke blinked his eyes wide and waved yells, seeming to be calling Wang Yang, and he stood up with a smile.

The night comes in the past and the day comes, and then the night comes and the sun rises. This cycle goes back and forth, the time passes day by day, and the calendar gradually turns to May, which opens in early summer.

In the meantime, the new film "Scream 4" from Dimen Pictures won the North American Weekly Box Office Championship on April 14-20. The production cost of this "spoof masterpiece" was as high as 45 million, and the box office received a good 50.66 million in the first week. , Rotten Tomatoes Index 37%


65%. As a comedy that specifically targets popular movies, "King Kong", "World War", "Curse", "Spiritual Village", "The Chainsaw", "Broken Arm Mountain", "Million Dollar Baby" , "Fahrenheit 911" and other films have not escaped the fate of being spoofed, it will naturally not miss that phenomenon-level movie.

"Firefly" was spoofed wildly. In addition to the plot, the most classic paragraphs are to imitate Captain Marr and Jenny to open the box, which is really an inflatable doll; imitate the blue gloves to smash the children's toys, just to Bad taste; imitating the captain of the whirlwind jumped down handsomely on the spaceship, and fell to death ...

A total of 3 films were fired in Flame Movies, but no one cared about anything, they all laughed. Besides, even if it ’s anger, three years ago, “Scream 3” made a joke about sarcastic Michael Jackson ’s obscene boy. Jackson was furious about it and threatened to bring the issuing company to court, but the matter was finally over. After all, "Screams 3" has more than 200 million box offices worldwide, and "Screams 4" is still released.

"A legal suit is not as simple as a-b-c. There are many licenses for poorly imitating comedy and comedy. If a film is made just to make everyone laugh, you can relax the restrictions, and in this way, Will not be considered as a defamatory act. "

At that time, professional lawyers in the media industry said this, so Tom Cruise's "jumping the sofa" was reproduced in the new work. Some of the spoof videos of Wang Yang on utube were also spoofed twice, and even he was almost murdered by the ceiling of the aircraft. All of the unconscious "fans" were messed up.

However, the "Blood Case Caused by a Steamed Bun" that was so popular in China at the beginning of the previous year was not flat. At that time, some movie fans who supported Hu Ge could take out hundreds of "Firefly" spoof trailers ...

In the same week of April 14-20, Disney's 80 million production cost new work "Savage Mission" suffered a fiasco, only 13.9 million at the opening week box office, 19%


53% rotten tomato value. Next, "Silent Hill" won the championship of April 21-27 with 24.93 million. However, compared with its production cost of 50 million, this is definitely not a good result, especially the value of rotten tomatoes is 29%.



Which of the cartoons and horror movies in April was the big winner? Normal people know that the answer is Flame's "Ice Age 3" and Lion Gate's "Ghost Record 4".

"Ia3" continues the strong footsteps of the big box office. It has been 177.4 million North American box offices 4 weeks after its release. It is still more powerful in overseas markets as usual, with a 49.49 million U.S. dollar in 4 weeks and 675.5 million global box office! No one can stop crazy prehistoric animals! Waving the banner with the word "magic" but no "yang", "Ghost Record 4" received a total of 92 million North America

With a total of 171 million worldwide box office, all the senior members of Lions Gate smiled and saw nothing.

On the 28th is Jessica ’s 25th birthday. Wang Yang, Joshua and others celebrated her well after her mother ’s first birthday. Naturally, it was joyful and unforgettable. Jessica made a pious wish : "Ke Ke grew up healthy and happy, the family is happy every day, Yang's work is smooth, continue to make good movies." Ke Ke ate the first birthday cake in life, probably because of the sweet and delicious reason, she ate Laugh non-stop.

The starring lineup of "Dead" really came out at the end of April. With the flame movie announcing that Kevin Spassi joined "Dead" in "Kunnan (Police Officer Huang)", the final starring star was settled.

Despite the dissatisfaction of the fans of the Chinese-language film "Fan", this starring line-up is already a trivial matter, two Oralska Scarlett (Nicholson 2

8 times actor, 1

4 supporting actors; Spacy 1

1 time actor, 1

1 supporting actor), one nominated by Ying Ying (Lei Jie 0

1 time actor, 0

1 supporting actor), plus two post-nominees for Aurangska, the weakest link really looks like Michael Pete, the pressure on his shoulders can be imagined.

The two-time Orpheus Best Director, Magic Baby, took charge of the microphone and led this group of people to attack Orpheus. This time it is not a science fiction movie, not a small freshness, not a knock on happiness, but an r-class crime police movie! Why not let fans of the movie "fans" like Evelyn look forward to and disturbed? Think of "Ghost Record" and "District 9".

Of course no one will forget that Miracle Young will also lead another group of people, including Orpheus Kadyndi Will-Smith, while shooting the sci-fi horror masterpiece "I Am Legend".

After Wang Yang ’s mediation and persuasion, Heath Ledger still had to retreat for a month to better enter the role, but Michelle Williams changed his attitude and expressed support for him with understanding. This is because the fake priest asked them to sit down calmly and openly to talk about their ideas. They are getting married. They are also like high school students. If they feel unnatural, they use games, such as playing rock scissors, lizard Spock, and the winner asks. Questions, losers answer what they say ...

I don't know if Heath and Michelle have played. Anyway, they told Wang Yang that they had a lot of talks.

Heath needs to write about the shaping of "Billy" in his mysterious notepad. When the filming takes place, he will remember a lot of emotions brewing during the retreat, and quickly enter the corner. ”, He promised to take her and Matilda to Disneyland to play the first thing after going out of the customs, to rest for a few days before continuing the preparation work, visiting the arranged prisoners of gangsters, the real police undercover ...

In fact, Michelle is not willing to separate for a month, and it is not the first time that the two places have been separated for a long time. She does not want his "drug" dependence to continue or even increase. This problem must be solved!

If you can get rid of the "medicine" and fall asleep peacefully ~ ~ Why is Sisi unwilling? But he really didn't know what to do. It was useless to see a psychiatrist, useless to travel and vacation, and useless to get married.

This really depends on the medicine! Patients often have a "sex" defect, the so-called addictive "sex" personality: weak will, indecision, sentimentality, like dependence on others, emotional impulsivity, poor self-control ability, easy anxiety and tension, etc. Heath has a lot of . Although Wang Yang misses him well, others can't help much with this issue, and it is entirely up to his own will. At this stage, he can only give some suggestions and make psychological enlightenments when he has time.

The fake psychologist said that Heath needs to be more lively in life, and is really lively from the heart. Try to make fun of it, take some spoof videos to utube, and go to "snl". Wang Yang joked: "Take it easy! Even if he is really crazy, we also have a real psychologist on the set. Except that he cannot prescribe" medicine "to him, Michelle, isn't that what you want?"

On the phone, Heath laughed happily, but Michelle was not very cold about his humor, and only hummed.

On May 2nd, the 32nd Saturn Awards Ceremony was held at the Hilton Hotel at Universal Studios Los Angeles. Last year's hot science fiction movie gathered together, 11 nominations for "Firefly", 10 nominations for "Star Wars Episode 3" , 7 nominations of "World War" ...

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